Our Lady of La Salette

17th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
Today is also the feast of St. Januarius who was martyred in the fourth century.  A vial of his blood is preserved in Naples in a reliquary and on his feastday it often liquifies to show the saint’s protection of the city.  It did so today. On this day in 1846 the Blessed Mother appeared to a shepherdess and a young boy who were pasturing cattle on the side of a hill in the French Alps.  Our Lady explained how disregard of the second and third commandments by profaning her Son’s Holy Name and missing Mass and doing servile work on Sundays were the causes of the famines etc. that were punishing the people.  She gave the children prophecies of terrible future events if the world did not convert and do penance.

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Quo Primum

6th Sunday after Pentecost 2021
Patriotism is part of the virtue of piety and recalled today.  This Sunday has humility as a theme and it is easy to remember because without God’s help we are sinners and that thought should keep us humble.  Mortal sin is the worst thing in the world and venial sin is the second worst.  We must be models to others because of the gifts given to us.  Scandal results instead if we cause others to sin.  The Gospel was the multiplication of the loaves and fishes and a pre-figuring of the Holy Eucharist and the Mass.  The importance of the traditional Latin Mass is seen clearly from the encyclical, “Quo Primum”, by Saint Pius V.  This reading of the document is a powerful reminder of this.

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At The Foot Of The Cross

From ancient times the faithful gathered around the Cross on this day to commemorate Our Lord’s Passion and Death which He offered to teach us the terrible evil of sin and His infinite love for us.  Our hearts are moved in the opening of the liturgy by the unfolding of the prophecies and their fulfillment through the readings and the chanting of the Passion.  With this understanding we join with Our Lord on the Cross as He prays solemnly for us and the needs of the whole world.  We adore the cross as our ancestors did and finally we receive Our Lord in Holy Communion and unite ourselves perfectly with Him.  Now fortified we can offer ourselves daily with Our Savior and one day win the glory of the Resurrection through dying together with Him.

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Let Me Praise You, O Holy Virgin

Palm Sunday 2021
In response to a recent statement that the Virgin Mary’s title of Co-Redemptrix is “foolishness” we have this special message. It is a brief and powerful defense of our Blessed Mother’s title of Co-Redemptrix with a simple explanation of its meaning and how important it is for the Church’s prayer and life.

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Deliver Us, O Lord

Passion Sunday 2020
The last two weeks of Lent are the most sacred and have a special name, Passiontide.  In today’s Gospel, Our Lord proclaimed His Divinity with the result that He had to hide from those who wanted to stone Him.  The Church incorporates this into Passiontide by hiding Christ and all the reminders of Him by veiling the Crucifix and statues.  This year it is more dramatic because many are unable to even come to the chapel.  Given these circumstances we should unite more than ever with the texts of this Mass and cry out for deliverance.  We should practice prayer, especially the Rosary, and all the exercises of the spiritual life with renewed purpose so as to strengthen ourselves, with God’s grace, during this present crisis and for the future.

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Our Faithful Angels

1st Friday Conference October 2015
So many Catholics desire a greater understanding of the Mass.  The Consecration of the Mass is surrounded by rituals and rubrics that are filled with meaning.  When you appreciate the meaning of these rubrics you see the true beauty of the Mass and the great evil of those who would wish to destroy it.  There is no dogma of the Faith which teaches infallibly the doctrine of Guardian Angels, however, the evidence from Scripture and Tradition is so overwhelming that it is considered infallible.  When Christ speaks of the angels watching over the “little ones,” He is not speaking only of children but of all who are innocent.  Our Guardian Angels preserve us from dangers to our body and soul, as well as temptations from the evil spirit.  They inspire holy thoughts and aid us in performing virtuous acts.  From the testimonies of many saints, we know that our angels never tire of being with us all day long and watching over us at every moment.

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The Results of Pride

10th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
The Gospel for this Mass warns us of the catastrophic results of pride.  Firstly, God does not hear the prayers of the proud man.  Secondly, pride leads to hatred of God and neighbor, due to our inordinate love of ourselves.  We should think often of our death and judgment, especially when we are tempted to the sin of pride.  How beautiful it is to see someone accept humiliation with a smile.  Everything that happens to us comes from God.  Even the evil in the world is permitted by Him for our good.  Our Lord endured humiliation to serve as an example for us to follow.

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Combating Evil

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2015
In today’s Epistle St. Paul is telling the Christians of Rome to be at peace as much as possible with all men.  We must make an answer to God for all we do, even our idle words.  We make converts by the good example we give as Catholics.  During His public life, Christ desired to show that He was the Son of God and the only means of salvation.  The enemies of Christ, because of their jealousy, criticized Christ for the miracles He worked.  We must battle the evil of the world and within ourselves.

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Woe To The Scandalous

Conference On The
First Friday of October 2014
Scandal is one of the greatest sins against charity.  Christ expects us to do whatever it takes to avoid occasions of sin, even if the separation from these things is painful.  Christ was not only referring to children when He speaks of scandal given to the “little ones.”  He was speaking about all those who are innocent and poor in spirit.  Scandal is a word or act that is evil or appears to be evil that leads others into sin.  Scandal does not cause a person to sin but leads them to it.  We should strive for the spiritual childhood promoted by the Little Flower.

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You Are a Walking Gospel

Sermon From
3rd Sunday of Lent 2014
We must avoid the great evil of scandal.  We frequently forget the damage we inflict by our bad example.  We will all be called to make an account on judgment day.  We should run from occasions of sin and bad companions and live as if we are a walking gospel for our neighbor.

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