Humility Is Truth

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 If we have no attachments to hold us down in this life we will speedily reach Heaven when we die.  Our Lord said we will receive a hundredfold of the things we give up for God’s sake in this life.  We should not attribute anything we do to ourselves because it…

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God Is Light

Transfiguration 2023 (10th Sunday after Pentecost) Pride is placing ourselves before God and neighbor.  We must remember that we would be as evil as our worst enemies if not for God’s grace.  We must acknowledge our weakness.  We ourselves are pharisees because of the hypocrisy of our sinful lives.  The Transfiguration can be summarized in…

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The Necessary Struggle

5th Sunday After Pentecost 2023 We will always have both friends and enemies in this life.  Even the great North American Martyrs, who gave their lives to win converts to Christ, experienced both successes and failures.  Our Lord allows our enemies to tempt us in our continual battle all for a greater good.  Let us…

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He Bought The World

Precious Blood 2023 This feast is the liturgical completion of Good Friday, the day when the Precious Blood was poured out for our salvation.  In these days when our holy Faith is in danger and under attack, we recall the great heritage of martyrs who shed their blood in imitation of Christ.  At the true…

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The Perfect Image Of Christ

Feast of Saints Peter & Paul 2023 This day, although it celebrates both apostles, is centered on St. Peter as the first Vicar of Christ on Earth.  God began to form the character of St. Peter from the moment of his birth because the Church was to be built on this man.  The reason He…

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Devotion Of The Last Age

Sacred Heart 2023 The coldness and indifference of our age is a most frightening problem.  Children depend on the love of their parents to give them a sense of worth and security.  Our Lord says that He has given this devotion to all in need of love and that He will reign in spite of…

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We Offer Infinite Glory

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2023 Today’s Gospel warns us against neglecting God.  If we put off His invitation to salvation through sin and vice, we will surely lose His invitation.  God instituted the feast of Corpus Christi right before this Sunday to remind us of the importance of the Blessed Sacrament.  This day is a…

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In Se Propter Deum

Sunday After Ascension 2023 First Communion Sunday – We hear about the supremacy of the virtue of charity in today’s Epistle.  It is an infused virtue which allows us to love God as He loves Himself. Many people are egocentric, and the only way they view their neighbor is by his usefulness.  Catholics know that…

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True And False Obedience

3rd Sunday after Easter 2023 Only those who are sorry receive that forgiveness of Christ.  Our Lord in this Gospel says that in a little while He will die and then in a little while His Apostles will see Him alive again in glory.  It is not in the Resurrection but in His glorious Second…

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Closing Our Eyes to the World

Passion Sunday 2023 During the season of Passiontide, we are meant to die completely to the “old man.”  Our conversion during Lent is now to be perfected during these last two weeks.  We have not only given up our vices, but now even the spiritual consolations that we find in the saints, and the greatest…

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