No Salvation Without Belief

13th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
In the collect of this Mass we beg for an increase of the three theological virtues.  If we do not believe, we cannot be saved.  This is why we must be continually taught the catechism.  We see that the lepers of the Gospel were cured because of their faith and trusting hope in divine providence.  If we are not thankful for the many gifts we have been given, God may withdraw His grace in the future.  Those graces that are rejected by us will be offered to another, so the gifts of God must never be taken lightly.

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Fall Forward

6th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
This Sunday brings our minds back to the two great sacraments of Holy Week: Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  Through the former we are given life in the Mystical Body and by the latter that life is nourished and grows.  Those who fall short in attempting to “walk in newness of life” have the example of the reparation of King David along with the conversions of so many saints.  Just like those saints, we must use our falls to our advantage, being urged on with greater zeal to fight harder than ever.  In doing so, our frailty becomes our strength, and our falls only propel us forward to our goal.

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God Thinks Thoughts of Peace

24th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Introit for these final Sundays after Pentecost is from the letter of Jeremias to the exiles in Babylon and reassures them that God will lead them back to the promised land as He leads us back to heaven.  The Gospel encourages us to believe that Christ, who sleeps now during the storm, will save us at the right time.  St. Paul in the Epistle directs us to love our neighbor by obeying the commandments. We can show love to our neighbor by praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  It is wise to teach your children this practice so they will pray for you someday.

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We Cannot Serve Two Masters

14th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Epistle and Gospel for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost make as clear as black and white the battle between good and evil.  We must renounce our vices and not let anything stand in the way of our progress towards God and Heaven.  As we can fall by degrees from faults, to venial sins and finally mortal ones, so we can rise by degrees to sanctity.  Today is the day to start on the road to holiness.


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We Die The Way We Live

3rd Sunday in Lent 2018
We learn in the Mass texts not to let evil enter our thoughts, words or deeds.  This is so we live every moment purely and for God.  Then we are prepared for the last moment when we receive the grace of perseverance efficaciously.  As the good works of Jesus were criticized in the Gospel, so we must also overcome discouragement during our Lenten practices.  We must remember the saints who were like us sinners but who trusted in God and were victorious.


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The Gift Of Lent

First Sunday in Lent 2018
Grace is present at every moment for us but especially during Lent.  We, as Christians, must not be a scandal to those in the world.  Lent is our retreat and it is dangerous to our spiritual life not to realize this.  The virtue of chastity cannot be practiced without constant help from grace.  We need the sacraments, prayer and spiritual reading to be holy.  Christ was tempted in three ways which are conquered by our penances of fasting, prayer and almsgiving.  Remembering the four last things will help save us.


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God Will Hear Us

Ash Wednesday 2018
In 1741 the pope declared that Lent is the true sign of the Christian fighting for his salvation by means of penance through fasting which is understood by the receiving of the sacramental of ashes today.  The entire Septuagesima season focused our attention on sin and our identifying the predominant fault we want to eradicate now.  We begin our forty days of prayers, almsgiving and fasting with confidence that God will hear our plea and forgive us as He did with the Ninivites at the preaching of the prophet Jonas.



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Be Thou Made Clean

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2018

This is the Third Sunday after the Epiphany and the theme of the season is still proclaimed: undying faith in the Son of God becoming Man.  St. Paul, whose feast this week celebrates his conversion, reminds us in the Epistle to be, as much as possible, at peace with all men.  In the Gospel Our Lord performs a miracle in curing the leper and then another miracle for the servant of the centurion.  This account again emphasizes the showing of His Divinity through His Humanity to the Jews in the leper and to the Gentiles in the servant of the pagan centurion.  We should take up the prayer of the soldier, especially at Holy Communion, and ask that our souls may be healed.  Then we can hear those beautiful words to the leper that made him clean of that terrible disease.

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Today You Know Christ Is Coming

Vigil Of Christmas 2017

At the vigil Mass the joy of Christmas is already felt and this happy way that we receive the Infant King reassures us that His second coming will not be a harsh one for us.  On this last day of Advent St. Joseph is brought before us as the worthy descendant of David who will protect the Blessed Mother from scandal, hardship and from the devil.  Our receiving this “Bread from Heaven” will ease our burdens in this life.


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The Sanctuary

18th Sunday after Pentecost  2017

The story of the paralytic shows Christ’s power to forgive sins and encourages all sinners to seek mercy, even through ones friends.  Our chapel tour continues with the explanation of the Beatitudes as the hallmarks of holiness.  An in depth study of the sanctuary tells of its different features and the meaning of these fulfillments of the Old Testament’s Holy of Holies.



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