Lest We Forget

3rd Sunday In Lent 2023
We must never presume that our way is better than God’s.  During this season we should read the texts for each Mass, even if we are unable to attend them.  Through them we are taught the importance of Baptism and the mercy of God, and we are instructed as the catechumens, with whom we must identify.  We learned to fight temptations at the beginning of Lent, and now we see the power of Christ demonstrated as He casts out devils in this Gospel account.  We must cast out our own demons.  We must uproot the remains of sin in our soul.

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Not Of This World

1st Sunday In Lent 2023
The ashes distributed on Ash Wednesday are a reminder that all the descendants of Adam came from the dust and to it they will all return.  It is a reminder to humble our rebellious nature.  We must be prepared and remain faithful, not only during Lent, but all year long, because we never know when death might take us.  During this season the most important sacrifice we can make is to give up sin.  We can only do this if we desire to change our life.

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Season of Consolation

Ash Wednesday 2023
We think of the sins we must avoid but rarely do we think of the virtues we must practice.  How often when we confess, we think of the sins we commit but not the reasons why we commit them.  We forget that all the hardships we face in life are given to us directly by God.  Lent is the season of charity, comfort, and consolation.  Charity unites us to God and it will last for all eternity.  It is charity that gives this season its purpose.  We must use this time to express our sorrow for offending Our Lord, to obtain mercy, and receive the sacrament of Penance.

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Forgetting Self

15th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
The Epistle for this Mass warns us against vanity.  It should be easy for us to see our neighbor as better than we are, because we know our own sins and we do not know how others will be judged.  How humble should we be when we remember that our sins affect the whole Mystical Body and make us deserving of hell?  We must hate our sins, love those who despise us, and embrace the humiliations that God sees fit to send us.

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A More Perfect Humility

10th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
This Mass is a Mass for the proud.  Every aspect of this liturgy has some reference to the superior moral virtue of humility.  The Gospel exemplifies humility in the publican, but as we advance in the practice of this virtue our understanding of it must develop as well.  Not only must we acknowledge our nothingness and need, but we must appreciate God’s gifts and benefits to us all the more.  This is how we prevent our humility from remaining focused on self, and this is why the Epistle of this Mass focuses on God’s many gifts.

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Examples Of Sanctity In The Midst Of Corruption

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
We must not neglect the saints.  We should know something about the great saints this week like Saints John Vianney, Lawrence, and Clare.  But we must not forget those saints that are especially attacked in our day, like St. Philomena and St. Christopher.  Those who speak ill of God and His saints blaspheme and will not go unpunished.  We know that God rewards the good and punishes the evil and only permits evil to bring forth a greater good.  Just as He cleansed His physical temple of thieves, so He will one day cleanse the world and the Church of all corruption.

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Taste And See His Sweetness

8th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
”Taste and see how sweet the Lord is”  These words are from the earliest Communion psalm, which was a favorite among the early Christians.  We celebrate the feast of the Holy Maccabees, the only Old Testaments saints celebrated in the liturgy, and their story reminds us of our need for fortitude during suffering, to stand against persecution, and to be true to our principals.  Our Rosary and spiritual reading are more powerful against the world than carrying signs of protest.

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Fall Forward

6th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
This Sunday brings our minds back to the two great sacraments of Holy Week: Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  Through the former we are given life in the Mystical Body and by the latter that life is nourished and grows.  Those who fall short in attempting to “walk in newness of life” have the example of the reparation of King David along with the conversions of so many saints.  Just like those saints, we must use our falls to our advantage, being urged on with greater zeal to fight harder than ever.  In doing so, our frailty becomes our strength, and our falls only propel us forward to our goal.

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United Against Our Enemy

5th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
We are sensitive to offenses against us, but what are we like to our neighbor?  Our love for God can be measured by our fraternity.  Catholics must be more united than ever before.  We must stand unified against the onslaught of vices and perversions of all kinds that the world sends to us.  This is especially necessary in the education of our youth.  Do not think for a moment that the fight is over and we are victorious, because our true battle is not merely against flesh and blood.


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Hold True To Principle And To Christ!

4th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
Our Lord chose to preach from the boat of St. Peter in the Gospel because this boat represented the Church from which alone God’s word is taught.  We are in need of God’s help and must never despise it no matter how unworthy and sinful we are.  When we die, we will be judged on how much we love Our Lord and how much we tried to save our neighbor.  We must be detached from the people and the objects of the world, because what matters is our soul, what matters is God.  Hold true to principle!  Hold true to Christ!

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