The High Altar

24th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The tour of the chapel takes us today to the place of sacrifice.  The significance of the altar is explained.  Every single detail is of importance and prescribed by Holy Mother the Church so that all is done with reverence and devotion.  After the Our Father the altar of sacrifice becomes the means of our communing with God in the Blessed Sacrament.


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Co-Heirs Of Heaven

Feast Of The Transfiguration 2017

The Transfiguration of Our Lord came six days after St. Peter’s confession of Faith in the Son of God.  Then Christ took the three leading apostles up a mountain where He permitted them to glimpse His divinity while He spoke to Moses and Elias.  This was to encourage the apostles for the trials ahead.  We too are meant to be strengthened by this feast and to realize that everything leads us to our true inheritance in heaven.


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Sacrament Sunday

6th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

After learning about the saints this week, particularly St. Mary Magdalen, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and the brown scapular were explained.  This Sunday’s Mass is concerned with the Easter Sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist which are the thoughts found in the Epistle and Gospel.  The Blessed Sacrament will strengthen us throughout life and we must always pray that we be preserved from a sudden and unprovided death in the end.


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Blessed Be The Holy Eucharist

Corpus Christi 2017

The feast of Corpus Christi celebrates the sacramental aspect of the Holy Eucharist while Holy Thursday concentrates on the sacrificial. The Church and priests exist for this central teaching of the faith which is known as transubstantiation.  St. Bonaventure warned centuries ago that without this civilization would return to its base origins and people would degenerate to behavior like beasts.  However, receiving Our Lord in this sacrament gives us the foretaste of heaven which is so necessary to go there eventually.



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The Greatest Day Of Your Life

Fifth Sunday After Easter 2017 – 1st Holy Communion Sunday

St. James in the simple and direct style of his epistle gives practical advice on living a moral life.  In the Gospel, Christ reveals the secrets of the Blessed Trinity to His apostles.  Also, today the children received their First Holy Communion and they were given their final instruction about Its importance and the effects of the Holy Eucharist in their lives.


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Holy Thursday 2017

Holy Thursday can be summed up in one word: Love.  This Divine-Human love in the Sacred Heart gave us the Holy Eucharist, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Priesthood today.  True Catholics love all these sacred things in return and follow Our Lord’s command to love one another.  Finally, we appreciate the cost of this love to Our Savior and what we do in reparation.



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We Are Children Of The Promise

Laetare Sunday 2017

We have reached the middle of Lent and we rejoice at this point and continue to persevere. We receive graces as the chosen ones and we must not postpone our conversion. As the people in today’s Gospel, we will follow Our Lord for the beautiful teachings He gives us and for the miracle of the loaves and fishes.


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My Little White Guest

Holy Thursday 2016

This sermon is all about Agape which is that selfless, sacrificial, unconditional Love, which Jesus has first for His Father and then for us.  It is the Love that He demonstrated on Holy Thursday when He told his disciples, “I will not leave you orphans” and gave them and us through them, the Eucharist and Holy Priesthood to be with us until He comes again in Glory.  It is also the Love which inspired Him to wash the feet of His disciples and to give them the command, “If, then, I, being your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”  This is called the Mandatum and it is our charge as well – that selfless Love we must share with one another.  It is, in the final analysis, why He took upon Himself all of our sins, suffered, and died on the cross to win for us eternal salvation with His Father in Heaven.  The only question for us is: How will we return that Love?


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Priestly Life: Human and Divine

Conference From
First Friday November 2014
To teach, rule, and sanctify are the three powers priests must employ to accomplish their purpose on earth.  Through preaching the priest shares the fruits of all he knows.  In ruling the priest is able to organize society according to the principals of the Church.  By sanctifying the priest makes the people truly holy.  The priest is called “Father,” because he gives life by healing and restoring the faithful.  The priest should offer all, especially the Mass, for the remission of sins.  God chose men, not angels, to be priests, because men know sin and can offer compassion to their fellow sinners.  But despite knowing sin, no one on earth has a greater obligation to perfection than the priest.  Priests belong entirely to Christ and must possess His mind and will.

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