Remission Of Temporal Punishment

First Friday December 2017

In this conference, the beautiful and consoling teaching of the Church on Indulgences is explained.  Beginning with the early Church we see how the treasury of merits won by Christ, His Blessed Mother and the saints was opened for the benefit of sinners.  The errors of the Reformation in distorting this doctrine are touched upon and practical steps are given to avail ourselves of Indulgences in our daily lives.


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Watch And Be Ready

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2017

As we conclude the liturgical year, we should still be praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory while examining our lives to test whether or not we have grown in love of God and neighbor.  Christ in today’s Gospel prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world.  He warns us to be ready always and to avoid any false Christs and false prophets who are people and organizations that are not Catholic.


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The High Altar

24th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The tour of the chapel takes us today to the place of sacrifice.  The significance of the altar is explained.  Every single detail is of importance and prescribed by Holy Mother the Church so that all is done with reverence and devotion.  After the Our Father the altar of sacrifice becomes the means of our communing with God in the Blessed Sacrament.


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Render To God What Is God’s

22nd Sunday After Pentecost 2017

As the liturgical year draws to its conclusion, the Church reminds us that we must make a return to God for all He has done for us.  The Gospel records the command to render to God the things that belong to God.  Chief among these is the charity which God has shown us.  We must love God in Christ Jesus and our neighbor so that we dwell together in unity. We can be called out of this life anytime so we should re-dedicate ourselves to be another Christ in this world and so merit heaven.



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None Is Justified In God’s Sight

All Souls Day Evening 2017

“It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead.”  This citation from the Old Testament shows how much the Jews cared for their deceased family and friends.  The need for prayer after death is due to the effects that sin leaves its in us and all must be purged before we can enter heaven.  Even the saints, as holy as they were, admitted their daily failings that needed to be purified.  We merit and satisfy now for our sins but the souls in Purgatory can only undergo suffering to make satisfaction but without merit.  God loves the Holy Souls and is more close to them than to those still on the earth.



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The Doctrine On Purgatory

All Souls Day 2017

Despite the tone of mourning and sorrow the Church has infused this Mass on All Souls Day with hope.  The reason for this is explained by the teachings of our Faith about Purgatory where those who have died as imperfect friends of God are purified of the obstacles that impede their entrance into heaven.  This devotion is ancient in the Church and in history and the liturgical expression of it is examined.  Finally, the saints are cited for their insights.


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All Souls Day 2017

Pray for the faithful departed, especially those from this chapel.  We must appreciate how perfectly pure and reverent one needs to be in order to enter Gods presence.  Holy Souls are in peace and depend on the living to be purified.  Have mercy on them because the hand of the Lord has touched them.  Have Masses offered for them.  Our known vices must be eliminated now with merit or else they will be the cause of our punishment without merit.  A word to the wise is sufficient.


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This Is Our Feast

All Saints Day 2017

The origins of this feast of All Saints come from the consecration of the church St. Mary of the Martyrs (formerly the pagan Pantheon temple) and the transfer of many of the relics of the martyrs from the catacombs to this church.  This holyday of obligation recalls the mark of the Church, holiness, and how each of us is capable of attaining it.  Any saints not on the universal calendar or uncanonized are celebrated today and the texts for this Mass can be claimed by each of us as our own.



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He Must Rule

Christ the King 2017

The feast of Christ The King sums up our faith in the Incarnate God and makes us pray “Thy Kingdom Come.”  As good subjects we should know the catechism, pray and give ourselves in return for the divine self sacrifice of Our Lord.  We have the examples of the saints who have done so and were the means of the miraculous in this world.  Such are needed today when Christianity faces its bleakest future.


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Use Every Moment To Pray

20th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The Roman officer in today’s Gospel had to have his faith perfected by Our Lord and once that was done then Christ cured his son and his whole household believed.  We must appreciate the precious commodity of time and use it well, especially by learning to pray always.



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