Stational Churches And Bible Types

Conference On First Friday, March 2021
Lent has a special Mass for each day and a church in Rome for its celebration.  The catechumens and penitents were instructed on the faith and penance.  The texts chosen taught how the Old Testament pointed the way to the Messiah and His upcoming sacrifice on the Cross.  They also encouraged them to seek forgiveness for their sins from a most merciful God who only wishes good for us.

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Liturgy: Yesterday, Today and Forever

First Friday – Feast Of St. Agatha 2021
With the beginning of the Easter Cycle through the season of Septuagesima it is a good time to review what the Sacred Liturgy is and how it leads our spiritual lives through the purgative, illuminative and unitive states.  The Holy Mass is the highest form of prayer in the worship of the Mystical Body of Christ and this vocal prayer is also the springboard for mental prayer which culminates in contemplation.  An analysis of the liturgy, the essential element in the lives of all saints and the foundation of all of schools of spirituality, is a profound and deep one that should make us appreciate ever more the treasure we have been given.  The praying of the Rosary is our daily link to all these divine benefits.

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The Epiphany And The Holy Family

Feast Of The Holy Family 2021
The crèche is a composite of many events surrounding the Nativity and culminating with the adoration of the Magi which is celebrated on the feast of the Epiphany.  The first Sunday after this feast is that of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  The Gospel tells the story of the finding of Our Lord in the Temple at the age of 12.  The Holy Family is a model of liturgical prayer for our families because of its fidelity and devotion to all the celebrations of the Old Testament like the Passover.  Our religious community has enjoyed the patronage of the Holy Family for 44 years and we are grateful for that and for all the assistance we have received from the faithful.

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Call Upon The Name of Jesus

Feast Of The Holy Name of Jesus 2021
The Gradual for this Mass informs us that invoking the Holy Name of Jesus will bring us to Heaven.  The power, beauty and importance of the Name of God made Man has been taught through the centuries by holy people like St. Bernard and St. Bernadine.  The Apostles raised the dead to life by use of the Holy Name.  Jesus means Savior and by using the Holy Name we are invoking all the blessings of God and the Redemptive Incarnation on us, especially in moments of temptation and struggle.  It links us with Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist and sweetens our prayer life.  Ask your guardian angel to whisper the Holy Name to you often throughout the day.


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Beg For Fidelity

11th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This Sunday continues the renewal of the Paschal mystery with the account from St. Paul’s epistle of the several appearances of the Risen Lord before His Ascension – one to over 500 people.  The Gospel about the cure of the deaf mute is so impressive that it has been incorporated into the ceremonies surrounding one of the Paschal sacraments, namely, Baptism.  Yet, this miraculous cure pales in comparison with the Consecration at today’s Mass.

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Keep The First Fervor

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 2020
After hearing about Saints John Gualbert, Veronica, Bonaventure, Henry, the Carmelite Sisters of Compiegne and Camillus we had a renewal of the Paschal sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist in the Epistle and Gospel.  The Divine Office recounts the story of King David and how his sloth led to sins of adultery and murder.  His meekness saved him when his crimes were exposed by the prophet Nathan.  We should imitate his repentance and reject the devil and all his works.  Receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion faithfully will lead us to union and heaven one day.

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The Holy Family & Silent Prayer

Feast Of The Holy Family 2020
This feast celebrates the beautiful life that Jesus led in this world with His Holy Family.  The Epistle gives us the foundation of the Holy Family’s life together which is charity – the bond of perfection.  The Gospel teaches about Christ’s consciousness of His divine mission and how others observed His growth in wisdom, grace and age.  The sermon concludes with a meditation on silent prayer and why it is essential at Mass.

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Report Card Sunday

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2019
As we end the liturgical year we can make an examination of conscience and grade our spiritual life in light of God’s blessings to us these past twelve months.  Have we been faithful to our Baptismal promises as St. Paul reminds us in the Epistle by renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps?  Are we prepared for the judgment awaiting each of us as Our Lord warns in the Gospel?  Have we remembered the Holy Souls in Purgatory during this month dedicated to them?  The Church gives us hope in the Mass texts which promise God’s thoughts of peace and not of affliction.

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Proofs of Christ’s Divinity

23rd Sunday after Pentecost
God loves us infinitely more than we love ourselves and this thought should turn us to Him in prayer often.  Today’s Mass is about the Last Judgment and our eternal destiny afterwards.  All will be revealed and corrected. Christ is the Son of God and Our Lord gave evidence to help us believe Him.  Some of the demonstrations of His Divinity are His perfections, miracles and teachings.

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Put On The New Man

19th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
Beginning with the words of the Introit we are given peace in the midst of whatever tribulations we experience.  St. Paul in the Epistle tells us that by Baptism we are no longer in sin and must live a new life of grace.  All previous lying, stealing and refusing to work must be abandoned.  Our new life should reach to the control of anger so we only use it when necessary and for good reason.  This state of grace is seen in the Gospel as represented by the wedding garment.  Without this we cannot be saved.  With grace we can show our gratitude to God and rejection of sin, even venial sin.


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