
The Reading of “Quo Primum”

The importance of the traditional Latin Mass is seen clearly from the encyclical, “Quo Primum”, by Saint Pius V.  This reading of the document is a powerful reminder of this.


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Good Intentions

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7th Sunday after Pentecost 2021

The story of King Solomon is read in the Divine Office during these days and it is a reminder to us of how far we can fall if we are unfaithful.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions which were never brought to fruition.  Here are the six steps that the will takes in accomplishing any action: wish, intention, consent, election, use and joy over the good achieved.  The saints are diligent in following all the steps to gain the supernatural gifts of grace which brings them to heaven.  Their good intentions produce good fruit.

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Quo Primum

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6th Sunday after Pentecost 2021
Patriotism is part of the virtue of piety and recalled today.  This Sunday has humility as a theme and it is easy to remember because without God’s help we are sinners and that thought should keep us humble.  Mortal sin is the worst thing in the world and venial sin is the second worst.  We must be models to others because of the gifts given to us.  Scandal results instead if we cause others to sin.  The Gospel was the multiplication of the loaves and fishes and a pre-figuring of the Holy Eucharist and the Mass.  The importance of the traditional Latin Mass is seen clearly from the encyclical, “Quo Primum”, by Saint Pius V.  This reading of the document is a powerful reminder of this.

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You Know That I Love You

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Visitation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary 2021
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin, St. Elizabeth, three days after the Annunciation, resulted in the sanctification of St. John the Baptist in the womb of his mother.  This was made known by the leaping for joy that St. Elizabeth felt in her womb.  Pope Pius IX raised this feast to a higher rank because the city of Rome was freed from the Freemasons on this day.  Today is also the feast of Saints Processus and Martinian who were the last jailers of Saints Peter and Paul.  The Modernists hate this feast because it signals the final victory of the Church over the forces of evil.  This week was the feast of Saints Peter and Paul also and Our Lord had St. Peter repair for his three denials by three protestations of love.  St. Peter proved his love by the shedding of his own blood which is necessary for any true sacrifice.  An expanded view of the Church inspired by symbols found in the Bible inspires all to fidelity and love of Christ.

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Fraternal Charity

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5th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
We just celebrated the feast of St. John the Baptist and this week we have the beautiful feasts of Saints Peter and Paul, the Precious Blood and the Visitation.  Today is also the day in honor of our Mother of Perpetual Help.  In today’s Mass St. Peter is commanding us to practice charity towards one another.  We should not let unjust anger fester in us and we should not hesitate to approach humbly our wronged brethren and reconcile with them.  Our Lord warns that this must be done before worshipping Him at the altar.  Love of our neighbor should progress so that we practice patience towards all even considering their imperfections.  We must learn to listen to others and not try to improve on their stories.

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Do Your Job

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Feast Of St. John the Baptist 2021
No man born is greater than today’s saint whose birthday we celebrate.  This along with other details of St. John’s life parallels those in the life of Christ.  Six months before the Annunciation St. Gabriel appeared to St. Zachary and revealed the birth of a son who would be great.  Miraculous events followed which culminated in the birth of the Precursor whose holiness was so manifest that many had to be convinced that St. John’s role was to only prepare for the Truly Holy One Who would follow him.  St. John was approachable to all and taught them that the way to heaven was to fulfill your daily duties.  This was the message of Our Lady of Fatima also and the hallmark of all the saints – fidelity to duty.

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Liturgy And Salvation

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4th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
The season after Pentecost is the time for making saints because by grace the kingdom of God is within you through the indwelling of the Holy Trinity.  The liturgy is best expressed in the Holy Mass and then through the Divine Office.  The Holy Rosary is next in importance as the means provided for us to increase in charity.  We learn from the bible readings assigned to these weeks the history of salvation.  This Sunday reminds us of David and Goliath and St. Augustine interprets that for us.  The Gospel points out the mission given by Christ to St. Peter and his successors.  The saints for this week show these truths in action especially St. John the Baptist and the Roman martyrs Sts. John and Paul.  Finally, it is good to note that Fathers’ Day comes during the month of the Sacred Heart.

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Thou Art My Hope

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3rd Sunday After Pentecost 2021
This Mass and the recent feast days are about union with God, His Love and His Mercy. The earliest depiction of Our Lord in the catacombs is taken from today’s parable of the Shepherd carrying the lost sheep on His shoulders.  This season after Pentecost is one of hope and shown by the liturgical color of green.  The devil tries to discourage us and drag us into despair or inflate us with presumption.  We must maintain our humility in the face of these diabolical attacks and will thereby receive mercy proportionately.  Always have confidence in the Sacred Heart and never in the world.

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Start Living Heaven Now

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Trinity Sunday 2021
God has endowed us with an intellect that enables us to see the world around us and reason to its Creator.  However, we could never know about the inner life of the Blessed Trinity except that He revealed this to us by His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Before the Annunciation we were given indications of this absolutely supernatural mystery but not the clear teaching as the Second Person gave us.  Our Lord commanded the preaching of this truth and baptizing in the name of the Trinity just before His Ascension.  St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that God has left us many signs of the Trinity in our very nature and everything around us.  Our prayers and the liturgy express the Holy Trinity often.  The eternal Trinitarian life is ours when in the state of grace and is realized perfectly in heaven.

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Queen of Angels And Men

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Conference On First Friday, May 2021 – Feast Of St. Stanislaus
St. Stanislaus is the patron saint of Poland and an example of a bishop who gives his life to protect his flock.  The month of May is dedicated to Our Lady’s queenship and ends with Her feast day.  Pope Pius XII instituted the feast with an encyclical that sounds prophetic in its words: “especially in troubled times the world has turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen”. This is for several reasons beginning with Her divine maternity which started at the Annunciation.  By Her “fiat” God became man and thereby showed that all graces would come from Him but through Her. The Blessed Mother is Queen by being the highest of any creature in charity and all the other virtues.  She also has the title by earning it with Our Lord at Calvary as His cooperator in redemption.  We must proclaim Her sovereignty and draw close to Her.

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