Jesus, Deliver Us!

Septuagesima Sunday 2024 These next three Sundays are for an examination of conscience, in which we search out those things in our soul which make us enemies of God.  Today we begin with a view of creation and the fall of man.  Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden because they did…

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A Silent And Holy Night

Christmas Midnight Mass 2023 It is a true joy to relive the happiness of that night in Bethlehem in which our Savior was born.  It was in silence and solitude Our Lord entered the world.  Just as Christ passed through the rock of His tomb at the moment of His Resurrection, He passed through the…

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Freedom From Anxiety

3rd Sunday of Advent 2023 Gaudete Sunday – This is a day in which we take joy in our Catholic Faith, a day without anxiety or trouble of heart.  We must make our petitions known to God, trusting that they will be answered in the best way possible.  God gives us the grace to ask…

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No Hope Without Tribulation

Second Sunday of Advent 2023 With great hope we are reminded of eternity during this season.  All virtue builds on nature, and the same is true of the virtue of hope.  Hope cannot exist without difficulty and tribulation.  We hope in God, not despite our sufferings, but in light of our sufferings.  The saints took…

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Sanctification Through The Liturgy

First Sunday of Advent 2023 On this first day of the liturgical year, we begin with a view of the end of time.  It is a warning for the enemies of Christ.  A day is coming when God will judge the nations.  This is a Gospel of hope.  “Christ loves us too much not to…

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Ask and You Shall Receive

25th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 The Introit and other prayers of this Mass are repeated every Sunday in the weeks approaching the conclusion of the liturgical year.  The Church’s prayer gives us hope for our impending judgment.  The Collect reminds us that we must not simply rely on words, but we must also act.  A…

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Our Ladder To Holiness

23rd Sunday after Pentecost 2023 It is very fitting this Sunday falls after the feast of All Saints this year, because in his Epistle St. Paul speaks of following the example of the saints.  The lives, example, and instruction of the saints help us ascend to the heights of holiness.  We know the value of…

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Everything Is For The Saints

All Saints Day 2023 St. John expresses God’s love and mercy for the Hebrews in today’s passage from the Apocalypse, but it is also a call for all men.  Every man is called to be a saint.  The origins of this feast go back to the beginning of time, because even the angels are included…

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We Have No King But Christ

Christ The King 2023 Salvation is all that matters.  It is necessary that every person and every government should be Catholic.  Today the Church authorities tell us that we must not make converts.  This is cruelty because charity demands that we help our neighbor.  Christ said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the…

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The Sword Of Salvation

21st Sunday after Pentecost 2023 The martyrology, used in the Divine Office, is a great treasure of the Church.  We belong to the Catholic Church, which alone possesses the mark of holiness.  Not only was the Founder holy, being God Himself, but its truths and sacraments are holy and lead men to sanctity.  We are…

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