What the Transfiguration Promises

Sermon From The
2nd Sunday of Lent 2014
At the Transfiguration, Christ took three apostles that represent three virtues. St. Peter represents duty, St. James represents knowledge, and St. John represents love. It was as if Christ relaxed and allowed His Divinity to shine through His human nature. This was shown to the apostles and to us to save us from discouragement in suffering. We see the glory that is in store. It is an insight into Heaven. We should not be fooled by the world and its false promises but always remember that in our Communions we received the Source of all good.

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Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him

Funeral Mass, March 2014
Death hurts us all, but the Church gives us words of comfort in the face of death when she reminds us that on the last day all will rise.  The coffin of the deceased is surrounded by candles at the Requiem Mass, representing Christ, the Light of the World.  Even those who have left the true Church have admitted the great comfort the Church offers us in our last moments.  In praying for final perseverance, we are asking for all the help necessary to fight the final attempts of the devil to steal our souls from God.  The deceased soul’s work is over, but ours is not.  We must continually pray for the souls in purgatory and pray for our own salvation.

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Our God-given Peace

22nd Sunday after Pentecost 2013
We believe in the liturgical law, and that the law of belief follows that of prayer.  This is why the deformation of the liturgy is so diabolically dangerous.  Throughout the Mass and especially as we approach the moment of Communion, we pray for peace – the tranquility of order.  This peace that we enjoy comes from the Mass.  Like Esther, we pray that God will give us the words to please Him.  While we live in this Valley of Tears, we can maintain our peace and joy if we remain always attached to the Holy Mass.  Just as St. Alfred the Great triumphed in the name of Christ the King, if we remain true to the Faith and unified in the liturgy, we too will conquer our foes.

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The Covenant Has Been Renewed

Easter Sunday 2013
We have now had the culmination of the whole Lenten season. We have been catechumens and penitents in preparation for our union with Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Now we walk with Christ in the liturgy. Our Lenten time of training began with the season of examination, then we had to follow Christ to Jerusalem. The Blessed Mother offered her Son on the Cross for each one of us. We have now renounced Satan and proclaimed our faith. We may be small and afraid, just as the Apostles were, but Our Lord had not forgotten them and he has not forgotten us. All order is restored by Christ’s words, “peace be to you.”

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