
Fraternal Charity

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5th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
We just celebrated the feast of St. John the Baptist and this week we have the beautiful feasts of Saints Peter and Paul, the Precious Blood and the Visitation.  Today is also the day in honor of our Mother of Perpetual Help.  In today’s Mass St. Peter is commanding us to practice charity towards one another.  We should not let unjust anger fester in us and we should not hesitate to approach humbly our wronged brethren and reconcile with them.  Our Lord warns that this must be done before worshipping Him at the altar.  Love of our neighbor should progress so that we practice patience towards all even considering their imperfections.  We must learn to listen to others and not try to improve on their stories.

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Thou Art My Hope

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3rd Sunday After Pentecost 2021
This Mass and the recent feast days are about union with God, His Love and His Mercy. The earliest depiction of Our Lord in the catacombs is taken from today’s parable of the Shepherd carrying the lost sheep on His shoulders.  This season after Pentecost is one of hope and shown by the liturgical color of green.  The devil tries to discourage us and drag us into despair or inflate us with presumption.  We must maintain our humility in the face of these diabolical attacks and will thereby receive mercy proportionately.  Always have confidence in the Sacred Heart and never in the world.

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Faith Without Works Is Dead

This Thursday is the Ascension and then we begin the novena to the Holy Ghost.  We also have several important saints this week.  St. James has been a prominent apostle during Paschal time through his epistle and today he teaches that our love of God and neighbor is shown by the practice of good works.  The Gospel is another instruction to the apostles in preparation for Our Lord’s departure and His sending of the Holy Ghost.  Today is also Mother’s Day and a time for us to honor our own mothers and especially our heavenly mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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Jesus Loves You

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4th Sunday after Easter 2021 – First Holy Communion Sunday
This week we have the feasts of St. Monica, whose prayers and tears were necessary to convert her son, and St. Pius V, whose papal initiatives preserved our traditional Latin Mass and saved Christendom at the battle of Lepanto.  Congratulations to our first communicants who will receive at this Mass.  This is a great day for our Savior Who wanted this communion from all eternity. There is no greater love than Our Lord’s because He surrendered His life on the cross so to be able to come in communion today.  Christ asks you to give Him your hearts.  You have the model of a eucharistic saint in the boy who received holy communion from the angels while tending his flock far from church.

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The Conversion of St. Paul

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3rd Sunday After Epiphany 2021
The showing of Our Lord’s divinity through the time after the Epiphany continues this Sunday with His cures of the leper and the centurion’s servant. Tomorrow is the feast of the conversion of St. Paul and because Christianity hinges on this event it is described in detail for us to appreciate it.  Because of the miraculous nature of this, the sermon during today’s Q&A teaches us about miracles, their purpose and how to judge them.  We then learn more about Saul, the persecutor of the Church, and what he accomplished for God after the unexpected and dramatic moment of his meeting Our Lord on the road to Damascus.

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Our Lord Wants To Forgive

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23rd Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This week is the feast of the heroic pope, St. Martin, who defended the integrity of the Faith at the cost of much suffering and his own life.  The Gospel for today gives the moving story of the woman, believed to be Veronica, who was cured by simply touching with faith the hem of Our Lord’s cloak.  This month of November is dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory and an opportune time to recall the teaching on indulgences and the sacrament of Penance.  By this alone we can see how much God wants to forgive us our sins and we should run to Him in this sacrament.  Practical instructions are given for confessions of necessity and devotion.

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Peace And Mercy

18th Sunday After Pentecost 2020

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After hearing about the importance of studying the catechism and of praying the Rosary, the Mass for this Sunday was explained.  The Introit prayed for peace and the Collect prayed that mercy would guide our hearts.  This mercy culminates in the beatitude that praises the merciful who practice the virtue of prudence and are guided by the gift of counsel.  Christ demonstrates this in the Gospel account of the cure of the paralytic.  The details are moving and show Our Lord being merciful, forgiving sin and proving it by a miracle.  We should rush often  to the Sacred Heart for forgiveness in the sacrament of penance and receive His peace in Holy Communion.

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Beg For Fidelity

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11th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This Sunday continues the renewal of the Paschal mystery with the account from St. Paul’s epistle of the several appearances of the Risen Lord before His Ascension – one to over 500 people.  The Gospel about the cure of the deaf mute is so impressive that it has been incorporated into the ceremonies surrounding one of the Paschal sacraments, namely, Baptism.  Yet, this miraculous cure pales in comparison with the Consecration at today’s Mass.

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The Prayer Of The Proud Man

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10th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
Today’s Gospel contrasts the prayer of the Pharisee and the Publican.  The proud Pharisee thanks God for making him better than everyone else, especially the Publican.  We should compare ourselves to the best so as not to be complacent and even foster our own humility at the same time.  Humility of will is that virtue by which we not only realize our need for humiliation but enjoy it.  We learn this in the lives of the saints like St. Peter.  This holiness of the saints is one of the ways, along with Christ’s miracles like the Resurrection, to find proofs that Catholicism is the True Church.

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Are We Afraid Of Battle?

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5th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
In the Gospel Christ condemns unjust anger and asks us to love our enemies.  Will we shirk this duty as a soldier who refuses to go into battle?  In the Epistle St. Peter writes that we should be merciful and in return we will receive mercy.

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