His Infinite Suffering

Palm Sunday 2020 Holy Week begins with Our Lord’s triumphal entrance into His city, Jerusalem.  The outpouring of fervor by the pilgrims there for the Passover was increased by the recent raising of Lazarus from the dead.  The city, which did not welcome Him when the Magi came and announced His birth, did so now…

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Let Me Praise You, O Holy Virgin

Palm Sunday 2021 In response to a recent statement that the Virgin Mary’s title of Co-Redemptrix is “foolishness” we have this special message. It is a brief and powerful defense of our Blessed Mother’s title of Co-Redemptrix with a simple explanation of its meaning and how important it is for the Church’s prayer and life.…

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Consolation of the Transfiguration

2nd Sunday In Lent 2021 Our Lord took the three apostles who would soon be tested during His agony in the garden and showed them a glimpse of His divinity during the theophany on Mt. Tabor so they would be strengthened by the remembrance of it at that crucial time.  We too are consoled by…

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Liturgy: Yesterday, Today and Forever

First Friday – Feast Of St. Agatha 2021 With the beginning of the Easter Cycle through the season of Septuagesima it is a good time to review what the Sacred Liturgy is and how it leads our spiritual lives through the purgative, illuminative and unitive states.  The Holy Mass is the highest form of prayer…

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Christmas Brings Freedom

Christmas Midnight Mass 2020 Despite all the efforts to lessen the reality and the message of Christmas by those opposed to God, we again celebrate the feast of Our Lord’s Nativity.  The Light has come into this world of darkness and brings truth, life and freedom from sin and its evil effects.  The Son of…

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Does God Not Have Rights Too?

Feast Of Christ the King 2020 Pontius Pilate acted cowardly in today’s Gospel and what happened to him as a result is a good lesson for all of us.  This feast was established by Pope Pius XI who saw the attacks against Our Lord as undermining the fabric of civilization also.  This feast cries out…

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The Triumph Of His Blood

Feast Of The Precious Blood 2020 This feast marks a victory and stands in thanksgiving for it.  Pope Pius IX was exiled from Rome in 1848 by an army of the enemies of the Church.  He promised to honor the Precious Blood of Christ after God would restore him to Rome and that happened on…

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Pray All Be Saved

Trinity Sunday 2020 The angelic St. Thomas Aquinas has his feast day this week and we are reminded of his being a patron for the finding of lost items.  God is wonderful in His saints.  This feast of the Holy Trinity starts a new season of the liturgical year.  It is right that this be…

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New Law Of Love

Pentecost Sunday 2020 This feast is on par with Easter and is deserving of the greatest eloquence in speaking about it.  The descent of the Holy Ghost on this day was prepared for 1500 years earlier when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the decalogue, fifty days after the Passover when the chosen people…

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Jesus, Come To Me, Embrace Me

Palm Sunday 2020 While unable to attend Mass, we must be more devout at home, especially by practicing spiritual communion.  The Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity and the action of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in our souls will inspire us.  That type of inspiration is what moved the people in Jerusalem to proclaim…

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