O, Banquet Most Precious

Corpus Christi 2020
We must be thankful for the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and be humbled in its presence.  During our long journey to Heaven we must constantly practice docility to God and He will reward us. Christ revealed what we all acknowledge and believe as the essence of the doctrine, namely transubstantiation.  Whenever we receive we are close to Heaven and our path there is secure.  Those endanger themselves needlessly when they neglect this great sacrament.  We are united in the Holy Eucharist through Our Lord’s Real Presence and are so inspired as to make the texts of this Mass, which were composed by St. Thomas, our source of contemplation.  The rites of the Mass re-enact the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord.

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Love God With All Your Heart

5th Sunday after Easter
Today is also the feast of St. Paschal Baylon, the patron saint of Eucharistic Congresses because of his extraordinary devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.  Later this week is the fest of St. Rita who is a favorite patron of our community because of her intercession in obtaining the gift of ordination for our priests.  The Epistle today from St. James stresses the importance of doing good works and stands in opposition to the heresy of being saved by faith alone.  We must love God and do so by ridding ourselves of the terrible virus of sin.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is our ally in this and we should be practicing special devotion to her this month.  The Rosary is a perfect means of doing this and the standard prayer that our vocations have in common.

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The Sacramental System

4th Sunday After Easter 2020
The Law of Incarnation is fundamental to understanding Creation, Redemption and our sacramental Church.  It means that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, while returning His Divinity, became Man and bridged the infinite gap between Creator and creature.  Because of this, anything Christ thought, willed, said or did was of infinite value and this made His Death on the Cross so valuable for us.  The fallen angels refused the thought of this and fell from grace.  Our Lord left this infinite power of acting through material things in His Church and specifically in the seven Sacraments.  God touches us through the Sacraments which enable us to receive His life of grace and ultimately its fruition in heavenly bliss.

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Restore The Holy Eucharist

Holy Thursday 2020
We celebrate the anniversaries of the institution of the sacrifice of the Holy Mass and the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders today.  The Mass is the central act and purpose for the Church which Christ commanded at the Last Supper to be offered and from it flows Our Lord’s Real Presence among us in the Blessed Sacrament.  He is our Food and the reason for the joy and freedom we experience even at the worst of times.  The Priesthood was established to accomplish this until the end of time.  St. John Vianney said that love of the Mass and the priesthood are signs of predestination.  Priests must cherish these things most of all.  St. Paul in the Epistle warns that our infirmities are caused because of the neglect of the Holy Eucharist.  These mysterious days in which we are living have as their root cause the mistreatment of Our Lord in the most sacred sacrament of the altar.

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Child Of Grace

Quinquagesima Sunday 2020
The Epistle for today teaches the importance of the supernatural virtue of charity which is not to be confused with natural human kindness.  Charity not only enables us to love God and neighbor but it gives us knowledge beyond the highest attainable during our earthly lives.  Today was also the clothing day for one of our seminarians and the sermon continued on the topic of a vocation to the priesthood and religious life.  The importance of grace as a necessity for supernatural endeavors was explained.  The following qualities are essential during the future preparation for service to the Church: perseverance, trust in God, distrust of self, dedication and strength in adversity.  All of these will aided by the sacramental of the religious habit.

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The Holy Family & Silent Prayer

Feast Of The Holy Family 2020
This feast celebrates the beautiful life that Jesus led in this world with His Holy Family.  The Epistle gives us the foundation of the Holy Family’s life together which is charity – the bond of perfection.  The Gospel teaches about Christ’s consciousness of His divine mission and how others observed His growth in wisdom, grace and age.  The sermon concludes with a meditation on silent prayer and why it is essential at Mass.

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Panegyric On The Immaculate Conception

Feast Of The Immaculate Conception 2019
This conference after the Mass honoring Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception begins with an explanation of the Epistle and how it applies to our Blessed Mother.  The declaration of this dogma was done under Pope Pius IX and brought joy to the world.  By a special divine privilege the Virgin Mary was preserved free from original sin in light of the merits of her Son on the cross.  This is what we celebrate today.

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Report Card Sunday

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2019
As we end the liturgical year we can make an examination of conscience and grade our spiritual life in light of God’s blessings to us these past twelve months.  Have we been faithful to our Baptismal promises as St. Paul reminds us in the Epistle by renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps?  Are we prepared for the judgment awaiting each of us as Our Lord warns in the Gospel?  Have we remembered the Holy Souls in Purgatory during this month dedicated to them?  The Church gives us hope in the Mass texts which promise God’s thoughts of peace and not of affliction.

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Eternal Rest

All Souls Day 2019
Mother Mary Austin wrote movingly about the Holy Souls in Purgatory and her congregation was dedicated to helping them.  These saved individuals are holy but not perfect yet and fling themselves into Purgatory to be purified before entering God’s presence.  We have the responsibility to pray and to sacrifice for the relief and release of the Holy Souls and especially now when they are ignored and neglected.  Our model in this is the Blessed Mother whom Our Lord entrusted with care of His Church Suffering.


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Love Is Life Or Death

This week is the feast of All Saints which honors God in His heroic examples of sanctifying power.  Today is the feast of Christ the King which was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 to combat secularism and to re-assert God’s rights in modern society which have been denied.  Christ is King in His divinity and in His humanity through the grace of union, headship, priesthood and conquest on the Cross.  He established His Church with rights to teach, rule and sanctify.  We pray daily in the Lord’s Prayer “Thy Kingdom Come”.

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