The Everlasting Effect of Christmas

Sermon on The Feast of
Christmas 2014
On this day the Son of God, after taking to Himself a human nature, entered the world.  The Virginal Birth is the cornerstone of this feast.  The Blessed Mother was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ, and remained so perpetually.  We are Christians not because we admire Jesus Christ, but because we recognize Him as our God.  God entered the world and changed the destiny of the whole human race.  Despite all the world seems to offer, it ultimately only gives sadness and fear.  However, Christmas is the one day that brings a lasting joy to man, because it offers us true hope.  We pray that the joy of the manger remains forever in our hearts.

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Penance and Preparation

Sermon From The
4th Sunday of Advent 2014
✟Father Violette
This is the last day of preparation for the birth of Christ.  To talk about penance, conversion, and self-purification is not opposed to the joy of Christmas, but necessary for true participation.  Even the Child Jesus had His Passion in mind when He first entered the world.  St. John the Baptist was the holiest man who had ever lived up to that point, yet he was not given power to change the soul through his baptism.  It is only through the merits of Christ that the sacrament of Baptism gives us new life.  Without prayer and penance, we will surely lose our way.

+ Father Violette’s final sermon +

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We Are Created for Faith

Sermon From
Gaudete Sunday 2014
The Church shows her excitement for the coming of the Nativity with the pre-celebration of this day.  No matter how smart a person may be, he cannot come to belief in the Catholic Faith without the help of God.  By the Faith we are informed of those mysteries which are beyond us.  How often we should thank God for this gift.  If our prayers lack humility our faith is weak.  We should remember throughout the day that God is always with us.  If a child can be a saint, what about us?  We must pray always, thanking God for His innumerable gifts.

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Watch And Pray

Sermon from The
1st Sunday of Advent 2014
St. Andrew was the first of the Apostles.  He traveled to Greece and even Russia, and ultimately gave his life by crucifixion in imitation of Our Lord.  We begin the new liturgical year and the reliving and re-presentation of the life of Christ, through which we are able to tap into the mysteries of His life.  We know the end of the world will come and the evil we endure now is only because of the good God will bring from it.  We must know the signs of the end so we may watch and pray, full of trust in Christ.

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No Lasting City

Sermon On The
Last Sunday after Pentecost 2014
This is the last day of the liturgical year, which is given to us as a reminder that we do not have our permanent home here on Earth.  We are reminded to be thankful and to be prepared for our coming judgment.  We stand during the Gospel to remind us that we must always be prepared to fulfill the will of God expressed in those words.  We learn of everyone’s sins at the Last Judgment.  We have been given great hope and expectation of being saved and that Christ will bring us to Heaven, so we may see the Trinity and be enraptured in that vision for all eternity.

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One True Faith

Sermon on the
23rd Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
We live a lifetime in a single year through the liturgy.  The liturgy inspires us to great confidence because it gives us trust in God.  By ourselves we are lowly and incapable of doing anything.  The Gospel demonstrates this great confidence which stems from faith.  We must pray for absolute faith in our God.  It is important for us to know why we are Catholics, and to review the many proofs of the one, true Church.  Unless a person comes to the conviction that the truths of the Catholic Faith are revealed by God, he cannot make an act of faith.

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A Place Of Peace

All Souls Day 2014
We remember in a special way the great priests who stood up against the corruption in the Church.  They were persecuted so we might have the Faith today.  We should pray with all our hearts and souls during this Mass.  Purgatory was not first created out of justice but out of love.  Our greatest obligation is not to obey God, but to love Him.  One great act of love can forgive our sins.  We love God freely, but we also owe God our love in justice.  If our love is tainted by pride and ego, it must be purified in Purgatory.

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The Smile Of The Universe

All Saints Day 2014
There are four marks of the true Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.  However, the most appealing mark is holiness.  The stories of the saints are innumerable and are a beacon of light to the world.  This is the feast which celebrates the holiness of the Church.  A saint is one who has practiced heroic virtue.  We must thank God for the saints and every detail of their lives.  We must be inspired by these great models of a holy life.  We must study how to reach Heaven.  Heaven is wide open today to offer us a vision of our goal.

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A Mélange

Sermon From
17th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
Today will be a mixture of considerations based on the feasts presented to us through the liturgy of these days.  A favorite of ours is that of the Angels who are so much a part of our lives and not always appreciated.  Even the pagan philosophers knew about them.  We have experienced their aid many times.  We are given ten important truths about the angels to stimulate our devotion to them.  We have another great saint to celebrate and that is St. Francis of Assisi.  His biography is charming and encouraging because he was just like us as a typical son of a middle class businessman.  He was converted by hearing a Gospel verse and in a short life reached heights of sanctity which brought him a restoration of original justice.  His prophecy of a future leader with his name that would be a destroyer is chilling.  In conclusion we recall the feasts of the Rosary and Divine Maternity.

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The Champion Has Arrived

Sermon from The Feast of
St. Michael The Archangel 2014
The angels were created before all material creation, and they are one of the chief creatures of God.  Hell was created first for the fallen angels, not for men.  We should ask our guarding angels to help us pray and to soften the hearts of our enemies.  St. Michael is mentioned in the Old and New Testament, as well as in oral tradition.  “Whoever humbles himself will be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.”  We must call on St. Michael to make us humble.  Despite the desperate struggle of our times, St. Michael gives us confidence in our triumph.

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