Born In The Desert

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2023 God gives us virtues to help us cooperate in the salvation which He is accomplishing.  God gave a warning to Solomon that he would destroy Israel and make an example of it before all nations if it transgressed God’s law.  The Holy Machabees are a perfect example of divine fortitude…

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The Simplicity Of Love

6th Sunday After Pentecost 2023 No matter what our situation might be, we always have enough grace to avoid sin.  There is never an excuse for sin.  If we do not recognize our absolute dependence on God, we will fall.  God created us out of love and all He wants is our love in return. …

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The Necessary Struggle

5th Sunday After Pentecost 2023 We will always have both friends and enemies in this life.  Even the great North American Martyrs, who gave their lives to win converts to Christ, experienced both successes and failures.  Our Lord allows our enemies to tempt us in our continual battle all for a greater good.  Let us…

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He Bought The World

Precious Blood 2023 This feast is the liturgical completion of Good Friday, the day when the Precious Blood was poured out for our salvation.  In these days when our holy Faith is in danger and under attack, we recall the great heritage of martyrs who shed their blood in imitation of Christ.  At the true…

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The Davids Of The Future

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 This is a Mass of great courage and hope.  We know that even when the enemies are encamped around us, they will weaken and fall.  God allows us to see our weakness so that we may turn to Him in prayer.  This is the Mass which tells us not to…

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Soul Of My Soul

Pentecost Sunday 2023 The Jewish feast of Pentecost celebrated the reception of the Old Law, which God gave to Moses.  During the nine days between the Ascension of Our Lord and this feast of Pentecost the apostles prayed the first novena, which was led by the Blessed Mother.  If we wish to progress swiftly in…

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One Redeemer, One Priesthood

Low Sunday 2023 50th Priestly Anniversary of Fr. Ward We are here first to love and honor God, because this day is dedicated to thanking Him.  We thank God for sending us a holy priest, for the Church, and for her truth.  What better day to speak about the priesthood than the day on which…

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Children of The Hebrews

Palm Sunday 2023 We are a liturgical people, and as we pray so we believe.  Christ bridged the gap between God and man, and He gives us the vehicle through which we may bridge that gap back to Him, in the sacraments and sacramentals of the Church.  Sacramentals are given by Christ through the Church,…

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Danger in the Calm

4th Sunday after Epiphany 2023 This season reiterates the Church’s teaching that Jesus Christ is both human and divine, a belief which is under attack in our day.  We see both natures of our Redeemer on display in the Gospel account for this Mass.  God sends storms and trials into our lives to shake us…

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The Battle for Souls

16th Sunday After Pentecost 2022 The Lord is sweet and mild.  It should be easy for us to love our God.  We are moved to act as God wants us to by the grace given to us before, during, and after we act.  St. Paul speaks of the life blood of the Mystical Body of…

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