God’s Promises Accomplished

Conference on 1st Friday July 2024 In St. Paul’s instruction to the young bishop, St. Timothy, he emphasized the importance of spiritual reading.  If this instruction is given to a bishop, it applies all the more so to the laity.  Prayer and spiritual reading are necessary for the growth of sanctity. St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria…

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Attraction to the Divine

3rd Sunday in Lent 2024 As children imitate their parents, so must we imitate God.  When St. Paul in this Epistle says, “how unbecoming of saints,” he is not referring to canonized saints, but all Catholics.  We are all called to sanctity.  We must battle the temptations about which St. Paul speaks by the Rosary,…

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His Manifestation To All

2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2024 The Magi had open minds and were seeking the truth.  They followed the star and received Christ into their hearts.  Unlike God’s revelation to the Magi or St. John the Baptist, the wedding feast was a manifestation of Christ’s divinity to everyone.  In the divine plan, God did not change…

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Lest We Forget

3rd Sunday In Lent 2023 We must never presume that our way is better than God’s.  During this season we should read the texts for each Mass, even if we are unable to attend them.  Through them we are taught the importance of Baptism and the mercy of God, and we are instructed as the…

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The Rosary Of Peace

18th Sunday After Pentecost 2022 “Pray the Rosary for peace…”  This was the instruction of the Blessed Mother at Fatima.  We were given this great sacramental for our protection, so that we might pray with the Holy Mother of God and through her, and she might supply what is lacking in our prayers.  In reciting…

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Lent Is A Season Of Joy

Ash Wednesday 2022 Septuagesima season has prepared us for this time of removing sin from our lives.  This should comfort us as we begin this time of penance.  When examining our conscience we should not look at self but at Our Lord crucified to realize the effects of our evil on Him.  Lent is the…

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God Speaks Through Reading

25th Sunday After Pentecost 2021 In today’s Gospel about the mustard seed Our Lord teaches us the importance of the spiritual life in a world that seems so foreign to His kingdom.  We should make a perfect act of charity daily, practice mental prayer and spiritual reading.  We have an apostolate to prisoners and there…

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No Fear of the World

2nd Sunday in Lent 2015 There are Catholics who are giving their lives for the Faith in our own day.  What a powerful lesson that should encourage us to stand courageously with Christ in our own lives.  St. Thomas Aquinas is an excellent example for us of humility, obedience, and the need for spiritual reading.  Spiritual…

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Lessons From Lenten Masses

Sermon From 4th Sunday In Lent – Laetare Sunday 2014 On this day of the Golden Rose, the Church is instructed to rejoice.  “Rejoice Jerusalem!”  Remember that Lent is for the catechumens and penitents, and just like them, we can receive instruction by reading the texts of the Masses for this season.  From this Epistle…

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The Angelic Doctor

Conference About St. Thomas Aquinas 1st Friday, March 2014 St. Thomas Aquinas belies the statement of atheists who claim that all religious people are ignorant.  Although St. Thomas offered astounding insights in philosophy, it was his prayer that helped him penetrate truth so profoundly.  His method for explaining the doctrines of the Faith has been…

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