Built On A Rock

Feast Of Saints Peter & Paul 2021 This feast honors Saints Peter and Paul who were martyred in Rome on this day.  Today concentrates on St. Peter and tomorrow is dedicated to St. Paul.  The Introit and Epistle show us the deliverance of St. Peter from Herod at the last moment and the Gospel etc.…

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St. Peter, Imitator of Christ

Feast Of Saints Peter and Paul 2019 This ancient feast emphasizes the chief of the Apostles and the Church reserves its celebration for St. Paul until tomorrow.  Christ chose St. Peter to be a perfect imitation of Himself and gave him tremendous powers with which to strengthen the Church in its first years.  Our Lord…

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Strength Is Made Perfect In Weakness

Sexagesima Sunday 2019 The Divine Office this week focuses on Noah and the Ark which is a symbol of Christ’s Cross; the Wood of each being the means of saving the world.  In the Epistle St. Paul defends himself against early heretics and records God’s encouraging words to him when he felt his weakness.  We…

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St. Peter, Model Of Priests

1st Friday July 2017 – Feast Of Saints Cyril & Methodius Saints Cyril and Methodius were blood brothers who were the missionaries that converted many of the people of central Europe.  Their Mass Alleluia mentions Melchisedech who is a mysterious person from the Old Testament that prefigures Our Lord’s priesthood.  St. Peter typifies everything a…

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St. Peter’s Faith And Virtues

Feast Of Saints Peter And Paul 2017 Today honors the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul.  St. Peter is highlighted in Mass texts which describe his miraculous escape from prison and certain death plus his attesting to the divinity of Christ which secured the Church on the solid rock of St. Peters faith.  He was…

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Change Self – Change the World

Feast Of Saints Peter And Paul 2016 In this sermon, we are reminded of the heroic lives of Saints Peter and Paul as the pillars of the Faith.  We too must have the great love and generous hearts as they did.  Despite the sad situation around us we can change our lives by becoming saints…

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Peter Is Here

6th Sunday after Pentecost 2016 Fr. Superior focuses on the great feasts to be celebrated this week, including the Apostles Peter and Paul and the great work of locating St. Peter’s bodily remains in Rome, the upcoming feast of the Most Precious Blood, the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and today’s commemoration of Sts.…

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It Is Not Easy

Septuagesima Sunday 2015 The Epistle tells us that if we are to put our efforts into anything it should be something that really matters.  Not for the perishable rewards given in sports but for the eternal reward of Heaven.  These three Sundays are for an examination of conscience.  We should be asking during these days…

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Our Mediator To God

Sermon From The Feast Of Saints Peter & Paul 2014 The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church because Christ protects it and has built it on the rock of St. Peter.  We know much about St. Peter from the Gospels and about St. Paul from the Acts and the Epistles.  They mirrored…

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