Fundamentals For Fatherhood

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2022
With the vocation of fatherhood being so attacked in the world today, it is more important than ever for Catholic fathers to hold fast to the holy principals of their vocation.  True manhood, with its accompanying virtues of perseverance, responsibility, and love of neighbor, is the essential foundation for this vocation.  The father as the head of the family is responsible before all others for, not only the intellectual, but also the spiritual education of his children.  In following the example of the great saintly fathers of Catholic history, men will be able to meet the expectation of this most necessary calling.

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Priest After The Heart of Christ

Ember Friday In Advent 2021 & Profession Day
Congratulations for bravery, fearlessness and confidence in God as you pledge yourself to our religious community in the pursuit of sanctity and infused prayer. This is your next step on the road to the priesthood.  Follow St. Paul’s advice to forget what is past and strain forward for the future prize.  The devil hates priests and those preparing for ordination; however, not for you to worry because you are invincible and invulnerable thanks to God’s help. What is the characteristic of a good priest?  Such a priest imitates the Sacred Heart and communicates His love to all.  The priest should not live and preach as a sterile professor but with a fiery heart like Our Lord’s.

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Sharing Your Lives Together

Wedding of Tyler & Patricia Smith
This is a happy day for the bride and groom and all who know and love you.  The marriage bond was given by God to Adam and Eve and then it was raised to a sacrament by Christ when He walked among us.  The purposes of this sacrament are the procreation and education of children, mutual support and a remedy to concupiscence.  The primary purpose is raising children, not just to live in this world but, for heaven.  This holy institution demands responsible adults whose love for each other gives them the ability to share sufferings together and to be humble in bearing one another’s weaknesses.  Through this you will both have a happy life together and win a reward in heaven.

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Vessel Of Election

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2021
Profession of Sr. Josepha

All profession days are beautiful moments for our religious communities and for the people.  Today is also unique and reminiscent of Jesus’ words about St. Paul at his conversion, “I will teach him to suffer for My Name”.   This joyful day is also a pure and perfect sacrifice in union with Our Lord on the Cross.  The means of this oblation are the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity and obedience that were professed this morning before Mass.  These are counsels from the Gospel which are for those called to embrace them and who are generous in doing so.  All the baptized must live the spirit of the vows but religious practice them.  Now begins the work of living the interior life deeply and thereby becoming a fruitful spouse of Christ.  There is much to learn about the theological virtues and the vows but the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Mother will be your guides.  Be stout-hearted because the Lord is your light and salvation  and He will never forget you.

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Raised From The Dead

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2021
All profession days are beautiful moments for our religious communities and for the people.  Today is also unique and reminiscent of Jesus’ words about St. Paul at his conversion, “I will teach him to suffer for My Name”.   This joyful day is also a pure and perfect sacrifice in union with Our Lord on the Cross.  The means of this oblation are the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity and obedience that were professed this morning before Mass.  These are counsels from the Gospel which are for those called to embrace them and who are generous in doing so.  All the baptized must live the spirit of the vows but religious practice them.  Now begins the work of living the interior life deeply and thereby becoming a fruitful spouse of Christ.  There is much to learn about the theological virtues and the vows but the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Mother will be your guides.  Be stout-hearted because the Lord is your light and salvation  and He will never forget you.

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To Serve God Is To Reign

St. Matthias 2021
(Profession Day)
Today marks a step closer to the Sacred Priesthood as our brother officially becomes a member of our community with his profession.  Religious life is a secure path to holiness and happiness in this life which will blossom in heaven.  In recalling the first stirrings of a vocation one can see Our Lord gently calling to follow Him in His life of suffering for others.  Sacrifices and greater challenges are still in the future as Christ molds one into a perfect image of Himself on the Cross.  By a generous and humble acceptance of this will lead to our sharing in the glory of Our Lord.

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That Is Your Call

Father Brown’s Greeting After Mass

After offering his first High Mass, our newly ordained priest spoke in thanksgiving for his vocation and offered advice for those who feel called to the priesthood themselves.

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Gaudete Sunday 2020
This is indeed a Sunday to rejoice because it is the first High Mass of our newly ordained priest.  Father was ordained on the feast of Our Lady’s Presentation in a ceremony which showed the sacredness of this sacrament of Holy Orders.  Ordination imprints on the soul of the new priest a permanent mark called a character.  The character can never be removed and joins the ordinand to the Sacred Humanity of Jesus  in such a sublime way that the priest is another Christ.  Our Lord now acts directly through His priest to the degree that the words of consecration, This is My Body,  are spoken by Christ Himself through the instrumentality of the celebrant.  We have much to be thankful for today that another “alter Christus” will offer the most august sacrifice of the Holy Mass.

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Does God Not Have Rights Too?

Feast Of Christ the King 2020
Pontius Pilate acted cowardly in today’s Gospel and what happened to him as a result is a good lesson for all of us.  This feast was established by Pope Pius XI who saw the attacks against Our Lord as undermining the fabric of civilization also.  This feast cries out to brave souls to defend Christ’s Kingship and restore society to the excellent footing it once had.

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Child Of Divine Choice

Feast Of The Immaculate Heart Of Mary 2020
On this beautiful feast of Our Lady we learn about being clothed in the habit of our community on the road to the priesthood.  In following a vocation which God has chosen for us we must attend carefully to these instructions on our dispositions which are critical to being successful.  We then hear about the significance of the different parts of the habit and what they mean in the religious life.  Finally, the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary is described and how wonderful it is for us to have recourse to her on the way of perfection.

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