The Transfiguring Theophany

Feast Of The Transfiguration 2021 The treasures of the basilica of St. Mary Major are described because of the feast of Our Lady of the Snow.  Also, St. Sixtus and his companions suffered martyrdom today and the martyrdom of St. Lawrence was prophesied.  Today’s feast of the Transfiguration recalls that moment in Our Lord’s life…

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The Reading of “Quo Primum”

Special Excerpt From The Sermon Given On 6th Sunday after Pentecost 2021 The importance of the traditional Latin Mass is seen clearly from the encyclical, “Quo Primum”, by Saint Pius V.  This reading of the document is a powerful reminder of this. #20210704SA

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Sacrament of Sacraments

Feast Of Corpus Christi 2021 The Holy Eucharist is the greatest of the sacraments because It not only gives us grace but is the Author of grace Himself.  It is the beginning and goal of the Christian life.  Catholics do not appreciate this as much as the enemies of the Church do.  They attack the…

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Start Living Heaven Now

Trinity Sunday 2021 God has endowed us with an intellect that enables us to see the world around us and reason to its Creator.  However, we could never know about the inner life of the Blessed Trinity except that He revealed this to us by His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Before the Annunciation we…

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Pentecost Law and Language

Pentecost Sunday 2021 This feast is known as Red Easter because catechumens are baptized now who were unable to do so earlier.  The Blessed Mother and the Apostles were in Jerusalem awaiting the coming of the Holy Ghost because Our Lord commanded that.  The Jews from places near and far were there to celebrate the…

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Ticket To Heaven

Ascension Thursday 2021 The dogma of the Faith that teaches that Our Lord ascended into heaven today was revealed to the apostles by the two angels as described in St. Luke’s Acts of the Apostles.  On their return to Jerusalem they remained there as instructed to await the coming of the Holy Ghost.  They gathered…

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Crave The Eucharist

Holy Thursday 2021 St. Paul warns us in the Epistle not to abuse Our Lord by receiving Him sacrilegiously in Holy Communion.  This is especially so because the Holy Eucharist is the greatest gift God has given us and the sign of His love for us.  To betray this love is like the kiss of…

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His Infinite Suffering

Palm Sunday 2020 Holy Week begins with Our Lord’s triumphal entrance into His city, Jerusalem.  The outpouring of fervor by the pilgrims there for the Passover was increased by the recent raising of Lazarus from the dead.  The city, which did not welcome Him when the Magi came and announced His birth, did so now…

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Let Me Praise You, O Holy Virgin

Palm Sunday 2021 In response to a recent statement that the Virgin Mary’s title of Co-Redemptrix is “foolishness” we have this special message. It is a brief and powerful defense of our Blessed Mother’s title of Co-Redemptrix with a simple explanation of its meaning and how important it is for the Church’s prayer and life.…

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Consolation of the Transfiguration

2nd Sunday In Lent 2021 Our Lord took the three apostles who would soon be tested during His agony in the garden and showed them a glimpse of His divinity during the theophany on Mt. Tabor so they would be strengthened by the remembrance of it at that crucial time.  We too are consoled by…

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