God’s Mercy For The Merciful

21st Sunday after Pentecost 2024
The Gospel for this Mass gives us hope in God’s mercy and fear of His justice.  The debt we owe God for a single sin we have committed we could never hope to repay, so when we approach Our Lord at every Mass we beg for His mercy in the Kyrie.  God is quick to offer forgiveness, and even showers us with additional gifts.  Those who squander these gifts and fall back into their evil habits, assuming God will always show mercy, are like the man in the Gospel who warranted the wrath of his king.  Those Catholics who refuse to forgive the offenses they receive from their neighbor will be condemned as wicked servants, exemplifying the words of St. James, “Judgment without mercy to him that hath not done mercy.”

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Our Reminder To Love

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2024
Emperor Constantine saw a vision of the Holy Cross in the sky which led to his victory.  Years later, St. Helena led an expedition to the Holy Land and miraculously found the true Cross of Our Lord.  Hundreds of years after that, Emperor Heraclius defeated the Persians and rescued the Cross which had been stolen.  This feast was prepared by Our Lord through the many miracles He has performed.  The Cross is the sign of victory over our enemies and gives us the knowledge of God’s love for us, which is, in the end, the only knowledge necessary.  When God’s love is revealed to us, we must respond by offering all our love in return.  The love we are given through the Cross raises us to such heights that we are able to love God with a share in His own sacrificial love.

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No Lover But Christ

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Carmelite Perpetual Profession – The perpetual vows are received by the prioress of the convent, but the veil comes from the hands of the priest or bishop.  In taking the black veil the novice shows herself to be a true bride of Christ, so it is fitting that it be given by him who is acting in Persona Christi.  In the early days the veil sheltered the face of a married woman from the gaze of the world, her beauty and innocence being reserved for her spouse alone.  So too with the perpetual vows of a nun.  She is the spouse of Christ and she will accept no other lover.  The nun is called to be generous and giving especially in the service of Christ’s representatives – the priests.  The Carmelites in particular share in a special way in the interior life of the priest.  This life is the means of sanctification and union with God.  It requires great love and confidence in the unfailing assistance of Our Lord.

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For Those Who Have Lost Their Way

1st Friday Conference September 2024
St. Tarcisius lived during the days of great persecution.  He was ordained an acolyte or deacon as a young man, and was commissioned to care for the Christian prisoners.  While bringing Viaticum to these captives, St. Tarcisius was accosted by a group of pagans.  He gave his life rather than expose the Holy Eucharist to desecration.

Devotion to the Holy Infant of Prague is loved and honored by Our Lord Himself.  Our Lord is not a child now, but this is the humble state in which He first appeared in the world.  The statue depicts the Holy Infant as both God and Man, as well as King of all creation.  His welcoming gentleness seems to radiate out from the Infant Jesus of Prague.  He makes Himself a guide to all those who have lost their way.

Much is said about the accomplishments of St. Pius X, but not enough about his interior life.  His prayer had reached the heights of contemplation and was directed by the Holy Ghost.  He radiated goodness and wanted to comfort everybody, yet fought unwaveringly against the enemies of his spiritual children.

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Can You Pass This Test?

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
This Mass teaches us about Everlasting Life, while the Divine Office offers us the example of Job, who praised God in both prosperity and adversity.  In the Psalms we ask that we are protected, but that we do not forget our enemy.  In the Gospel we see a representation of the Church weeping over her children, dead through mortal sin, in the widow of Naim.  All temptations are tests, and it is what we do with those tests which makes the difference.  We should test ourselves by comparing how closely we follow the commandments of God versus the dictates of the world.  This test will tell us if we are on the path towards the gates of Hell, or if we have been stopped by Our Lord on our road to death to be restored in His life.

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His Will Be Done

14th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Those souls who are advanced in the spiritual life begin to experience the sweetness and joy of virtue in the Fruits of the Holy Ghost.  It is difficult to live a life of virtue when one first begins his journey, but it becomes easier the more one progresses.  The Gospel for this Mass is meant to reassure the faithful that, in His divine providence, God will provide all we need for the future.  Our anxiety is dispelled when we remember that even the difficulties and trials of our life come from the hand of God for the sake of sanctifying our souls.

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The Leprosy of Sin

13th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
The undying devotion of even a brute animal towards its master puts us to shame.  How much should we love our Savior and how unwilling should we be to leave His side?  Today we are reminded of our need for God’s help.  The disease of sin that we carry is far worse than that of the lepers in the Gospel.  Their disease did not make them enemies of God as ours does.  We act as if there is nothing wrong with us, despite our sins.  We must never forget what we owe to God, so that we will not remain ungrateful in the face of God’s generosity in our lives.

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He Glorified His Ark

Feast Of The Assumption 2024
This is the greatest of the feast days in honor of the Blessed Mother.  This dogma, which has been passed down to us from the Apostles, is so critical that we cannot be saved without belief in it.  All the aspects of the Assumption call to mind the prerogatives of the Mother of God.  She is above all women, untouched by sin and death.  This Mass begins with the words of St. John, recalling his vision of the woman of the Apocalypse, and continues with the story of Judith, a type of the Blessed Mother.  We are her seed, and we follow the great Queen of Heaven in the battle with the seed of the devil.  Her body was the tabernacle of the Son of God and was so sanctified that it deserved its glorification.

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A Share In His Strength

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Confirmation Sunday August 2024In Confirmation one receives a character, an increase of sanctifying grace, as well as special sacramental grace.  Through this sacrament we receive a greater share in Christ’s strength and victory on the cross.  Those confirmed are now adults in the Faith and are enabled to defend the Church publicly.  Confirmation is known as the Sacrament of the Holy Ghost because through it we are given a perfection of His seven gifts.  The Holy Ghost is the Person of Love and, if we pray for it, He will give us a share of the bond of union which exists among the Persons of the Trinity.

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An Audience With The Almighty

10th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Today’s liturgy is directed towards the proud.  St. Paul corrects the Corinthians who took pride in the gifts given to them by God and reminds them that these gifts are for the assistance of our neighbor.  An imperfect form of humility begins with a focus on self – our weakness, dependence, and need.  A more perfect humility remains focused on God and acknowledges both our gifts and shortcomings, without allowing pride to enter.  With prayer we can obtain true humility.  God offers us an audience at all times of the day or night.  Without asking Him for the graces necessary, we will not obtain salvation, but when we pray in all humility, we invite His assistance into our lives.

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