Love Never Fails

Sermon From
All Souls Day 2013
This beautiful Mass for the Holy Souls in Purgatory has its own sequence entitled “Dies Irae” which means the Day of Wrath.  It is a warning to the living of the judgments of God but ends with hope of happiness in heaven.  Today is proof that the debt for our forgiven sins can be removed and that Divine Love has in fact created Purgatory for that purpose.  Obstacles still persist in the soul after death and impede our entrance into glory.  These can and will be removed by a purification that severs souls from anything that still holds them from ascending.  What do non-Catholics do in the face of death?  Our consoling doctrine can teach them about God’s merciful love.

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Prepare For The Second Coming

Sermon From
9th Sunday After Pentecost 2013
During the announcements today we learn what things are necessary for the upcoming Confirmations.  This Mass is a warning so we are ready when Our Lord returns for the Final Judgment.  Jerusalem and people in general live lives of distraction which deflects their attention from the important things in life and this renders them oblivious to Christ on the day of His visitation.  If we heed the words of the Epistle and Gospel we will have a clear conscience and receive Jesus as we should.

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Why God Permits Suffering

Today is also Father’s Day.  This vocation is attacked in our society and only adds to the suffering and sacrifices that fathers must endure for the sake of their families but God always hears their prayers and heaven awaits them.  The Black Forest fires that have been destroying many homes in our area have even threatened us but God has preserved us.  We have many spiritual helps to protect us and all are welcome here in case of danger.  Things like this make people wonder how evils exist in a world created by our heavenly Father Who saw that all was good.  Non-Catholics are at a loss to answer such questions and some conclude that God cannot exist.  We know that there are many reasons why we suffer and imitating Our Lord on the cross and winning eternal glory is certainly one of them.

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Joy Amidst Suffering

Conference On Purgatory
1st Friday November 2012
The Holy Souls in Purgatory experience eviternity, or what is called discontinuous time, which is that time which measures the change in a soul.  God lives in a reality independent of time, and one might say that the souls in Purgatory live in a reality between time and eternity.  If one dies without being completely prepared, the presence of God would be too intense for the soul to endure.  It must first be purified completely before seeing God, and this is the reason for Purgatory.  The joy experienced in Purgatory is like the joy of Heaven amidst suffering.

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Watch For The Signs

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2011
Death comes to us all, and at the moment of our death judgment is passed instantaneously.  No longer distracted by the material world, the soul is given a direct intuition of its state in the eyes of God and its eternal abode is fixed forever.  The Holy Souls thirst for our prayers, because they are utterly incapable of helping themselves anymore.

The end of the world is spoken of by Christ more than any other topic.  No matter what happens in the times to come, we must maintain trust in God, knowing that He will not let anything happen to the souls of His friends.  The reason there will be a General Judgment is because every sin has a public aspect to it, and God’s justice must be vindicated publicly.  God gives us signs predicting the end of time to console the just and frighten the wicked, and we must be able to recognize these nine signs, so we may know when our judgment is at hand.

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