Patron Of All

Feast Of Saint Joseph 2020 St. Joseph is described as a just man in the Gospel which means he was deeply religious.  His virtues prepared him for his vocation to be the spouse of the Blessed Mother and foster father of the Son of God.  His fears after the Annunciation were about his own worthiness…

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How Can Sin Make Us Better?

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2020 Today is a continuation of the beautiful time after the Epiphany when the God-Man is shown to us for our adoration and love.  The Redemptive Incarnation is with the Trinity as the most important truth about God Who rules the cosmos, even as an Infant.  The Epistle warns us not…

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Report Card Sunday

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2019 As we end the liturgical year we can make an examination of conscience and grade our spiritual life in light of God’s blessings to us these past twelve months.  Have we been faithful to our Baptismal promises as St. Paul reminds us in the Epistle by renouncing Satan and all…

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Proofs of Christ’s Divinity

23rd Sunday after Pentecost God loves us infinitely more than we love ourselves and this thought should turn us to Him in prayer often.  Today’s Mass is about the Last Judgment and our eternal destiny afterwards.  All will be revealed and corrected. Christ is the Son of God and Our Lord gave evidence to help…

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Seven Sorrows

14th Sunday after Pentecost 2019 We celebrate wonderful saints at this time of the liturgical year.  This week we have the following: St. Francis and his stigmata, St. Joseph Cupertino, St. Januarius and St. Matthew.  The Epistle for this Mass is a lesson on the spiritual life.  Our Lord stresses the importance of seeking this…

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That They May Be One

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2019 – Q&A Conference The Introit for this Mass states that God is in His holy place and the people dwell there in union of mind.  This unity in Faith is a gift we enjoy and is a fulfillment of Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper when He compared this oneness…

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Completion Of Easter

Ascension Thursday 2019 Today is a Holyday of Obligation because of the importance of Our Lord’s return to heaven forty days after His Resurrection.  The Son of God descended, became a Man, suffered, died, rose again and ascended to His Father.  Today completes this Paschal mystery.  Prayer is essential, especially during these days leading up…

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Pray The Catholic Way

5th Sunday After Easter 2019 As we approach the end of Easter season and the extinguishing of the Paschal candle we should remember the importance of lighting votive candles.  We should heed the practical advice of St. James in his epistle today when he tells us to put our faith into action.  We must not…

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Thank God For Gift Of Faith

Low Sunday 2019 The Epistle draws the comparison between the Persons of the Blessed Trinity and the witnesses left for us in the world: The Spirit, the water and the blood.  The Gospel about doubting Thomas reminds us that we owe much more to St. Thomas for our Faith than to St. John who believed…

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Saviors Of The World

Easter Vigil 2019 God created on the first day of the week at midnight, He was born at midnight and we keep vigil now waiting for His rising at midnight.  All the infinite merits of Christ’s Passion and Death were won on the Cross but only applied to us when He rose from the dead…

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