You Know That I Love You

Visitation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary 2021
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin, St. Elizabeth, three days after the Annunciation, resulted in the sanctification of St. John the Baptist in the womb of his mother.  This was made known by the leaping for joy that St. Elizabeth felt in her womb.  Pope Pius IX raised this feast to a higher rank because the city of Rome was freed from the Freemasons on this day.  Today is also the feast of Saints Processus and Martinian who were the last jailers of Saints Peter and Paul.  The Modernists hate this feast because it signals the final victory of the Church over the forces of evil.  This week was the feast of Saints Peter and Paul also and Our Lord had St. Peter repair for his three denials by three protestations of love.  St. Peter proved his love by the shedding of his own blood which is necessary for any true sacrifice.  An expanded view of the Church inspired by symbols found in the Bible inspires all to fidelity and love of Christ.

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Favored By God

Feast Of The Annunciation 2021
This feast celebrates the moment when salvation began with the acceptance by the Blessed Virgin Mary of her role as Mother of God and Co-Redemptrix of the human race.  God became Man today and the Incarnation is the chief teaching of the Catholic Church about Jesus Christ.  This also marks the anniversary of Our Lord’s ordination as a priest.  All this elevates the Immaculate Virgin to the threshold of divinity by her proximity to the hypostatic union which took place in her womb.  This can be considered her greatest feast.  It was a privilege for some of us to have visited the Holy House of Loretto because this is the place where it started.  We should not be rude in prayer by letting ourselves be distracted from speaking with God.


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The Prayerful New Eve

Feast The Annunciation 2020
This ancient feast celebrates the moment that God became Man in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The Council of Ephesus declared this dogma which clearly defines that Our Lady is the Mother of God.  Everything that had been destroyed by Adam’s sin was restored by the Blessed Mother’s consenting to the divine maternity.  The Redemptive Incarnation and all that flows from it would not exist without her generous response.  God was not outdone by the devil’s machinations in the garden but repaired perfectly every detail of the fall.  In particular, Our Lady, unlike Eve, was found by the angel, St. Gabriel, in prayer and thereby disposed to accept God’s call with humble obedience.

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Our Lady’s Fiat

Feast Of The Annunciation 2019
The Annunciation changed all of history as God became a Man this day.  The fall of Adam and Eve was repaired by the archangel, St. Gabriel, asking the New Eve to become the Mother of God.  Our Lady prophesied that all generations will call her blessed and we fulfill this prophecy with every Hail Mary.  We should say the Angelus with devotion.

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Tap Into Her Heart

Feast Of The Annunciation 2018
This year the Annunciation is celebrated after Easter.  Our feast recalls the moment when the ever Virgin Mary became the Mother of God.  All the details of this Gospel account took place in her home which is known as the holiest place on earth.  In penetrating this mystery from inside the Blessed Mother, we see how great was her virginal/maternal heart which was so generous, courageous, faithful, trusting and loving.  We, especially the young, should reach into her heart and use these qualities on our road to heaven.


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Nothing Is Impossible With God

Feast Of The Annunciation 2017

The Son of God became a Man at the Annunciation and so began His priesthood as the mediator between God and men.  At the same time, Our Lady became the Mother of God.  This could only take place because, as St. Gabriel the Archangel said, “nothing is impossible with God”.  Virginity and Maternity were joined miraculously and the Blessed Mother lived a life of trust in God that made her magnanimous and munificent.  Devotion and imitation of her will enable anyone to overcome any challenge in fulfilling God’s Will.


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Infinite Power, Infinite Gentleness

Feast Of The Annunciation

This sermon focuses on Mary’s acceptance of God’s Will that She be the Mother of God and the great degree of Humility that She demonstrated in accepting the words of the Angel Gabriel and, most importantly, what this means for us and all humanity.  Nothing would have happened had She not consented to the awesome request presented to Her to not only be the Mother of God but our Mother as well.  Can we imagine how She felt on that day?  She was, of course, predestined for this role but Her acceptance of it was key to its fulfillment.  Can we be as accepting of the Will of God in our lives as She was in Hers?



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Our Redemption Has Begun

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015
What beautiful words the angel spoke to the Virgin Mary: “Nothing shall be impossible with God.”  Everything is under God’s power, and He is the Author of all.  We all exist to manifest the goodness of our Creator.  Evil is only permitted to occur so we may be sanctified by it.  This is called the Golden Mass because of its beauty and the many favors that are granted to those who pray fervently on this day.  This is the beginning of our redemption.  In the silent moment after the fiat of the Blessed Mother and the departure of the angel, the Son of God became man.  Christ became a priest at the moment of His conception, because in Him the whole cosmos is united.

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Her Infallible Trust

Sermon From
The Annunciation 2014
What a close friend of God St. Gabriel must be for him to be chosen over all the other angels to ask God’s intended spouse, Our Lady, if she would be mother to the Divine Son.  If we want to know the will of God we should ask the angels, especially St. Gabriel.  When we hear the angel say, “Nothing shall be impossible with God,” it should fill us with hope and courage.  We must never give up!  Even Judas could have been saved if he had not despaired.  The Blessed Mother gives us the perfect example of infallible trust in God.

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