The Holy Family Provides

Feast of the Holy Family 2025
The Blessed Mother kept the mysteries of Our Lord’s life in her heart, and we should invoke her help whenever we meditate on those mysteries.  Holy Scripture shows St. Joseph to be the clear head of the Holy Family, not by his words but by his actions.  The event recorded in the Gospel took place when Christ was twelve years old, at the time when He became a “Son of the Law.”  By His words Christ makes it evident to the whole world that He knew He was God at every moment of His life.  St. Paul tells us in his Epistle the virtues of the Holy Family which we must imitate and use in examining our consciences.  The father is the head of the family and must be the example of the virtue of religion.  The mother is the heart of the family, who keeps all the spiritual and material needs of the children in her heart.  God has given us parents to assist us in attaining Heaven, and children are called to submit to their parents in holy obedience.  Nothing bad will ever happen to us but that which our loving Father allows.

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Many Hearts Shall Be Revealed

Sunday within the Octave of Christmas 2024
St. Thomas Becket began as a worldly man in England. He was raised to the position of Lord Chancellor by his good friend King Henry II.  St. Thomas renounced his worldly way when he was made bishop, prioritizing the love of God over the approval of the king.  He maintained his loyalty to God even to the shedding of his own blood.

This day is bittersweet because the prophet Simeon foretold the response of both good and evil souls to the coming of the Messiah. We must remember that Christmas is not over yet. We are meant to spend special time this season with the Divine Infant.

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The Leprosy of Sin

13th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
The undying devotion of even a brute animal towards its master puts us to shame.  How much should we love our Savior and how unwilling should we be to leave His side?  Today we are reminded of our need for God’s help.  The disease of sin that we carry is far worse than that of the lepers in the Gospel.  Their disease did not make them enemies of God as ours does.  We act as if there is nothing wrong with us, despite our sins.  We must never forget what we owe to God, so that we will not remain ungrateful in the face of God’s generosity in our lives.

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God, Help Your Spouse!

Feast of Saints Peter & Paul 2024
This feast is considered so great that, since the earliest days of the church, it was given a vigil for preparation.  Red vestments are used on this day to symbolize not only the blood of these two great martyrs, but more importantly the fire of their love.  They died for everything that true Catholics believe today.  This Epistle reminds us that God is protecting us, even in our darkest moments.  We must respond to the graces of God generously and promptly, following the example of St. Peter.  The conversion of St. Paul demonstrates God’s power to bring good out of evil.  We should be inspired to see how these two great sinners became two of the greatest saints.

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The Compendium of All Religion

Feast of The Sacred Heart 2024
This feast was created relatively recently in the history of the Church, yet it was foreshadowed even in the Old Testament.  As God took the rib from Adam’s side while he slept to form his great love, Eve, so while Christ slept in death on the Cross the Church was brought forth from the wound in His side.  In this Epistle St. Paul speaks in utter amazement about the love of the Sacred Heart.  The essence of religion is found in the love of God the Son for God the Father, and all our prayers find their value when they are united with this love.  Even if we possess all the faith in the world, we will still not be saved if we do not have love.  Anyone who has loved has known the pain of love.  Can we even imagine the pain of Christ’s Heart when He saw how little He would be loved in return?

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Where Are The Martyrs?

Pentecost Sunday 2024
Pentecost is called the birthday of the Catholic Church because, although it was conceived on the Cross, this is the first day the Church manifested herself in the world.  Not only every human being, but all nations and governments are called to convert to Christ.  True Catholics reject the false tenets of religious indifferentism.  The Holy Ghost expresses God’s love for us because He is the Person of Love.  In these days when there is such great cowardice within the Church, we pray for the virtue of fortitude to help us persevere in the face of adversity.  The Holy Ghost will provide us with the strength of the saints and martyrs.

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Lest You Lose Your Way

Confirmation Sunday 2024
The youth of our day are in the greatest need of the sacrament of Confirmation. The Holy Ghost gives an outpouring of strength and a unique participation in the share of Our Lord’s passion and death in this sacrament. In His weakness we receive our strength. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost are made far more active in our souls. It is only with these helps that we may combat the attacks of the devil and his human agents in the world. The youth are the particular victims of these dangers, and it is only with God’s strength that they will stay faithful.

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Milites Christi

Confirmation Saturday 2024
Confirmation marks a new outpouring of the graces of the Holy Ghost.  At Baptism we are able to teach the Faith in our own name, but with Confirmation we are given a new strength and the ability to teach and defend the Faith in the name of the whole Church.  In days of persecution, it was the Confirmed who refused to flee and remained to defend the Faith and suffer for Christ.  Those who are Confirmed are made instruments for the spread of Our Lord’s kingdom on Earth.

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The Bravery of the Saints

Passion Sunday 2024
Saint Patrick stood for the true God against the pagans in Ireland.  He threw down the idols of the druids and established the Catholic Church in what is now known as the Island of Saints.  Saint Cyril of Jerusalem fought against the Arian heresy and was persecuted for it.  His bravery and steadfastness in defending the Faith are examples we must follow.  Saint Benedict saw the corruption in Rome during his time and left to become a hermit.  He started his famous Benedictine Order, which has produced thousands of saints.  If we pray with confidence and humility, we have nothing to fear. We must stand courageously beside the saints in defense of God.

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We Have No King But Christ

Christ The King 2023
Salvation is all that matters.  It is necessary that every person and every government should be Catholic.  Today the Church authorities tell us that we must not make converts.  This is cruelty because charity demands that we help our neighbor.  Christ said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”  When we pray “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” we are asking for the social kingship of Christ.  Christ is the absolute and supreme King.  We must take courage because Christ has overcome the world.

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