The Royal Road of the Cross

Good Friday 2015
This day we put God to death with our sins.  Christ saw all our sins and suffered for each one of them.  He bore the pains which we all deserve for our innumerable crimes.  In this liturgy we acknowledge our sins in all humility and plead for God’s forgiveness.  We do not have the ability to be sorry for our sins without the loving gift of God’s grace.  The unveiling of the cross reminds us that it is not only the Cross of Christ but our own cross, and we all suffer because we are all called to love.  We have the ability to turn all of our pain into love of God.

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May Christ Triumph in Us

Palm Sunday 2015
This is the most important week of the liturgical year, and we are reminded of the necessity of all the sacraments, but especially of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  We begin this week with a look towards the future triumph when we celebrate Our Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem.  We meet Christ now with the palms and in the priest in the procession, and we will meet Him in the future when He leads us into the heavenly Jerusalem.  We must have the disposition that God desires when we received the palms, so we may be victorious over sin. Let us, by our fervor, make up of the sins for our life during this week.

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Our Redemption Has Begun

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015
What beautiful words the angel spoke to the Virgin Mary: “Nothing shall be impossible with God.”  Everything is under God’s power, and He is the Author of all.  We all exist to manifest the goodness of our Creator.  Evil is only permitted to occur so we may be sanctified by it.  This is called the Golden Mass because of its beauty and the many favors that are granted to those who pray fervently on this day.  This is the beginning of our redemption.  In the silent moment after the fiat of the Blessed Mother and the departure of the angel, the Son of God became man.  Christ became a priest at the moment of His conception, because in Him the whole cosmos is united.

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Season of Conversion

Passion Sunday 2015
“The reason that you do not hear is because you are not of God.”  We should pray that these frightening words are never directed towards us.  We must ask ourselves who is more evil, the people in this Gospel who desire to put Christ to death, or all of us, who believe in Christ’s divinity and still continue to sin?  There is still time to hear the voice of God and change the direction of our lives.  This season of the Passion is given to us so we may make a conversion of life.  We must follow the example of the Apostles’ conversion in these final days of Lent.

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The Father of Vocations

Feast of Saint Joseph 2015
When a person is given a vocation, he is always given the divine help necessary to reach his final goal of Heaven.  Even the people who miss their divine calling are given sufficient grace to save their souls.  Many people, especially in our days, lack confidence in God and are too afraid to fulfill their great calling in life.  St. Joseph was called to be the spouse of the Mother of God and the earthly representative of God the Father.  This was a vocation which was truly beyond human ability to fulfill.  The only doubts St. Joseph entertained were doubts about his own judgment.  He recognized his poverty in every way, but was filled with confidence in God.  Like the priest, St. Joseph had custody over the Body of the Son of God and was willing to lay down his life to protect Him.  The patron of all our needs is St. Joseph.

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The Language of Lent

Laetare Sunday 2015
Penance has a variety of meanings.  It refers to the infused virtue that inclines a person to hate his faults, the sacrament of penance, and the works we perform to make up for our sins.  Mortification refers to works which put to death evil inclinations.  Propitiation is an act by which someone who has been offended is now appeased.  The Mass and our prayers are great works of propitiation.  When we make satisfaction, we punish ourselves for our sins.  Our sufferings may be offered to God as a form of satisfaction.  Atonement refers to the union with God which is achieved when our sins are expiated or wiped away.  This is the Sunday of the Golden Rose, on which the pope would take a golden rose and give it to a privileged monarch, who was favored by the pope.  The rose is seen as a foretaste of the happiness of Heaven.

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Lessons on Love and Suffering

First Friday Conference – March 2015
We know the story of Saints Perpetua and Felicity from their firsthand account.  During one of the general persecutions of the Church, these two heroic, young women gave their lives for Christ.

It is important to understand the meaning of a “type” and how God uses types or prophecies to foreshadow things to come.  We see one of the most vivid types of Christ in the patriarch Joseph.  Just as Joseph was the favorite son of his father and the envy of his brothers led to their murderous desires, so too was Our Lord, the only Son of God, put to death out of envy.  Joseph became the savior of his family by offering them life-giving bread during famine, as Christ redeemed the world and gives to us the Holy Eucharist.

Catholics should not be troubled by temptations, or confuse them with sins, but view them as opportunities for merit.  Even those trials from the devil may be turned to acts of love for God.


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No Fear of the World

2nd Sunday in Lent 2015
There are Catholics who are giving their lives for the Faith in our own day.  What a powerful lesson that should encourage us to stand courageously with Christ in our own lives.  St. Thomas Aquinas is an excellent example for us of humility, obedience, and the need for spiritual reading.  Spiritual reading lays the foundation for mental prayer.  In the Epistle for today, St. Paul warns us about sins of the flesh and the need to preserve our bodies as the dwelling place of the Blessed Trinity.  We should have a holy fear of God and His law, but never fear of the world.

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Lent Restores Peace

Ash Wednesday 2015
Not one word is said about punishment or damnation in the readings for this Mass, and that should give a hint to Catholics about the true spirit of this season.  There is no such thing as a private sin.  Not only are all our sins known to the heavenly court, but the whole universe is affected by them.  In the early years of the Church, public penitents were driven out of the churches, just as Adam was driven from Paradise after his sin.  This is a time of holiness, mercy, hope, and pardon, not condemnation and gloom.  We must begin Lent as we should examine our conscience, by looking at Our Lord and comparing ourselves with Him.  During Lent Christ pleads with us not to leave Him alone, so we may be united with Him forever.

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The Hymn of Charity

Quinquagesima Sunday 2015
We are judged primarily by love.  This Epistle for today tells us that charity removes anger and evil thoughts.  Although anger can be justified and good, it can also be inordinate and sinful.  We must be patient with others, but especially with ourselves.  When they fall, those who are full of pride become impatient with themselves.  The humble thank God even for allowing them to fall to teach them how dependent they are.  We should petition God for our needs with all patience, knowing that God will answer our prayers in His own good time.  We must have a constant resolution to reject our sins and even our imperfections.

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