
She Offers Her Son

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Feast of the Purification 2016
After childbirth, the Hebrew women were considered ritually unclean because of the shedding of their blood.  The Blessed Mother was exempt from all the requirements of the law, because she had not shed blood in her virginal birth and because she had no need for a sin offering.  The newborn children were required to be presented to the temple to show that they belonged to God first and were only loaned to their natural parents for a time.  This presentation of Our Lord was a portent of that day on which the Virgin Mary would offer her Divine Son on Calvary to God the Father.  This feast was celebrated in the most ancient days of the Church in the Holy Land, and was used as a means of combating a pagan celebration of the time.  The use of the powerful sacramental of the candle is a testament to our glorious and bloodstained past, when the Mass was offered by candlelight in the catacombs.

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His Desire To Be United With You

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Octave of Christmas 2016
We must remember that Christmas is just the beginning of the work of redemption. It assures us of glorious day of Our Lord’s second coming. We can see in nearly every aspect of the Christmas mystery future events typified. Today we have a second celebration of Christmas, because one day is not enough for this great feast. So many in our day attack the doctrine of the Virgin Birth. This should enrage the pious hearts of true Catholics. On the eighth day after the birth of Our Lord, He was circumcised. This ritual was of divine institution, and through it a baby boy become part of the Hebrew race. It was a type of the sacrament of Baptism which makes us members of the Mystical Body. Although Christ did not need to submit to this ritual, He did so in order to be better associated with the sinners He was about to redeem. On this day the Virgin Mary held Our Lord on her lap and shared for the first time in His sufferings as He shed His first drops of Precious Blood.

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What Really Matters

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After brief account of St. Peter Chrysologus the Gospel about the salt of the earth was explained.  The epistle about St. Paul teaching his disciple, St. Timothy, about work as a bishop. Finally, understanding “to love is to give” and do we really care? By this we can evaluate how much we love and give.

Sermon #20151204
Liturgical day: First Friday – St. Peter Chrysologus
Length: 64 minutes

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Her Sacrificial Heart

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Feast of the Seven Sorrows 2015
The Epistle for this Mass makes reference to Judith of the Old Testament who was a type of the Blessed Virgin.  The seven swords depicted in the Immaculate Heart represent seven key moments of suffering in the life of our Holy Mother, however, her life was filled with many sorrows.  We have been given a privilege to live in times of great trials in the Church in which we may suffer for Our Lord.  Everything that Christ merited on the Cross He willed to share with His associate, His Virgin Mother.  Few remember that the basis of this feast is found in the Immaculate Conception, which prepared the Blessed Mother to be a pure victim.  Her suffering was made far greater because of her sensitivity of soul and her deep hatred of sin.  She has her Immaculate Heart in Heaven to this day so she might compassionate us in the sorrows of our life.

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All Is Fulfilled

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Feast of The Precious Blood 2015
When Christ said the words, “It is consummated,” He expressed the fact that His entire life on Earth had led to this one moment in which all was fulfilled.  The culmination of His mission was the Redemption of the human race.  The devil never tempts a soul as much as at the moment when a man is dying.  This is why we constantly pray for final perseverance.  Christ died with full knowledge and full control of His senses.  The feast was instituted by Pope Pius IX in response to the attacks of Freemasonry.  This is a feast for our times, because we fight the same enemy today.

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Upon The Rock

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Feast of Saints Peter and Paul 2015
As Roman Catholics, our home is Rome because it is the symbol of the Eternal City.  St. Leo the Great tells us that God did not want the story of the murderous Romulus and Remus to remain the foundation of the city that people remember, but God would send two other brothers who were bound together in their love of God – Saints Peter and Paul.  This is the day that we celebrate these two brothers in Christ becoming perfect Christians through the shedding of their blood.  It is truly amazing that we know so much about these two men who lived so long ago.  St. Peter’s great heart was the essential aspect of his character that Christ loved so much.  We must possess the same confidence that St. Peter showed in the face of adversity.

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Love Him In Return

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Feast of the Sacred Heart 2015
“To have Christ dwelling through faith in your heart” refers to the abiding presence of the Divine Person of Christ in our souls while in the state of grace.  When St. Paul speaks of knowing God’s love, he does not simply refer to an intellectual knowledge, but rather a direct, immediate experience of the love of God, just as the great saints experienced.  This feast of the Sacred Heart was requested directly by Our Lord, and no man is free to ignore this devotion.  The original sketch of the Sacred Heart shows a great wound inside of which is written the word “caritas” – “love”.  This devotion was reserved for a time when the world had grown cold in its love that it might gain favor through the revelation of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart.

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The Food of Christian Souls

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The Feast of Corpus Christi 2015
There have been innumerable Eucharistic miracles throughout the history of the Church.  In this greatest of all the sacraments, Our Lord is contained, offered, and received.  The priest speaks in the person of Christ when he says, “This is My Body.”  After transubstantiation takes place, the priest holds in his hand the Author of Creation.  We should look at the Host at the elevation and adore our God.  Christ desired to come in the manner of food because He wished to be united with us in such a way that it is as if we are essentially one.  Although Christ is alive, He comes to us in the state of death.  Sacramentally there is renewed Christ’s sacrifice in the Holy Eucharist, so our sufferings may be identified with His.

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Instruction to the Married Couple

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Nuptial Mass – April 2015
The wedding day is particularly important for the wife, because this union provides the security and protection for her and her future children.  She, representing the whole Mystical Body, surrenders herself to the husband who is supposed to be the living representative of Our Lord through the love he provides.  A marriage only works when both parties will it to work.  All the sacraments are forms of worship as they are united to Christ’s redemptive sacrifice.  Matrimony is a participation of the fruitful love of Christ from the Cross.  The married couple are called to be the extension of God’s love, as they produce saints to propagate the kingdom of Heaven.

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Gratitude Is Our Goal

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Good Shepherd Sunday 2015
This is the day we are called to a more perfect life.  Our Lord shows Himself to be the Good Shepherd Who truly loves His sheep.  Not only does He care for and nourish His flock, but He protects us from attacks, even to the point of giving His life for us.  The clergy are meant to be leaders and examples for the faithful, and it is the job of all the faithful to bring more people into the Church.  How many countless sacrifices have the missionaries made throughout the centuries to win conversions?  We must thank God every day for the gifts we have been given.

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