Wind and Fire

Pentecost Sunday 2019

The Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles to complete their preparation for the mission entrusted to them to go forth and convert the world.  Even after the Resurrection they had faults which needed to be eliminated so the Paraclete could infuse them with the holiness and gifts necessary for their apostolate.  St. Peter showed how effective this was when he converted 3,000 people that day.  We must follow in their footsteps and renounce self to find union with God.

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Christ’s Love Is Causative

Conference On The 4th Sunday After Easter 2019
In this talk after Mass we learn about the qualities of glorified bodies.  Our Lord exhibited these after rising from the dead and they are: subtlety, agility, clarity, impassibility and immortality.  We will also possess them one day in heaven with Christ if we imitate His life and death.  When Jesus shows us His Cross in the end and says that this is how much He loved us then we will answer that we loved Him enough to carry our own crosses as well with His help.

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Communion From Our Shepherd

Good Shepherd Sunday – First Communion Sunday 2019
Today is the first time we have had Good Shepherd Sunday also as our First Communion Sunday.  What a special day it is for all of us!  We recall the greatest day of our lives when we received Our Lord for the first time in Holy Communion.  Christ, the Good Shepherd, leads His sheep in the Faith, takes care of them by the sacraments and feeds them with His own Body and Blood.  We thank Him for His divine love.

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How Often Do We Thank Him?

5th Sunday After Epiphany 2019
On this Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany St. Paul reminds us that charity is the bond of perfection.  Our Lord gave us the example of forgiving sinners as an expression of our love.  We can imitate that towards our neighbor, especially the ones who might annoy us.  God will help us practice this and the other virtues.  Sin is the only thing that belongs to us alone.  We must beware of the fires of hell as a punishment for lack of love.

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Ordinary Means of Holiness

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2019
The Introit and some of the Mass propers for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany will be repeated on the next two Sundays.  They renew the joy of the Incarnation and show forth the divinity of Our Lord.  These are reminders of the essential quality of the liturgy in sanctifying our lives.   The Gospel in particular manifests Christ’s divine power, first to the Jews in the person of the leper and then to the Gentiles in the person of the centurion’s servant.  St. Paul’s epistle stresses charity as the hallmark of Christians.

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Love Without End

25th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The theme of the 25th Sunday after Pentecost is God’s Infinite Love.  Men are sanctified by thinking of His Love, returning it and loving others, especially the unlovable.  Is that not what Christ does in loving us, the unlovable sinners that we are?  The Gospel warns about the weeds in the field which first can be bad Catholics but others as well.  We must firmly believe the words of Our Lord and in the power of prayer.

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Be Prepared To Meet God

All Souls Day Evening 2018
All Souls Day is a consoling Catholic liturgical commemoration which distinguishes us from other religions.  It reminds us of the perfection required for entrance into heaven and a place of mercy for those who still need purification.  It warns us of hell if we die an enemy of God.  Christ said we must pay even the last penny and so the souls in Purgatory are doing that by making amends for their sins.  We must pray for the dead and for ourselves in facing death.  God has given us the sacrament of Extreme Unction which prepares us to meet God and we should pray for this great gift daily.

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The Embrace That Wakes The Dead

All Souls Day 2018
We are called on All Souls Day to be like the religious Sisters of the Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls by praying and sacrificing for the relief and release of those detained in Purgatory.  A member of this congregation, Mother St. Austin, wrote much about the purgatorial life and those who live it.  In excerpts from her poetry we learn about God’s great love of the souls of the Church Suffering and how He embraces them and brings them to heaven once they have been perfected through their time of purification.  St. Mary Magdalen is their patroness because she is the example for us of how the sins of a lifetime can be expiated as she accomplished it in three hours at the foot of the Cross.

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Consolation At The Time Of Death

Funeral Mass October 12, 2018

At this funeral Mass we are reminded about the importance of praying for the dead.  We must die because of Adam’s sin which we inherit and we must free ourselves from the guilt and punishment of our own actual sins.  Christ has given us the Sacrament of Penance to remove guilt but we may depart this life still with a debt to be paid and that is accomplished in Purgatory.  Now our work begins by praying for the departed.  These truths are a blessing to Catholics who know from them what to do when death claims one of our loved ones.  The Sacrament of Extreme Unction has been given by Our Lord just for the moment of death and the Church provides the Apostolic Blessing to give us added encouragement at this critical time.


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Prevenient And Concomitant Grace

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2018 Conference
The Collect of the Mass for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost is a concise and direct statement about another beautiful aspect of the doctrine on grace.  The realization of this teaching will make us better appreciate how much we depend on God for the littlest supernatural act we perform – no matter how easy and even connatural it seems to us.  St. Paul’s Epistle shows us the principle that is God, namely, that Goodness is self-diffusive and more so the closer we are to It.

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