Our Loving Angels

17th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
God calls us to be an example to those who hate what we believe. There is only one Catholic Faith and because of this, only one true religion. As we hear in the Gospel, we must love the Lord with our whole heart. When we love Him with everything we possess then we know how to love our neighbor. St. Jerome tells us that everyone receives a guarding angle on the day he is born. “Angle” means messenger and our angels fulfill that role by bringing messages between us and God; but more than that, our guarding angles love us tenderly. We should never do anything evil in the presence of our angel who always stands by our side.

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The Battle for Souls

16th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
The Lord is sweet and mild.  It should be easy for us to love our God.  We are moved to act as God wants us to by the grace given to us before, during, and after we act.  St. Paul speaks of the life blood of the Mystical Body of Christ – charity.  We must first be humble before we can be charitable.  Humility removes our self-love so that we may have the ability to love purely with true charity.  There is a battle for the souls of the youth and their path in life is being formed right now.  The youthful soul enhanced by grace is more powerful than the devil, but it must be formed.  We must commit ourselves with all our hearts.

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Forgetting Self

15th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
The Epistle for this Mass warns us against vanity.  It should be easy for us to see our neighbor as better than we are, because we know our own sins and we do not know how others will be judged.  How humble should we be when we remember that our sins affect the whole Mystical Body and make us deserving of hell?  We must hate our sins, love those who despise us, and embrace the humiliations that God sees fit to send us.

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Peace Is Restored Through The Cross

The Exultation Of The Holy Cross 2022
We honor the Holy Cross with a spirit of joy in this liturgy.  It is important for us to know the history of this feast.  The first victory under the banner of the cross was that of Emperor Constantine, in which he conquered the powers of evil by God’s help.  His mother, St. Helena, led the expedition to recover the true Cross from Jerusalem and centuries later, Emperor Heraclius led his armies to combat the pagan world and return the Cross to its rightful home.  This instrument of torture has become the instrument of our salvation, and it is only through the Cross that true peace is restored.  “For the sake of Jesus, let us persevere on the cross.”

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No Salvation Without Belief

13th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
In the collect of this Mass we beg for an increase of the three theological virtues.  If we do not believe, we cannot be saved.  This is why we must be continually taught the catechism.  We see that the lepers of the Gospel were cured because of their faith and trusting hope in divine providence.  If we are not thankful for the many gifts we have been given, God may withdraw His grace in the future.  Those graces that are rejected by us will be offered to another, so the gifts of God must never be taken lightly.

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The More I Will Bless You

12th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
Enthronement Of The Holy Infant Of PragueThe popularity of the devotion to Our Lord in the image of the Holy Infant of Prague has spread worldwide.  After the original image had been treated with disregard and forgotten for many years, through the miraculous direction from Heaven, it was restored to its former place of honor.  The inviting words of encouragement spoken by Christ, “the more you honor Me, the more I will bless you,” have touched the hearts of so many faithful who now approach the Holy Infant in the hopes that He grant them the love and simplicity of little children so that they may enter with Him into the kingdom of God.

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Faith Cures Our Deafness

11th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
This time is referred to as the Blessed Virgin Mary’s thirty days, because of the numerous feasts which honor her over the next month.  Although she is given little respect by non-Catholics, she has been rightfully showered with praise by the saints, councils of the Church, and many others.  We are taught by this Mass about the sacraments and mysteries of the Catholic Church, symbolized in the Gospel account.  Our Lord came to save us by granting us His Holy Spirit and curing our deafness through the gift of Faith.  We must pray from our hearts and keep our gaze on Heaven, our goal.

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A More Perfect Humility

10th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
This Mass is a Mass for the proud.  Every aspect of this liturgy has some reference to the superior moral virtue of humility.  The Gospel exemplifies humility in the publican, but as we advance in the practice of this virtue our understanding of it must develop as well.  Not only must we acknowledge our nothingness and need, but we must appreciate God’s gifts and benefits to us all the more.  This is how we prevent our humility from remaining focused on self, and this is why the Epistle of this Mass focuses on God’s many gifts.

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Examples Of Sanctity In The Midst Of Corruption

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
We must not neglect the saints.  We should know something about the great saints this week like Saints John Vianney, Lawrence, and Clare.  But we must not forget those saints that are especially attacked in our day, like St. Philomena and St. Christopher.  Those who speak ill of God and His saints blaspheme and will not go unpunished.  We know that God rewards the good and punishes the evil and only permits evil to bring forth a greater good.  Just as He cleansed His physical temple of thieves, so He will one day cleanse the world and the Church of all corruption.

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Taste And See His Sweetness

8th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
”Taste and see how sweet the Lord is”  These words are from the earliest Communion psalm, which was a favorite among the early Christians.  We celebrate the feast of the Holy Maccabees, the only Old Testaments saints celebrated in the liturgy, and their story reminds us of our need for fortitude during suffering, to stand against persecution, and to be true to our principals.  Our Rosary and spiritual reading are more powerful against the world than carrying signs of protest.

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