God’s Promises Accomplished

Conference on 1st Friday July 2024 In St. Paul’s instruction to the young bishop, St. Timothy, he emphasized the importance of spiritual reading.  If this instruction is given to a bishop, it applies all the more so to the laity.  Prayer and spiritual reading are necessary for the growth of sanctity. St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria…

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The Death of Saints and Sinners

5th Sunday after Pentecost 2024 It is not sufficient for those inclined to anger to wait for the moment of temptation before fighting their vice.  To practice the opposite virtues of meekness and fraternal charity is the most effective way of combatting unjust anger.  Those who persecute the faithful, should stir our pity rather than…

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The Compendium of All Religion

Feast of The Sacred Heart 2024 This feast was created relatively recently in the history of the Church, yet it was foreshadowed even in the Old Testament.  As God took the rib from Adam’s side while he slept to form his great love, Eve, so while Christ slept in death on the Cross the Church…

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Where Are The Martyrs?

Pentecost Sunday 2024 Pentecost is called the birthday of the Catholic Church because, although it was conceived on the Cross, this is the first day the Church manifested herself in the world.  Not only every human being, but all nations and governments are called to convert to Christ.  True Catholics reject the false tenets of…

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Necessity of Priestly Vocations

Good Shepherd Sunday 2024 If we have charity, we desire the salvation of all our neighbors and pray for both our loved ones and our enemies.  The words, “I know mine and mine know me,” refer especially to the clergy.  How could we be saved without the priest – without his prayers and instructions.  Those…

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Attraction to the Divine

3rd Sunday in Lent 2024 As children imitate their parents, so must we imitate God.  When St. Paul in this Epistle says, “how unbecoming of saints,” he is not referring to canonized saints, but all Catholics.  We are all called to sanctity.  We must battle the temptations about which St. Paul speaks by the Rosary,…

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The Real Battle

Ash Wednesday Evening 2024 Our heart should remain forever in the chapel with Our Lord.  Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are the great practices of Lent.  The words that were spoken by God to Adam and Eve after the Fall are repeated for us today with the distribution of blessed ashes.  We are reminded of our…

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Cry Out to God!

Quinquagesima Sunday 2024 Abraham is our patron today.  His willingness to sacrifice his only begotten son was a type of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  In today’s Gospel, the Apostles did not understand Our Lord’s words.  To remove any doubts, Jesus performed the miracle of curing the blind man, demonstrating His divine power.  We also…

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Freedom From Anxiety

3rd Sunday of Advent 2023 Gaudete Sunday – This is a day in which we take joy in our Catholic Faith, a day without anxiety or trouble of heart.  We must make our petitions known to God, trusting that they will be answered in the best way possible.  God gives us the grace to ask…

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