Hold True To Principle And To Christ!

4th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
Our Lord chose to preach from the boat of St. Peter in the Gospel because this boat represented the Church from which alone God’s word is taught.  We are in need of God’s help and must never despise it no matter how unworthy and sinful we are.  When we die, we will be judged on how much we love Our Lord and how much we tried to save our neighbor.  We must be detached from the people and the objects of the world, because what matters is our soul, what matters is God.  Hold true to principle!  Hold true to Christ!

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We Belong In Heaven

3rd Sunday After Epiphany 2022
From the life of St. Raymund of Pennafort we learn that it is never too late to follow a life of holiness.  This Mass reminds us that we do not belong here below but above with God in heaven.  Therefore we should pray always with that intention and separate ourselves from even just thoughts which will plague us on our deathbeds.  Finally, Our Lord stresses the importance of the priesthood in the Gospel when He directs the cured leper to show himself to the priests.  We need good and holy priests and generous vocations.

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Penance And Priesthood

4th Sunday of Advent Advent 2021
The guides for Advent are prominent in this last Sunday of the season leading up to Christmas.  The Mass texts come from Isaias the Prophet, St. John the Baptist fulfills the prophecies in the Gospel and the Blessed Mother is honored in the Offertory and Communion.  The Mass itself is connected to the December ordinations and St. Paul writes about the worthy stewards of the mysteries of the Faith.  St. John calls the people to penance in preparation for Christ’s coming.

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Priest After The Heart of Christ

Ember Friday In Advent 2021 & Profession Day
Congratulations for bravery, fearlessness and confidence in God as you pledge yourself to our religious community in the pursuit of sanctity and infused prayer. This is your next step on the road to the priesthood.  Follow St. Paul’s advice to forget what is past and strain forward for the future prize.  The devil hates priests and those preparing for ordination; however, not for you to worry because you are invincible and invulnerable thanks to God’s help. What is the characteristic of a good priest?  Such a priest imitates the Sacred Heart and communicates His love to all.  The priest should not live and preach as a sterile professor but with a fiery heart like Our Lord’s.

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Saint Pius X, Our Pope

1st Friday Conference, October 2021
This conference begins with a sobering account of the current problems with the validity of the sacraments because of the devil’s hatred of priests and the means of salvation.  The story of today’s Saint Remy is encouraging in the face of this new paganism because this holy bishop baptized Clovis which began the life of the eldest daughter of the Church – France.  This month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and quotations about it from the saints encourage us to pray it devoutly.  Finally, we recall our holy pope, St. Pius X, who enriched the Church and souls during his papacy.  His love for God and neighbor was evident in his efforts to preserve the Faith pure and undefiled, to honor Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix, to emphasize the Liturgy, increase devotion to the Holy Eucharist, increase study of the Bible, restore Gregorian chant, revise the Code of Canon Law, reform the Breviary and much more.  His sanctity was attested by conversions and miracles during his lifetime and during this canonization process.  He is our strong protector and supporter today against the evil of modernism.


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This Is God’s Blood

Precious Blood 2021
This feast was instituted by Pope Pius IX even before the liberation of Rome from the Freemasons in thanksgiving for the Church’s deliverance from these forces of evil.  The Blood of Christ was pre-figured in the Old Testament starting with Saint Abel.  The power of the Precious Blood is infinite and the least drop would save countless worlds so the greatness of God’s love is shown by His shedding every drop for our salvation.  We receive His Blood whenever we receive Holy Communion and are meant to be overwhelmed by His love.  St. Hildegard, a twelfth century mystic, saw how the Mass was celebrated with angels in attendance and how the chalice holding the Precious Blood was specially honored.

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Crave The Eucharist

Holy Thursday 2021

St. Paul warns us in the Epistle not to abuse Our Lord by receiving Him sacrilegiously in Holy Communion.  This is especially so because the Holy Eucharist is the greatest gift God has given us and the sign of His love for us.  To betray this love is like the kiss of Judas.  The Mandatum is part of the ceremony and this is Christ’s commandment of love which He taught the apostles by His own example.  In giving us Himself in the Holy Eucharist Our Lord asks us to love Him in return.  We have many heroic ancestors to follow who inspire us when we experience our own difficulties in returning love for love.  Eucharistic miracles are God’s frequent way of proving the truth of the Faith and with all these aids we should not be discouraged.


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Foretaste Of The Holy Mass

Laetare Sunday – 4th Sunday In Lent 2021
The Gospel today tells about the multiplication of the loaves and fishes by Our Lord about a year before His Passion and Death.  This miracle was a preparation for the first Mass and the institution of the Holy Eucharist on Holy Thursday.  The happiness that we receive from the Blessed Sacrament is what gives joy to this Sunday in the middle of Lent and is expressed in the liturgy by the beautiful rose color of the vestments today.  In addition, a golden rose was customarily blessed on this day, used to decorate the altar and then given to a Catholic monarch who assisted at the Mass.  The sacredness of the Holy Eucharist  demands reverence in its administration as St. Thomas Aquinas said centuries ago.

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To Serve God Is To Reign

St. Matthias 2021
(Profession Day)
Today marks a step closer to the Sacred Priesthood as our brother officially becomes a member of our community with his profession.  Religious life is a secure path to holiness and happiness in this life which will blossom in heaven.  In recalling the first stirrings of a vocation one can see Our Lord gently calling to follow Him in His life of suffering for others.  Sacrifices and greater challenges are still in the future as Christ molds one into a perfect image of Himself on the Cross.  By a generous and humble acceptance of this will lead to our sharing in the glory of Our Lord.

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That Is Your Call

Father Brown’s Greeting After Mass

After offering his first High Mass, our newly ordained priest spoke in thanksgiving for his vocation and offered advice for those who feel called to the priesthood themselves.

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