God Asks For 100%

1st Friday September 2023
First Friday Conference The Fourteen Holy Helpers have been invoked since the Middle Ages to help with specific needs of the faithful.  St. Augustine is one of the greatest moral and doctrinal theologians in history.  His most famous works are popular even among non-Catholics.  Conversion of life and the mortification of the senses can be extremely difficult.  Temptations can surprise us at any moment and defense against these temptations often takes heroism. It is worth fighting for the things that really matter.  Sensitivity is necessary when practicing charity towards our neighbor.

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Deo Gratias

13th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
The Epistle for this Mass is difficult and can be easily misunderstood.  What St. Paul explains regarding the purpose of the Old Law and its preparation for the coming of the Messiah requires careful explanation.  Since we enjoy the benefits of the New Law and the graces which Our Lord won for us, we must be on guard against the sin of ingratitude.  Just like the lepers in the Gospel, it is easy for us to take for granted the unfathomable gifts we have received.  Our souls should be spiritually prostrated before God and the words “Deo Gratias” should be always in our hearts.

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Don’t Conform To The World

12th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
In the Gospel for today, we see Christ represented as the Good Samaritan – the one Who was rejected by the world.  He is the one Who saves the sinner who has been wounded by the devil.  We are that sinner and we must cry out for salvation.  We are bombarded by propaganda, and for the most part we are unaware.  The world does not want us to be like the Good Samaritan who stands out from the crowd.  The world wants us to conform.  We follow Christ in our love for God and neighbor.

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Humility Is Truth

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
If we have no attachments to hold us down in this life we will speedily reach Heaven when we die.  Our Lord said we will receive a hundredfold of the things we give up for God’s sake in this life.  We should not attribute anything we do to ourselves because it is God Who gives us all the strength we need.  We recognize the truth when we recognize our utter weakness.  We are the only ones responsible for our sins and if we truly know ourselves, nothing we possess will make us proud.

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God Is Light

Transfiguration 2023
(10th Sunday after Pentecost)
Pride is placing ourselves before God and neighbor.  We must remember that we would be as evil as our worst enemies if not for God’s grace.  We must acknowledge our weakness.  We ourselves are pharisees because of the hypocrisy of our sinful lives.  The Transfiguration can be summarized in the truth that God is Light and He destroys the darkness.  When we receive spiritual gifts, just as the Apostles did, we should thank God without broadcasting our gifts to the world and exposing our souls to pride.

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The Rosary & The Transfiguration

1st Friday Conference August 2023
Feast of St. DominicSt. Dominic worked to combat the Albigensian heresy.  Despite his great ability in preaching, he had little success until he was instructed by the Blessed Mother to use the Rosary.  The power of this spiritual weapon is seen even to this day.

The three Synoptic Gospels speak of the miracle of the Transfiguration and even St. John refers to it when he says that we have seen the glory of the Lord.  Through this miracle, Christ showed Himself as He really is, by allowing His divinity to be shown through His human nature.

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The Battle for Souls

16th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
The Lord is sweet and mild.  It should be easy for us to love our God.  We are moved to act as God wants us to by the grace given to us before, during, and after we act.  St. Paul speaks of the life blood of the Mystical Body of Christ – charity.  We must first be humble before we can be charitable.  Humility removes our self-love so that we may have the ability to love purely with true charity.  There is a battle for the souls of the youth and their path in life is being formed right now.  The youthful soul enhanced by grace is more powerful than the devil, but it must be formed.  We must commit ourselves with all our hearts.

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Forgetting Self

15th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
The Epistle for this Mass warns us against vanity.  It should be easy for us to see our neighbor as better than we are, because we know our own sins and we do not know how others will be judged.  How humble should we be when we remember that our sins affect the whole Mystical Body and make us deserving of hell?  We must hate our sins, love those who despise us, and embrace the humiliations that God sees fit to send us.

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Peace Is Restored Through The Cross

The Exultation Of The Holy Cross 2022
We honor the Holy Cross with a spirit of joy in this liturgy.  It is important for us to know the history of this feast.  The first victory under the banner of the cross was that of Emperor Constantine, in which he conquered the powers of evil by God’s help.  His mother, St. Helena, led the expedition to recover the true Cross from Jerusalem and centuries later, Emperor Heraclius led his armies to combat the pagan world and return the Cross to its rightful home.  This instrument of torture has become the instrument of our salvation, and it is only through the Cross that true peace is restored.  “For the sake of Jesus, let us persevere on the cross.”

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No Salvation Without Belief

13th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
In the collect of this Mass we beg for an increase of the three theological virtues.  If we do not believe, we cannot be saved.  This is why we must be continually taught the catechism.  We see that the lepers of the Gospel were cured because of their faith and trusting hope in divine providence.  If we are not thankful for the many gifts we have been given, God may withdraw His grace in the future.  Those graces that are rejected by us will be offered to another, so the gifts of God must never be taken lightly.

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