Beg For Fidelity

11th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This Sunday continues the renewal of the Paschal mystery with the account from St. Paul’s epistle of the several appearances of the Risen Lord before His Ascension – one to over 500 people.  The Gospel about the cure of the deaf mute is so impressive that it has been incorporated into the ceremonies surrounding one of the Paschal sacraments, namely, Baptism.  Yet, this miraculous cure pales in comparison with the Consecration at today’s Mass.

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Saint Anne

8th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This Sunday has the beautiful Epistle from St. Paul about how the Holy Ghost prays from inside the souls of the saints with the loving name of “Abba” for God the Father.  The challenging Gospel is a parable that Christ used to teach His followers to imitate the cleverness of worldlings in their use of material things for furthering their purposes.  Of course, Our Lord was not promoting their evil lives.  Also, although not celebrated today because of the Sunday, this is the feast of St. Anne and a wonderful opportunity to praise her and to learn more about the mother of the Virgin Mary.  Outside the pages of the New Testament, there is information about Our Lady’s parents and what kind of people they were.  These non-canonical writings give their names and stories about their lives which include anecdotes about their daughter and her Son.  We also hear about the ancient devotion of the faithful to Saint Anne and how it continues today, especially in the Canadian basilica built in her honor.

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Pray All Be Saved

Trinity Sunday 2020
The angelic St. Thomas Aquinas has his feast day this week and we are reminded of his being a patron for the finding of lost items.  God is wonderful in His saints.  This feast of the Holy Trinity starts a new season of the liturgical year.  It is right that this be the case because everything comes from the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and all honor, praise and glory return to the Triune God.  This fundamental mystery of Three Divine Persons in One and the Same God is essential for salvation because denial of this prevents one from entering heaven.  God has revealed to us His inner workings where the Unbegotten brings forth the Only Begotten and Their mutual Love is the Person of Love, the Holy Ghost.  This Trinitarian life goes on within the souls of those in the state of grace and is offered to all.  Christ’s final command to the apostles was to go forth and baptize in the name of the Blessed Trinity.  We must pray that all will be saved.

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New Law Of Love

Pentecost Sunday 2020
This feast is on par with Easter and is deserving of the greatest eloquence in speaking about it.  The descent of the Holy Ghost on this day was prepared for 1500 years earlier when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the decalogue, fifty days after the Passover when the chosen people escaped from Egypt.  The Person of Love was sent by the Father and the Son to inaugurate the New Law by entering the Cenacle and giving His graces to those present.  The Blessed Mother was a perfect receptacle for her Spouse and through Him Our Lady is the model for us of love and of heaven dwelling within us.  Never blaspheme against the Holy Ghost and instead learn to turn within and commune with the Triune God who lives in the souls of those in the state of grace.

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Keep Them From Evil

Sunday After The Ascension 2020
Today is also Memorial day and not a time to discuss just war theory but to honor and to pray for the soldiers who died for us.  This month of May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and we should be doing something everyday in Her honor.  Thanksgiving to God because of Her intercession for our return to the Mass and Sacraments is a recommended prayer now.  Today is a renewal of the Ascension and a continuation of our preparation with the Apostles for the coming of Pentecost.  This trial for them was the illuminative way in which we are meant to share.  The Mass texts are beautiful and the Postcommunion reminds us of Our Lord’s priestly prayer for unity.  We should pray and be faithful.

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Love God With All Your Heart

5th Sunday after Easter
Today is also the feast of St. Paschal Baylon, the patron saint of Eucharistic Congresses because of his extraordinary devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.  Later this week is the fest of St. Rita who is a favorite patron of our community because of her intercession in obtaining the gift of ordination for our priests.  The Epistle today from St. James stresses the importance of doing good works and stands in opposition to the heresy of being saved by faith alone.  We must love God and do so by ridding ourselves of the terrible virus of sin.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is our ally in this and we should be practicing special devotion to her this month.  The Rosary is a perfect means of doing this and the standard prayer that our vocations have in common.

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Understanding Is The Gift Of Easter

Easter Sunday Morning 2020
English speaking Catholics call this “Easter” Sunday because it is another example of the power of the Church and the liturgy to Christianize even evil pagan elements. The glory of the risen Savior will be ours one day but many saints were transfigured even in this life.  We are “eighth day Christians” because God rested on the seventh day of creation as Christ rested in the sepulchre and rose on Sunday marking a new week on the eighth day.  The octave day is a sign of eternal life.  The calculation of Easter each year was carefully studied and was miraculously made known.  As believers were rewarded by seeing Our Lord glorious and immortal so we today can see God through Faith enlightened by the gift of understanding.

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Faith And Gratitude At Easter

Easter Vigil & Midnight Mass 2020
These are the last moments of Lent and culminate in the greatest vigil of the liturgical year.  This ceremony has many elements which we review before starting so we worship with the utmost awareness and devotion.  We have the Paschal fire and candle, the Praeconium, the lessons, the blessing of water and all leading to the Resurrection of Our Lord at the Midnight Mass and the reception of Him in the Holy Eucharist.  Our reaction should be an increase of Faith and a deeper sense of gratitude.  We do not want to abandon our penitential and prayerful spirit of the last forty days but incorporate this into our interior life during the Paschal season.

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The Prayerful New Eve

Feast The Annunciation 2020
This ancient feast celebrates the moment that God became Man in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The Council of Ephesus declared this dogma which clearly defines that Our Lady is the Mother of God.  Everything that had been destroyed by Adam’s sin was restored by the Blessed Mother’s consenting to the divine maternity.  The Redemptive Incarnation and all that flows from it would not exist without her generous response.  God was not outdone by the devil’s machinations in the garden but repaired perfectly every detail of the fall.  In particular, Our Lady, unlike Eve, was found by the angel, St. Gabriel, in prayer and thereby disposed to accept God’s call with humble obedience.

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Bride, Spouse and Victim

Laetare Sunday 2020 – Carmelite Clothing Day
This is a joyful day and a preparation for the total gift of self that is to come at the religious profession.  All has been left behind and that includes any reliance on self because now it is time to rely on God alone.  Religious life is the proximate call to holiness and the ceremony of the clothing in the Carmelite habit is meant to impress this on us.  The habit, especially the Brown Scapular, is the constant sacramental reminder of the call to contemplative prayer and divine union.  As a chosen bride and spouse of Our Lord, the religious is joined to Him on the Cross as a victim for the Church, priests and the salvation of souls.  Do not look back but press on to the goal of union with Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.

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