The Prerequisite of Charity

Holy Thursday 2024 These are the most sacred days of the liturgical year, because they make present the very act of our Redemption.  The Holy Oils, from the Mass of the Chrism, receive their efficacy from the Holy Eucharist.  Today is the birthday of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which was offered in anticipation…

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A Silent And Holy Night

Christmas Midnight Mass 2023 It is a true joy to relive the happiness of that night in Bethlehem in which our Savior was born.  It was in silence and solitude Our Lord entered the world.  Just as Christ passed through the rock of His tomb at the moment of His Resurrection, He passed through the…

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Freedom From Anxiety

3rd Sunday of Advent 2023 Gaudete Sunday – This is a day in which we take joy in our Catholic Faith, a day without anxiety or trouble of heart.  We must make our petitions known to God, trusting that they will be answered in the best way possible.  God gives us the grace to ask…

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The Power of Desire

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2023 In this Epistle we are encouraged when St. Paul tells us that he never stops praying for us.  Yet we can still be lost if we do not desire to follow God’s will for us.  The greatest proof of union with God’s will is joy in adversity.  How much we…

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Ask and You Shall Receive

25th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 The Introit and other prayers of this Mass are repeated every Sunday in the weeks approaching the conclusion of the liturgical year.  The Church’s prayer gives us hope for our impending judgment.  The Collect reminds us that we must not simply rely on words, but we must also act.  A…

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Our Ladder To Holiness

23rd Sunday after Pentecost 2023 It is very fitting this Sunday falls after the feast of All Saints this year, because in his Epistle St. Paul speaks of following the example of the saints.  The lives, example, and instruction of the saints help us ascend to the heights of holiness.  We know the value of…

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True Affection For The Dead

All Souls Day Evening 2023 Our bodies at the time of death are separated from our souls and undergo corruption.  All the souls of the departed will hear the voice of the Son of God at the Last Judgment.  It is an ancient practice, and one that is natural to man, to pray for the…

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Pray For Their Rest

All Souls Day 2023 The Mass of the dead is really the Mass of life.  Virtually nobody prays for the dead, which is a great injustice.  Although Purgatory is not formally denied, it is simply never mentioned.  We must pray for the priests and religious who held fast to the true traditions of our Faith,…

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Saints Who Changed The World

All Saints Day Evening 2023 Today we celebrate one of the marks of the true Church – her holiness.  The almost innumerable saints in Heaven are the result of the redemption Christ won on the cross.  Today we especially celebrate the unknown saints.  If we wish to change the course of history, we must be…

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