A Vocation Worth the Fight

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2024 Tonsure Ceremony With first tonsure one becomes a cleric.  This ceremony has been part of the Church since the 5th century.  Just as slaves were shorn to show their complete ownership by their master, so the cleric shows that he now belongs to Christ.  The surplice is imposed to represent…

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Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

Feast of the Purification 2024 The candle is one of the great sacramentals of the Church.  It is like a sacrament in the sense that it is an outward sign, but unlike a sacrament, it does not give grace automatically.  This day links Our Lord and the Blessed Mother so closely.  Today we remember both…

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Complete Trust In The Shepherd

2nd Sunday after Easter 2023 There is only one fold and one shepherd. We have complete trust in Christ as our Good Shepherd, and it is the call of all priests and bishops to watch over the flock and to bring those who are lost back to the true fold. As we have heard before…

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The True Passover

Easter Vigil 2023 Everything is dark at the beginning of this ceremony, just as it was before the creation of the cosmos.  The darkness is representative of the Old Testament, while the Lumen Christi, or Light of Christ, is the New Testament.  The completion of the Passover takes place this evening.  Evidence has been found…

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Catechumen To Neophyte

Easter Vigil 2022 The Easter Vigil is the culmination of our Lenten retreat and especially for the catechumens who are baptized and who will receive their first Holy Communions at the Mass which follows.  The Liturgy brings light to the darkness of the world of sin and sings the praise of Our Lord’s Paschal candle. …

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Charity Lifts To Heaven

4th Sunday After Epiphany 2022 This week we will bless throats in honor of St. Blaise.  The Holy Ghost through St. Paul writes that we should owe no man anything except to love one another.  This endorses living debt free, as much as possible, but it does not include being free of charity which all…

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Marriage of the Incarnation

The Holy Name Of Jesus 2022 This day can also be called the feast of God’s friendship with man.  It began to be celebrated in the fifth century but its origins reach back to the Old Testament when God first gave His Name of “Yahweh” which means “I am, Who Am” to Moses.  The reverence…

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Guardians Of The Liturgy

Easter Sunday 2021 We gather at the stational Church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary because she was the first to see her Risen Son Who truly died and rose again.  At this Mass we join with those from last night’s vigil in renewing our baptismal promises and the renouncing of Satan and all his…

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Easter Vigil Baptisms

Easter Vigil 2021 During this Vigil in anticipation of Our Lord’s Resurrection at midnight we begin outside in the darkness by lighting the Paschal Fire.  Then we carry the Light of the World in through His Candle which is praised in the exquisite praeconium called the Exsultet.  Prophetic readings and the Litany of the Saints…

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Give All To Receive All

Sexagesima Sunday 2021 Saints this week are our friends like St. Apollonia.  The Liturgy is our ordinary means of sanctification and reception of sacramentals is a practical aspect of this.  St. Paul is the dominant character during this season of Septuagesima and tells in the Epistle of all he has sacrificed in fulfilling Our Lord’s…

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