
The Food of Christian Souls

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The Feast of Corpus Christi 2015
There have been innumerable Eucharistic miracles throughout the history of the Church.  In this greatest of all the sacraments, Our Lord is contained, offered, and received.  The priest speaks in the person of Christ when he says, “This is My Body.”  After transubstantiation takes place, the priest holds in his hand the Author of Creation.  We should look at the Host at the elevation and adore our God.  Christ desired to come in the manner of food because He wished to be united with us in such a way that it is as if we are essentially one.  Although Christ is alive, He comes to us in the state of death.  Sacramentally there is renewed Christ’s sacrifice in the Holy Eucharist, so our sufferings may be identified with His.

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God’s Secret

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Trinity Sunday 2015
There are two days in the liturgical year on which the establishment of a feast day has been requested by Heaven directly, one of which being the feast of Corpus Christi.  We should know the details of the establishment of this feast, which was meant to combat the future attacks against the Holy Eucharist.

Our Lord commanded that all nations be converted and baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.  Every Mass begins with the invocation of the Holy Trinity in the Sign of the Cross.  There are numerous symbols in the Church which express the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.  The Kyrie and the Gloria of the Mass proclaim and praise the Triune God

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The Christian Worker

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1st Friday Conference May 2015 (Part 2)
Why did Christ choose to be the Son of a worker?  St. Joseph’s vocation represents someone who changes the world, because in using the materials of the world he symbolically transforms it.  A Catholic should be familiar with the definition of Capitalism, Social Darwinism, Prosperity Theology, Fascism, Socialism, Marxism, and Existentialism.  The true Christian view stands opposed to these philosophies, because it teaches that man is judged not simply by his work but by the quality of his character.  Even small works have value if they are done with great love for God.  “Whatever you do in word or work, do all in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Beneficial Liturgical Reform

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1st Friday Conference May 2015 (Part 1)
Most traditional Catholics are aware of some of the changes that were made to the Holy Week liturgies prior to Vatican Council II, but few know that even great traditional liturgists, like Dom Guéranger, desired that changes be made to these liturgies.  The Church on several occasions has removed accretions from the Mass and liturgy, as well as distinguished between “religious” music and “liturgical” music.  Although the new Holy Week liturgy is not without flaws, it should not be compared with the destruction of the Mass through the Novus Ordo.  Similarly, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker was founded to combat communism and its incursions in the Church.  The practice of taking that which is contrary to the Faith and transforming it into something to aid true Catholic devotion has been employed by the Church from the earliest days.

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The Fruit Of Our Labor

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Sermon From The
7th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
One of the side effects of sins of impurity is blindness of heart.  “By their fruits you shall know them.”  We see the fruits of both the evil and good people in our own lives and throughout the history of the Church.  It is no easy task to change one’s life.  We must carry our cross daily and in uniting our sufferings with those of Christ, we will truly bear good fruit in our lives.  We have a duty to follow the commandments with great love of God.

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The Veiling Ceremony

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Sermon From
6th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This week we have the feasts of St. Mary Magdalen, St. James the Greater and St. Anne.  This Mass repeats Holy Week for us and its sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  Today is also the veiling day for one of the Carmelite Sisters which is rare in our world.  The veil is the sign of consecration to Our Lord as the true Spouse of souls and the reserving of the look of the countenance to Him alone.  Do not deny Jesus anything because no amount of generosity on our part can outdo that of the Savior.  All the elements of this beautiful ceremony express the joy, peace, sacrifice and eternal reward that a contemplative vocation embodies.

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The Hallmark Of Christians

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Sermon On The
5th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
Our Savior, in taking a human nature, knows by experience the hearts of men.  The Old Law was imperfect because it was given to an imperfect people but God was eager to give the fulfillment of that Law in a new and perfect Law.  The main difference between the Old and New Covenant is the spirit of inclusion in the latter, through fraternal charity.  This charity comes from God Himself.  We must do good to those who persecute us and leave vengeance to God alone.

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Our Prayer for Hope

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Sermon From The
4th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
It would be a serious sin if we had no desire to grow in holiness. We can increase in every virtue when we attend Mass, but especially in our hope. We should pray for an increase of hope, and the more we pray the more assurance we have of entering Heaven. We see in the Gospel for this Mass that St. Peter was rewarded for his obedience. Without a trustful hope in God, we can achieve nothing. We must ignore the teachings of the world and place our confidence in God alone.

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Come To The Feast

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2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2014
This Sunday sets the tone for the rest of the year.  The liturgical color of this season after Pentecost is green, which represents hope.  The Mass is filled with all the tools necessary to make us saints.  Just as we read the Gospel account, we too receive invitations from God and we can choose to ignore them if we wish.  This Mass is for all of us: the poor, the lame, the blind.  We must have a great fear and a great love of the Holy Name.

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The Unity and Trinity of God

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Trinity Sunday 2014
Today is also Father’s Day and we wish all the fathers a happy day.  This feast is considered the greatest in the Church because it celebrates the supernatural mystery about the Trinity’s own inner life which we could never even imagine without Revelation informing us of this secret of the Three Persons in One God.  The Old Testament gave indications of this mystery but it was reserved for the Second Person to reveal this personally when He walked among us.  Our Faith teaches this as a fundamental truth without which one cannot be saved.  Each Person of the Trinity has an internal mission and by attribution an external mission.  We are incorporated into this Trinitarian life by sanctifying grace and will see its fruition in heaven.

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