Giver Of Life

Sermon On
Pentecost Sunday 2014
The Father is the Unbegotten, the Son is the Only-begotten, and the Holy Ghost is the unifying and personal Love which unites both the Father and the Son.  The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Unction, the Finger of the Right Hand of God, and the Giver of Life.  Today is the birthday of the Church and we see all of Christianity spring from the graces the Holy Ghost gives to the Church.  There is one Faith and there is one Lord.

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The Victory of Our Faith

Sermon From
Low Sunday 2014
Our Lord has truly risen, and we are here to celebrate that event.  “This is the victory that overcomes the world – our faith.”  This is the victory that leads us to Heaven.  The Blessed Mother was the first person that Our Lord visited after His Resurrection.  We know this not because the Bible mentions it directly but because it tells us by omission.  She was not among the women visiting the tomb, because she already knew her Son had risen. We are small and insignificant, but because of the faith we will be victorious.

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You Will Wake in Heaven

Sermon From The
Easter Vigil 2014
There are many reasons for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but one of the most important was that He might release to us all the benefits He won on the Cross.  This is why, even in His glorified Body, He keeps the wounds of His Passion.  Heaven is available to all and we were created to enjoy it.  As St. Augustine says, “You made us for Yourself.”  Although the Vigil begins in complete darkness, we are soon shown the Light of Christ which guides us on our way.  By His grace our lives are touched, and we are brought to our final reward.

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The Angelic Doctor

Conference About St. Thomas Aquinas
1st Friday, March 2014
St. Thomas Aquinas belies the statement of atheists who claim that all religious people are ignorant.  Although St. Thomas offered astounding insights in philosophy, it was his prayer that helped him penetrate truth so profoundly.  His method for explaining the doctrines of the Faith has been admired even by the enemies of the Church.  The liturgy of Corpus Christi, which was written and compiled by him, is considered one of the most beautiful of the entire liturgical year.

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Believe And It Shall Be Done To You

Sermon From
24th Sunday After Pentecost 2013
Father Violette✟
We must first love God, then our neighbor, and then love ourselves according to God’s Will.  The three theological virtues are freely given, not earned.  When we reach heaven, faith and hope will no longer be needed, only charity will remain.  We practice charity, which is true love for neighbor, even when we do not like him – even when he attacks us.  Just as Our Lord saved the Apostles who were in danger on the stormy sea, we should never feel as if we are doomed.  We must tell God how deeply we believe and ask Him to increase our belief.

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A Gift For The Unworthy

Sermon From The
20th Sunday after Pentecost 2013
We must thank God for the invaluable gift of the Holy Catholic Faith.  We are not worthy of this gift.  The smallest increase of Faith is a greater gift than the possession of the whole world.  Reason cannot find Faith, it is a gift directly from God.  If miracles could make us believe, then even Christ’s enemies would have believed in Him.  If we do not appreciate our Faith it will be taken from us.  God made us to pray.  Our friends and enemies depend on us and our prayers.  God gave us the Faith so that we may pray for the salvation of our neighbor.

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St. Francis & St. Thérèse

Conference On
First Friday October 2013
St. Francis is greatly misunderstood in our day but was, in fact, a true son of the Church.  By his words and example, he made innumerable converts.  The Gospel for the Mass of his feast day emphasizes his charity.  He was an utterly selfless man.  The Little Flower, St. Thérèse, despite all the differences between her life and St. Francis’, shared many similarities to him in spirit.  She promised to spend her Heaven doing good on Earth.  Poverty of spirit makes one recognize his nothingness.  We must remember that sometimes God sends us suffering to open our eyes to the truth.

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Surprising Apostle

Sermon From
18th Sunday After Pentecost 2013
This sermon tells the story of Saint Matthew who was unique and unlike any of the other disciples chosen by Our Lord.  However, this sermon includes multiple talks including loyalty and friendship with the example of the friends to the man who was lowered down to Christ in today’s Gospel.  Also, the vice of covetousness is warned against as seen in people of pride and those who have a grasping desire for power and wealth.  We are instructed to pray with faith because our prayers lack faith and this is the cause of the lack of miracles today.  Lastly, we are reminded that repentance for sins is paramount and a clear conscience allows one to pray better.

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Doctrine of Grace

Sermon From
16th Sunday After Pentecost 2013
The Collect for this Mass is short but important because it is praying for grace.  What is grace?  How does it work?  Why does God continue to give us grace?  All these questions and more are answered and explained in this veritable tract on Grace which includes actual, sanctifying and cooperating grace.  This week’s feast of the Holy Name of Mary was the result of thanksgiving for her saving intercession in the battle of Vienna which preserved Christendom.  The account of this inspiring story is given to help appreciate how serious was the crisis and the power of the Blessed Mother.  Finally, today’s Gospel story of the cure of the dropsical man follows upon the recording of Our Lord’s table talk as an invited Guest.  After the miracle Jesus taught how simplicity of soul counters Phariseeism.

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The Sign Of His Love

Sermon From
The Feast Of The Precious Blood 2013
The shedding of Our Lord’s Precious Blood is a sublime and essential truth of our Faith.  Many clergy and laity have easily fallen away because they did not appreciate this and other truths of God.  We fall by degrees and not mortally immediately.  We must maintain our fervor and love in this life because it is more important on earth than knowing much.  We can only love that for which we have suffered.  The history of this feast shows its importance in modern times to overcome the particular dangers that attack Christ and His Mystical Body.  The Blood of the Savior redeemed us and is the everlasting token of how much He loves us.  We are granted to receive this life giving refreshment whenever we receive Holy Communion.

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