No Lasting City

Sermon On The
Last Sunday after Pentecost 2014
This is the last day of the liturgical year, which is given to us as a reminder that we do not have our permanent home here on Earth.  We are reminded to be thankful and to be prepared for our coming judgment.  We stand during the Gospel to remind us that we must always be prepared to fulfill the will of God expressed in those words.  We learn of everyone’s sins at the Last Judgment.  We have been given great hope and expectation of being saved and that Christ will bring us to Heaven, so we may see the Trinity and be enraptured in that vision for all eternity.

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A Place Of Peace

All Souls Day 2014
We remember in a special way the great priests who stood up against the corruption in the Church.  They were persecuted so we might have the Faith today.  We should pray with all our hearts and souls during this Mass.  Purgatory was not first created out of justice but out of love.  Our greatest obligation is not to obey God, but to love Him.  One great act of love can forgive our sins.  We love God freely, but we also owe God our love in justice.  If our love is tainted by pride and ego, it must be purified in Purgatory.

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Are We Pharisees?

Sermon From The
18th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
We have made great progress in the liturgical year and our holiness of life should show that same progress.  God speaks to us directly through the words of Scripture.  When we compromise with sin, we are denying God.  Christ proved the truth of His words by the miracles He performed, and even though the religious leaders in His time believed in those miracles, they willfully kept their hearts closed to Christ.  We must be on guard against falling into the same mistake in our lives by making excuses for our sins.

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Woe To The Scandalous

Conference On The
First Friday of October 2014
Scandal is one of the greatest sins against charity.  Christ expects us to do whatever it takes to avoid occasions of sin, even if the separation from these things is painful.  Christ was not only referring to children when He speaks of scandal given to the “little ones.”  He was speaking about all those who are innocent and poor in spirit.  Scandal is a word or act that is evil or appears to be evil that leads others into sin.  Scandal does not cause a person to sin but leads them to it.  We should strive for the spiritual childhood promoted by the Little Flower.

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Our Immovable Cross

Sermon From The Feast Of
The Exultation of the Holy Cross 2014
The object which was deigned from all eternity to be the instrument of our redemption, an instrument of torture and death, is the holy sign venerated today.  The Cross of Christ should stand immovable in our souls.  On this day we celebrate the victory of the Cross over all the enemies of the Church.  St. Helena led an expedition to the Holy Land and miraculously discovered the True Cross.  History has shown that God will not be defeated.  The Sign of the Cross is a proclamation of our Faith.  It is through this sign of death that we are given life.

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Heart Speaks To Heart

Sermon From Feast Of The
Assumption 2014
The best material for prayer is the word of God found in Sacred Scripture and we are given ample aid for prayer in the texts of this Mass.  Judith is the perfect type of the Virgin Mary because it is the Mother of God who truly “cut off the head of the enemy.”  She has conquered the devil and sin and was raised above the rest of men from the moment of her Immaculate Conception as a preparation for the Incarnation.  Elizabeth was the first to recognize this young girl as the Mother of God.  The Assumption is the product of divine power, because it was her Divine Son Who brought His Mother to Heaven.

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Fear And Encouragement

Sermon From
9th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
We are given tremendous encouragements in this Mass.  Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it is that fear which we are taught today.  Even as the elect, we can still be lost, but God is faithful and will not abandon us.  Just as Christ wept over the city of Jerusalem, we feel sorrow for those who have turned away from God and will endure His just punishments.  We are all soldiers of Christ who must remain strong and continue to pray for our enemies.

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The Fruit Of Our Labor

Sermon From The
7th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
One of the side effects of sins of impurity is blindness of heart.  “By their fruits you shall know them.”  We see the fruits of both the evil and good people in our own lives and throughout the history of the Church.  It is no easy task to change one’s life.  We must carry our cross daily and in uniting our sufferings with those of Christ, we will truly bear good fruit in our lives.  We have a duty to follow the commandments with great love of God.

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Our Prayer for Hope

Sermon From The
4th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
It would be a serious sin if we had no desire to grow in holiness. We can increase in every virtue when we attend Mass, but especially in our hope. We should pray for an increase of hope, and the more we pray the more assurance we have of entering Heaven. We see in the Gospel for this Mass that St. Peter was rewarded for his obedience. Without a trustful hope in God, we can achieve nothing. We must ignore the teachings of the world and place our confidence in God alone.

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Niceness vs. Sanctity

Conference On The
1st Friday June 2014, St. Norbert
Melchisedech was a priest, prophet and king so his life is a perfect foreshadowing of Christ.  The only record in the Old Testament of a sacrifice of bread and wine was offered by him.  St. Norbert lived a sinful life far from God but miraculously converted.  This saint is a beautiful example of great generosity of soul.  Saints are not “nice.”  We can be very misled by judging souls by externals.  It is not the niceness of a person and not even his knowledge that determines the sanctity of his soul.  It is the love of God which makes the difference.

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