Remember Death

All Souls Day, Evening 2021
The ancient pagan art in Rome often had death as its theme.  We too should meditate on death but Christianize it by seeing the goal as God in heaven.  Some of our brethren have not achieved the goal yet and are in Purgatory.  We can assist them by praying for them and teaching others, especially our children, to pray for them.  By taking a moment to help the Holy Souls we will be gaining friends for eternity.

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All Souls Day Conference

All Souls Day 2021
Having a day to pray for the souls of the faithful departed began in the monasteries where the deceased monks were remembered in Masses, the Divine Office and by reciting 150 Our Fathers.  Souls in Purgatory are often permitted to visit family, friends and the altars where they assisted at Mass.  At death a person’s soul leaves his body and is judged instantly.  His decision at that time can never change because without his body to provide new information the soul’s choice at the moment of death is irrevocable.  Those in grace but not yet perfect are purified in Purgatory where the fires purify their souls by humbling their pride.  There is peace and joy there also because the Holy Souls know that they are saved and will see God.  We should pray, fast and give alms to assist them.

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The Marks Of the Saints

All Saints Day 2021, Evening
It is natural for us to seek the help of our friends when trying to accomplish something.  This is what we do with our heavenly friends, the saints, as well. Today honors all the unknown saints with their own feast day. Our chapel has the Beatitudes intermingled with the statues of the saints because these are the marks of what a saint is.  Parents have a tremendous influence in raising their children to be saints.  Saints deserve to be on pedestals but we should never forget that they were people like us.  We can achieve the same by corresponding to grace as they did.  Avoid occasions of sin and follow the example of the saints like Mary Magdalen, Augustine and the Little Flower.

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Humility Of All The Saints

All Saints Day 2021
The Church always celebrated groups of saints and today’s feast includes all the saints.  In the seventh century the pagan Pantheon was consecrated to God and the relics of the saints in the catecombs were brought to this temple for veneration and honoring.  God gave this feast so we thank Him for the saints, we can imitate them, implore their intercession and make reparation for any dishonor shown them or the angels.  If worldlings work so hard following their pagan ideals why can’t Christians work as hard to love God as He deserves?  Humility is the secret of the saints and the law of mercy.

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God Is The Solution

20th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
It is important not to waste time especially with today’s technology which causes many distractions.  It is more common now for people to be depressed, sad and lonely more than at other times in the past.  This is because they are not looking to God and the Blessed Mother.  Especially during this month, we should turn to the Holy Rosary which has many consoling promises attached to its recitation.  We should frequent the sacraments like Penance after making an examination of conscience and we should attend Mass with reverence and attention.

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Attributes Of God

19th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
Today is also the feast of the “greatest saint of modern times”, St. Therese.  The Gospel for this Mass demonstrates the mercy and justice of God in the parable of the wedding feast.  Those were punished for mistreating the messengers thus fulfilling God’s justice.  God’s mercy was shown to those who were invited afterwards.  The mercy and justice of God are understood as attributes of God which can only be spoken of in that way by analogy.

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Quis Ut Deus?

Feast Of St. Michael The Archangel
Today’s new vestment is a beautiful depiction of St. Michael defeating the devil who rebelled against God.  St. Michael received his name from his response to Lucifer’s challenge to the Blessed Trinity.  The leader of the good angels asked “who is like God” (Quis ut Deus)? And that became his name Michael.  On this day in the fifth century a church was dedicated to God in St. Michael’s honor and this feast celebrates that event and honors all the spirits called angels who are organized into nine choirs with different functions.  We have prayers and devotions which honor St. Michael and the angels.  He is the patron of many and one of our own was recently saved by invoking this protecting spirit.  A powerful exorcism against the devil invokes St. Michael’s aid and the uplifting hymn from today’s breviary praises him.

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Sign Of Contradiction

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2021
Crucifixion was an ancient form of torture and execution which was designed to horrify the people and deter anyone from imitating the criminal’s behavior.  All this changed when Our Lord saved us by dying on His Cross.  Now this means of death became our means of life while also showing how much God loves us and how evil sin must be.  This was prefigured by the brazen serpent in the desert which saved the chosen people from poisonous snake bites during their Exodus from Egypt.   Now the Cross is a symbol of victory for us and instead of deterring us from imitating Its Victim It encourages us to follow in His footsteps out of love and devotion.

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Humility And Love Are Related

16th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
Today also commemorates the feast of the Holy Name of Mary which was moved to September 12th because of the miraculous victory of the Christians in saving Europe from the Turks in 1683.  Invoking Our Lady’s name is a powerful aid to our spiritual combat as well.  Today’s Mass begins with a reminder of the importance of prayer in obtaining God’s assistance.  Without God we cannot be saved.  The Epistle is a call to holiness, prayer and charity.  Does not the countless number of children saints show we all can be saints too?  The Gospel teaches a wise lesson that has eternal implications as well.  Love will lead us to humility and together assure us of being exalted with a higher place in heaven.

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