The Lowest of God’s Creatures

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
St. Joseph of Cupertino is truly one of the greatest saints.  His holiness and miracles were undeniable.  Our goal should be to speak more frequently with God, because this is prayer.  When we are in the state of grace, we love God more than we love ourselves.  Nothing else matters but love.  Our intellect and will separate us from the animals.  If not for God’s grace we would have no virtue, goodness, or kindness.  We must remember that we are the worst and lowest of God’s creatures.  This is how we gain Heaven.

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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Feast of the Seven Sorrows 2023
All of Our Lord’s acts had infinite value because He is God.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is called the Associate of Redemption by her union of friendship, love, and emotion.  She has an intimate union with God.  We all weep, because we are injured, or mistreated, or ignored, or misunderstood, etc.  Sometimes we weep for love.  Love can be the greatest source of pain.  We see how much the saints suffered for love.  One of the reasons why Our Lady wept on Calvary is because of the loss of so many souls whom she loved so deeply.

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The Wood Made Holy

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2023
It was through the tree that sin entered the world, and it is through the tree of the Cross that all things are purified.  The brazen serpent of Moses was a prefiguring of the Cross.  The sign of death becomes the sign of salvation.  We must learn our lessons from the liturgy.  The Introit tells us to glory in this Cross.  We are different from the others who believe the Cross is foolishness.  We only learn the mystery of the Cross through humility.  Just as the name of Jesus is exalted through His humility, our names too will be written in the book of life.

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Do Not Weep

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
No other religion has produced saints as the Catholic Church has.  The greatest mark of the Church is her holiness.  Discretion is one of the best ways to practice charity.  It allows us to know when to offer correction and when to simply let our example teach our neighbor.  Charity is the hallmark of a Catholic.  As much as we unwittingly crucify each other we are still bonded together by charity, and nothing stands in the way of charity for a true Catholic.  Our Lord feels the burdens of His people.

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Two Paths To Choose

14th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
St. Paul tells us that those who commit the sins he lists in the Epistle will not enter Heaven.  If we have guilt on our conscience, let us rid ourselves of it.  We must be sorrowful and detest our sins, make acts of perfect contrition and go to the sacrament of Penance often.  There are only two paths, the road to God and the road to Lucifer.  St. Pius X fought against that synthesis of all heresies – Modernism.  The same fight is continued today by true clergy and faithful.

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God Asks For 100%

1st Friday September 2023
First Friday Conference The Fourteen Holy Helpers have been invoked since the Middle Ages to help with specific needs of the faithful.  St. Augustine is one of the greatest moral and doctrinal theologians in history.  His most famous works are popular even among non-Catholics.  Conversion of life and the mortification of the senses can be extremely difficult.  Temptations can surprise us at any moment and defense against these temptations often takes heroism. It is worth fighting for the things that really matter.  Sensitivity is necessary when practicing charity towards our neighbor.

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Deo Gratias

13th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
The Epistle for this Mass is difficult and can be easily misunderstood.  What St. Paul explains regarding the purpose of the Old Law and its preparation for the coming of the Messiah requires careful explanation.  Since we enjoy the benefits of the New Law and the graces which Our Lord won for us, we must be on guard against the sin of ingratitude.  Just like the lepers in the Gospel, it is easy for us to take for granted the unfathomable gifts we have received.  Our souls should be spiritually prostrated before God and the words “Deo Gratias” should be always in our hearts.

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Don’t Conform To The World

12th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
In the Gospel for today, we see Christ represented as the Good Samaritan – the one Who was rejected by the world.  He is the one Who saves the sinner who has been wounded by the devil.  We are that sinner and we must cry out for salvation.  We are bombarded by propaganda, and for the most part we are unaware.  The world does not want us to be like the Good Samaritan who stands out from the crowd.  The world wants us to conform.  We follow Christ in our love for God and neighbor.

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What She Has Done For Us

Assumption Evening 2023
The Holy Mother of God is Queen, even of the angels.  We cannot imagine the great rejoicing in Heaven on this day.  It is believed that Our Lord Himself came and took His Mother back to Heaven.  We may not have been present for the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption but before long, we will join in the celebration of Heaven.  It is impossible for us to appreciate how much we owe Her for all that She has done for us, and we will never stop thanking Her.

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She Is The Joy of Heaven

Feast of the Assumption 2023
In Heaven, the Blessed Mother is second only to the Holy Trinity in honor.  She is called Co-redemptrix because everything that Our Lord won she won as well in a subordinate manner.  It was a miracle that she was sustained in life while her Divine Son died.  She was kept on Earth for the sake of helping the early Church.  Because the Virgin Mary shared so closely in Our Lord’s death, she shares in His triumph.  She offers the gifts of God as she pleases to her children here below.

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