
Jesus, Come To Me, Embrace Me

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Palm Sunday 2020
While unable to attend Mass, we must be more devout at home, especially by practicing spiritual communion.  The Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity and the action of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in our souls will inspire us.  That type of inspiration is what moved the people in Jerusalem to proclaim Our Lord King today; although they cried for His death less than a week later. The palm is a sign of victory and why it was used to welcome Christ into the Holy City.  It is a pledge of our victory today.

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Deliver Us, O Lord

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Passion Sunday 2020
The last two weeks of Lent are the most sacred and have a special name, Passiontide.  In today’s Gospel, Our Lord proclaimed His Divinity with the result that He had to hide from those who wanted to stone Him.  The Church incorporates this into Passiontide by hiding Christ and all the reminders of Him by veiling the Crucifix and statues.  This year it is more dramatic because many are unable to even come to the chapel.  Given these circumstances we should unite more than ever with the texts of this Mass and cry out for deliverance.  We should practice prayer, especially the Rosary, and all the exercises of the spiritual life with renewed purpose so as to strengthen ourselves, with God’s grace, during this present crisis and for the future.

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The Prayerful New Eve

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Feast The Annunciation 2020
This ancient feast celebrates the moment that God became Man in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The Council of Ephesus declared this dogma which clearly defines that Our Lady is the Mother of God.  Everything that had been destroyed by Adam’s sin was restored by the Blessed Mother’s consenting to the divine maternity.  The Redemptive Incarnation and all that flows from it would not exist without her generous response.  God was not outdone by the devil’s machinations in the garden but repaired perfectly every detail of the fall.  In particular, Our Lady, unlike Eve, was found by the angel, St. Gabriel, in prayer and thereby disposed to accept God’s call with humble obedience.

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Bride, Spouse and Victim

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Laetare Sunday 2020 – Carmelite Clothing Day
This is a joyful day and a preparation for the total gift of self that is to come at the religious profession.  All has been left behind and that includes any reliance on self because now it is time to rely on God alone.  Religious life is the proximate call to holiness and the ceremony of the clothing in the Carmelite habit is meant to impress this on us.  The habit, especially the Brown Scapular, is the constant sacramental reminder of the call to contemplative prayer and divine union.  As a chosen bride and spouse of Our Lord, the religious is joined to Him on the Cross as a victim for the Church, priests and the salvation of souls.  Do not look back but press on to the goal of union with Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.

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Patron Of All

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Feast Of Saint Joseph 2020
St. Joseph is described as a just man in the Gospel which means he was deeply religious.  His virtues prepared him for his vocation to be the spouse of the Blessed Mother and foster father of the Son of God.  His fears after the Annunciation were about his own worthiness to fulfill his role in so Divine a mission.  The angel reassured St. Joseph and he never wavered in his loving fidelity to duty.  Unlike the Apostles, his job was to protect and to conceal the Savior until His hour had come.  His virginal paternity is a perfect reflection of that of God the Father.  St. Joseph fulfilled his roles as saint, husband, father and worker so that he truly is the patron of all.

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Spiritual Communion

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3rd Sunday of Lent 2020
St. Paul teaches us the importance of imitating God during Lent.  These are trying times which offer us the opportunity to face them as Our Lord would.  In the Gospel we see how the insincere twist even the holy works of Christ to their own destruction.  This account ends with Jesus praising His Blessed Mother for hearing the words of God and keeping them.  The feast of St. Joseph is later this week and he is the patron of our community.  Finally, we should practice the consoling devotion of making a spiritual communion, especially if we are unable to receive Holy Communion.

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Learn As A Catechumen In Lent

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2nd Sunday of Lent 2020
Lent is a long retreat for catechumens to prepare for Baptism and for penitents to prepare for Communion. We follow in their footsteps as we learn from each of the Lenten Masses as seen, for example, in this week’s story of Esau and Jacob.  Today’s Epistle stresses God’s holy will that we become saints while the Transfiguration Gospel reaffirms Our Lord’s divinity, especially in preparation for His suffering ahead which will test our faith as it did the apostles.

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In Heaven We Will Meet Again

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Funeral Mass March 7, 2020
Our first duty in the face of death is to pray for the soul of the faithful departed so that she may be released from Purgatory as soon as possible.  We have confidence because all the consolations of the Faith through the sacraments were given to the deceased but we still must pray always for her.  God rewards those who suffer for Him, especially out of loyalty which He values highly.  Catholics look forward to the day when they can meet their beloved dead and see them again in heaven.

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What Is Keeping Me From God?

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First Sunday of Lent 2020
This sermon begins with a review of the Lenten regulations and a recalling of the life and the struggle for his vocation of St. Thomas Aquinas, whose feast is this week.  Then we learn about the sacramental of ashes which is a powerful aid during this season which offers us more graces than at any other time during the year.  With this help we perform supernatural works which overcome everything that separates us from God.  After His forty days of fasting in the desert, Our Lord showed us how to defeat the devil and his temptations.  We are meant to follow Christ’s example.

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