Liturgy: Yesterday, Today and Forever

First Friday – Feast Of St. Agatha 2021 With the beginning of the Easter Cycle through the season of Septuagesima it is a good time to review what the Sacred Liturgy is and how it leads our spiritual lives through the purgative, illuminative and unitive states.  The Holy Mass is the highest form of prayer…

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Season of Examination

Septuagesima Sunday 2021 This week is the feast of St. Agatha whose veil is a precious relic that has protected the city of Catania from various cataclysms throughout history.  The significance of wearing a veil is explained.  Septuagesima season is a transition from the Christmas to the Easter cycle and an immediate preparation for Lent. …

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Lost And Saved Through A Tree

Sexagesima Sunday 2020 The Divine Office for this week recounts the story of Noah and his Ark.  This is the type for Christ and His saving Cross which undo the fall of Adam caused by his eating the forbidden fruit of the tree in Paradise.  We learn also that God’s grace is offered to us…

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Why We Need A Redeemer

Septuagesima Sunday 2020 After the story of St. Apollonia this sermon explains the meaning of St. Paul’s Epistle for this Sunday which marks a new liturgical season of Septuagesima and the beginning of the road to Easter.  St. Paul warns us not to presume on our merits. The scripture readings for this week remind us…

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Be Envious Of Love

Quinquagesima Sunday 2019 Christ was baptized in January and then began His 40 day retreat in the desert which coincides with our upcoming Lenten retreat so we can share with Our Lord.  It is a time for prayer, especially the Mass, and recollection.  The Liturgy transcends space and time and links us to eternity so…

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Strength Is Made Perfect In Weakness

Sexagesima Sunday 2019 The Divine Office this week focuses on Noah and the Ark which is a symbol of Christ’s Cross; the Wood of each being the means of saving the world.  In the Epistle St. Paul defends himself against early heretics and records God’s encouraging words to him when he felt his weakness.  We…

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Septuagesima Sunday 2019 Septuagesima Sunday starts the new Paschal cycle and serves as a time of examining our consciences in preparation for Lent.  The Mass texts, especially the Introit, teach us about death being the consequence of original sin.  The Epistle encourages us to be as generous as the pagans are in obtaining their perishable…

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Our Presentation

Feast Of The Purification 2019 The feast of the Purification also celebrates Our Lord’s Presentation in the Temple. The Mosaic law required a mother to offer sacrifices before she could be allowed again to participate in worship. In addition, it stipulated that a first born son should be offered to God Who would then return…

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Love Created Us And Must Be Returned

Quinquagesima Sunday 2018 This season is almost over and our training for Lent should be completed.  Abraham is emphasized during these days because of his fidelity to God when so many others were not.  He was willing to sacrifice his own son, Isaac, who was a willing victim as Christ would be in the future.  Today…

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Rise Up, God, And Help Us

Sexagesima Sunday 2018 During this sacred time before Lent we should examine our conscience so we know the predominant fault we will battle through penance once Ash Wednesday arrives.  St. Paul is our spiritual director for this as we think about original and actual sin.  The young especially have an opportunity to respond to grace and be instruments…

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