
Mother’s Day

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Fourth Sunday after Easter 2017

This Mass prepares us for the upcoming feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost when Our Lord returns to heaven and sends the Holy Ghost.  This day is also a secular holiday in which we honor our mothers.  Falling as it does during the month of May our thoughts naturally turn to our heavenly Mother and all that she has done for us.  A tangible sign of this comes under her title of “Queen of Peace” which was added to her litany and soon afterwards led to her apparitions at Fatima and the end of the first World War.


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The Holy Helpers

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10th Sunday after Pentecost

Besides learning about Saints Anne and James the Greater, we hear about the 14 Holy Martyrs who are invoked for a variety of needs and were especially implored for aid during the black death.  From the Epistle the Holy Ghost through St. Paul teaches us about the charisms in the Church.  From the Gospel about the Pharisee and the Publican we are taught about the importance of humility and of not depending on self as Pelagians do.


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Peace Of Conscience

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9th Sunday after Pentecost

The life of St. Mary Magdalen is a perfect example of the serenity that comes to anyone who converts from sin and begins to love God above all else.  The Act of Contrition is our way of imitating this holy penitent.  St. Camillus is another case of a beautiful conversion which led him to express his love of God through heroic care for the sick and dying.  Finally, this sermon gives several practical ways of living a spiritual life in today’s world.  It explains the difference between temptation and sin and how to deal with both.  Discerning God’s Will for us requires prayer, reflection and counsel.



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God Founded The Church He Wanted

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7th Sunday After Pentecost

Father cautions everyone to be aware of the great danger of pornography and he stresses the need to be aware of false prophets.  He quotes our Lord: “not everyone who says Lord, Lord, shall enter heaven but those who do the Will of God the Father.  He reminds us that good trees bear good fruit but bad trees only bad fruit.  We must practice the good fruits of the Holy Spirit if we are to achieve eternal salvation.  We cannot be like those who preach the Faith outwardly but inwardly work against it.



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Christ And His Baptist

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Question and Answer Session June 26, 2016

Father speaks about the blessing of articles, modest dress during the summer, the reason women wear veils in Church and the striking parallels in the lives of Our Lord and St. John the Baptist.  The hymn for his feastday was the origin for the musical scale that we use today.


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Peter Is Here

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6th Sunday after Pentecost 2016

Fr. Superior focuses on the great feasts to be celebrated this week, including the Apostles Peter and Paul and the great work of locating St. Peter’s bodily remains in Rome, the upcoming feast of the Most Precious Blood, the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and today’s commemoration of Sts. John and Paul who were martyred by Julian the Apostate after the reign of Constantine.  Fr. also gives a brief description of the relic of  the Mother of Perpetual Help, touched to the image painted by St. Luke, and he alerted all those who felt they were Publicans (great sinners) that they were indeed welcome to attend chapel services including today’s Q&A Session after Mass.  After all, aren’t we all publicans?


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Season For Prayer

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5th Sunday after Pentecost 2016

Father begins by reflecting on Father’s Day and how all fatherhood is derived from the Holy Trinity and the great responsibility fathers have of doing all they can for their children.  St. Joseph is the model for all earthly fathers and we must emulate the great humility he displayed in fulfilling his role.  Father then moves on to the theme for today’s Mass – that of the need for prayer and the unity of prayer while always being cautious of what we say about others.  He reminds us that during Pentecost Season we are in a season of sanctification, which requires reception of the sacraments, prayer – including mental prayer, spiritual reading and closeness to our Father in Heaven.


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Peace: Our Reward For Virtue

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4th Sunday after Pentecost

Father first reminds us of the wonderful Feasts on the calendar this week, particularly that of St. Anthony – called the Wonder Worker because of his tremendous impact on the Church after his relatively short life on earth.  Subsequently, Father turns to the readings for today’s Mass and concentrates on the theme “virtue is its own reward.”  He mentions not only virtue in a generic sense but supernatural virtue, both of which have their own rewards.  Supernatural virtue, however, has as its reward “conscience” which ever impels us to the good despite our attempts to deny its impact on our lives.  It may, in fact, be the driving force which leads us to repentance and eternal happiness in Heaven.  It is, indeed, a gift from God.



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The Most Important Day Of Your Life

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3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2016

First Communion Sunday

The parables of the lost sheep and the lost drachma in today’s gospel are meant to remind us of the great efforts Our Lord will take to bring lost souls back to His heavenly home.  Just as human actors in today’s gospel placed a very high value on their lost items, the value which Our Lord places on our souls is infinitely greater.  As Our Lord said, “There will be greater happiness in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over those many who have no need of repentance.”  We should always remember the Mercy Our Lord offers us if only we repent of our wrongdoings.  Today was also First Communion Sunday and we would be remiss if we did not offer congratulations to the First Communicants and their parents as well as continuing prayers for their success in the Faith.


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