Mass Of Loyalty

Sermon From The
19th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and this sacramental is so powerful that just carrying it is important and beneficial.  The Rosary is a contemplative prayer which is adaptable to communal recitation that can be difficult for some, especially children.  The Introit tells us that God will save us and we must resist the devil.  The Gospel about the marriage feast parallels Christ’s life and stresses the importance of having grace in order to participate in the Sacred Banquet.  Loyalty is being faithful to God, His Church and the Faith.  It continues its influence into our families and friends.  Parents have the responsibility to teach this to their children so that they inculcate this virtue into all their relationships in life.

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Are We Pharisees?

Sermon From The
18th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
We have made great progress in the liturgical year and our holiness of life should show that same progress.  God speaks to us directly through the words of Scripture.  When we compromise with sin, we are denying God.  Christ proved the truth of His words by the miracles He performed, and even though the religious leaders in His time believed in those miracles, they willfully kept their hearts closed to Christ.  We must be on guard against falling into the same mistake in our lives by making excuses for our sins.

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A Mélange

Sermon From
17th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
Today will be a mixture of considerations based on the feasts presented to us through the liturgy of these days.  A favorite of ours is that of the Angels who are so much a part of our lives and not always appreciated.  Even the pagan philosophers knew about them.  We have experienced their aid many times.  We are given ten important truths about the angels to stimulate our devotion to them.  We have another great saint to celebrate and that is St. Francis of Assisi.  His biography is charming and encouraging because he was just like us as a typical son of a middle class businessman.  He was converted by hearing a Gospel verse and in a short life reached heights of sanctity which brought him a restoration of original justice.  His prophecy of a future leader with his name that would be a destroyer is chilling.  In conclusion we recall the feasts of the Rosary and Divine Maternity.

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Woe To The Scandalous

Conference On The
First Friday of October 2014
Scandal is one of the greatest sins against charity.  Christ expects us to do whatever it takes to avoid occasions of sin, even if the separation from these things is painful.  Christ was not only referring to children when He speaks of scandal given to the “little ones.”  He was speaking about all those who are innocent and poor in spirit.  Scandal is a word or act that is evil or appears to be evil that leads others into sin.  Scandal does not cause a person to sin but leads them to it.  We should strive for the spiritual childhood promoted by the Little Flower.

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Examination for the New Year

Sermon From
Last Sunday After Pentecost 2013
At the end, Christ will come openly for all to see, and yet many evil people will remain unrepentant.  Why?  Because they do not want to be converted.  We must not be among them, and we must begin our preparation now by using the sacrament of Penance and by examining our conscience regularly.  We should be prepared for death at all times and pray for forgiveness and detachment in the coming year.

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The Gift of Our Chapel

25th Sunday after Pentecost 2013 – Part 2
We should pray to the saints as if they are real people, not simply images.  The dedication of the Church of Our Savior in Rome, which is the “mother and head” of all churches throughout the world, has been the residence of the popes.  A mosaic in this Church commemorates the apparition of Our Lord which took place during the consecration ceremony.  All other churches are considered Catholic because they are an extension of this Church in Rome.  The cruciform structure of every church reflects the God-centered purpose of our religion, while the altar facing the East demonstrates that the church is not for the people first, but for the worship of God.  A priest should enter the church trembling, knowing that he enters the courts of Heaven.  Traditionally, the doors to the church represented the Trinity, with a carving over the main door depicting Christ in judgment.  It is only after passing through His judgment that we will enter our heavenly abode.

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The King of All Virtues

25th Sunday after Pentecost 2013 – Part 1
St. Paul wrote the epistle to the Colossians while he was imprisoned.  In it, St. Paul emphasized the supremacy of Our Lord over all creatures and His equality with God the Father.  Mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience are virtues rarely found among Catholics today.  It is through charity that we reach perfection, the intimate union with God.  Charity unites and informs all the other virtues, changing them into true expressions of love.  A gift is only valuable when it comes from love.  If we do not increase in charity, the good works we perform will not increase our glory in Heaven.  We should consider how much we have grown in holiness after so many years of being a Catholic.  This Gospel contains one of the few parables for which Christ gave a direct explanation. It is the perfect parable for our own time.

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Humility Makes Us Happy

Sermon From The
24th Sunday after Pentecost 2013
A Catholic should never be sad, despite his troubles.  We see the example of the Little Flower, who died a painful death, at the age of twenty-four, yet she died laughing.  It is pride that makes us sad, and humility which makes us happy.  The Epistle tells us to forgive friends and enemies alike.  We forgive and ask for forgiveness.  Comparing our lives to those of our neighbor will impede our progress, while comparing them to the lives of the saints will make us saints.  Prayer, rather than argument, is the most effective way of converting our neighbor.

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Believe And It Shall Be Done To You

Sermon From
24th Sunday After Pentecost 2013
Father Violette✟
We must first love God, then our neighbor, and then love ourselves according to God’s Will.  The three theological virtues are freely given, not earned.  When we reach heaven, faith and hope will no longer be needed, only charity will remain.  We practice charity, which is true love for neighbor, even when we do not like him – even when he attacks us.  Just as Our Lord saved the Apostles who were in danger on the stormy sea, we should never feel as if we are doomed.  We must tell God how deeply we believe and ask Him to increase our belief.

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Our God-given Peace

22nd Sunday after Pentecost 2013
We believe in the liturgical law, and that the law of belief follows that of prayer.  This is why the deformation of the liturgy is so diabolically dangerous.  Throughout the Mass and especially as we approach the moment of Communion, we pray for peace – the tranquility of order.  This peace that we enjoy comes from the Mass.  Like Esther, we pray that God will give us the words to please Him.  While we live in this Valley of Tears, we can maintain our peace and joy if we remain always attached to the Holy Mass.  Just as St. Alfred the Great triumphed in the name of Christ the King, if we remain true to the Faith and unified in the liturgy, we too will conquer our foes.

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