God Created Us to Pray

2nd Sunday of Advent 2015
St. John the Baptist did not doubt that Christ was the promised Messiah when he sent his followers to question Him, but rather he wished that his followers would recognize Our Lord and follow Him instead.  We are all preparing for the coming of Christ and do penance so we might receive Him worthily.  Advent is the season to give up our sins.  The graces and virtues God gives us are a pledge which reminds us how much God desires our salvation.  Even if we feel our prayers have little effect, they are far more powerful than we believe, especially when they are united to the prayers of Christ.  In union with all Catholics through the history of the Church, we beg God to grant us the victory which we cannot achieve on our own.

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What Really Matters

After brief account of St. Peter Chrysologus the Gospel about the salt of the earth was explained.  The epistle about St. Paul teaching his disciple, St. Timothy, about work as a bishop. Finally, understanding “to love is to give” and do we really care? By this we can evaluate how much we love and give.

Sermon #20151204
Liturgical day: First Friday – St. Peter Chrysologus
Length: 64 minutes

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Rededicate Yourselves!

1st Sunday of Advent 2015

At the beginning of the new liturgical year, we are reminded of many great truths.  Advent is a time of preparation.  God had His Chosen People wait in anticipation of His first coming in mercy, and He has His chosen people once again waiting for His return in glory.  Our Lord, as the great Pontiff, bridges the gap between the Creator and the creature, between the infinite and the finite, in His Incarnation.  With the beginning of the liturgical year, our journey to become more Christlike is renewed once more.  This progressive incorporation into Christ can only be accomplished through participation in the Mass, devout reception of the sacraments, and unceasing prayer.

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The Remains of Sin

All Souls Day 2015

Very few in our day remember the souls of the departed because of the false belief in the universal salvation of all men.  In assisting the suffering souls in Purgatory, we gain friends who will intercede for us.  We must never waste the time we have been given, because the way we choose to spend our moments on earth will make the difference between an eternity in Heaven or Hell.  Many souls can be released on this day, especially through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.  All our sins have a debt of punishment attached to them.  If we pray our penance well, we could remit our entire debt of temporal punishment, but if we die with these dispositions of soul, we would rather throw ourselves into the punishments of Purgatory than remain in the presence of the infinitely perfect God.

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We Must Desire Sanctity

All Saints Day 2015
Today we rejoice because this is the day on which the Church celebrates all her children who have overcome the world.  In the process by which a saint is canonized, it must be determined that they expressed nothing contrary to faith and morals, and that they practiced virtue in a heroic way.  After this, the Church waits for God to affirm the individual’s sanctity by miracles attributed to their intercession.  It is not enough for a Catholic merely to recite the Creed, he must believe it and practice it.  For every walk of life, there is a saint who has lived it as an example to follow.  Today we adore God as we honor His saints, and desire to make the little sacrifices necessary on our road to holiness.

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The Master Of The Universe

Feast of Christ the King 2015
All Saints Day celebrates the canonized saints as well as the unknown saints in Heaven.  We are all called to imitate their virtues in our lifelong pursuit of sanctity.  The process of progressive incorporation into Christ mirrors the development of our natural lives.  We show reverence to the images of the saints because of what they represent and because of the favors that are given to us through them.

Catholics do not believe in freedom of religion or religious indifference but rather religious toleration.  Pope Pius XI wrote the encyclical Quas Primas in which he denounced men’s refusal to recognize God’s rights over all nations.  He instituted this feast to assert the truth of Christ’s royal power.  Catholics know that they belong to their Divine King, Who is God and Master of all.

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Pray for a Merciful Heart

21st Sunday after Pentecost 2015
Most of us can think of a time during our life when we were slow to forgive one who asked for forgiveness.  The terrible crime of refusing forgiveness to those who sincerely ask for it is in direct contradiction to the Our Father, in which we ask that God forgive our trespasses as we forgive others.  Spiritual reading and the Holy Rosary are powerful weapons against the devil, as well as some of the greatest aids to living a true Christian life.  Every Catholic should be familiar with the 15 promises that the Blessed Mother made to those who devoutly pray the Rosary.

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