The Sun of Justice Rises

Low Sunday 2015
We call this day Sunday because the early English-speaking Christians kept the pagan name of the day to honor the “Sun of Justice” Who has risen.  This is common practice of Catholicism, to Christianize every culture.  Easter Sunday is the day of the Light of the Sun of Justice.  We are more sons of God then even sons of our parents.  Because we have a share in God’s life, our only desire should be to obtain Heaven. Our three infallible Witnesses are in Heaven Who give testimony of the truth that Christ is both God and man.

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The Only Acceptable Worship

Easter Vigil 2015
We are privileged to be a part of the unbroken history of this liturgy. Catholic worship is more than merely a compilation of rituals. It is a true reliving of the past. Because of our fallen nature, and the sins we commit, we are not placed in friendship with God but in enmity with Him. Merely human worship, therefore, does not suffice in pleasing God. There is only one worship that is acceptable to Him and that is the worship of His Divine Son. Every act of the Divine Son is infinitely holy. In the instant when His death on the cross took place, the destiny of the universe was changed, and the true Promised Land of Heaven was opened to us.

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Our Redemption Has Begun

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2015
What beautiful words the angel spoke to the Virgin Mary: “Nothing shall be impossible with God.”  Everything is under God’s power, and He is the Author of all.  We all exist to manifest the goodness of our Creator.  Evil is only permitted to occur so we may be sanctified by it.  This is called the Golden Mass because of its beauty and the many favors that are granted to those who pray fervently on this day.  This is the beginning of our redemption.  In the silent moment after the fiat of the Blessed Mother and the departure of the angel, the Son of God became man.  Christ became a priest at the moment of His conception, because in Him the whole cosmos is united.

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The Father of Vocations

Feast of Saint Joseph 2015
When a person is given a vocation, he is always given the divine help necessary to reach his final goal of Heaven.  Even the people who miss their divine calling are given sufficient grace to save their souls.  Many people, especially in our days, lack confidence in God and are too afraid to fulfill their great calling in life.  St. Joseph was called to be the spouse of the Mother of God and the earthly representative of God the Father.  This was a vocation which was truly beyond human ability to fulfill.  The only doubts St. Joseph entertained were doubts about his own judgment.  He recognized his poverty in every way, but was filled with confidence in God.  Like the priest, St. Joseph had custody over the Body of the Son of God and was willing to lay down his life to protect Him.  The patron of all our needs is St. Joseph.

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Lent Restores Peace

Ash Wednesday 2015
Not one word is said about punishment or damnation in the readings for this Mass, and that should give a hint to Catholics about the true spirit of this season.  There is no such thing as a private sin.  Not only are all our sins known to the heavenly court, but the whole universe is affected by them.  In the early years of the Church, public penitents were driven out of the churches, just as Adam was driven from Paradise after his sin.  This is a time of holiness, mercy, hope, and pardon, not condemnation and gloom.  We must begin Lent as we should examine our conscience, by looking at Our Lord and comparing ourselves with Him.  During Lent Christ pleads with us not to leave Him alone, so we may be united with Him forever.

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His Hidden Life

Feast of the Holy Family 2015
Children belong to God, and it is the responsibility of the parents to instill the principles and values necessary to live in the world.  Children must remember that their parents are people, not simply objects fulfilling a role in their lives.  In all the years of Christ’s private life no one knew He was the Son of God.  This speaks volumes about His humility. “I must be about my Father’s affairs,” means that fidelity to God comes before natural attachments, and even obedience to parents.  Christ’s hidden life was spent in love and obedience, and by this Christ demonstrated that the life of prayer and meditation is far superior to the active life.

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The Depths of Christ’s Humility

Octave of Christmas 2015
Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man.  If we want to know how much God loves us, all we need do is think of the Incarnation.  In all humility the Son of God bridged the infinite gap between God and man.  The closer we come to God the more we realize we are the lowest of all beings.  Pride tells a lie, which is why God answers the prayers of the humble.  This day celebrates the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin and the Circumcision of Our Lord.  As we enter a new year, we confide our past faults to God’s mercy and live in the present.  We must be recollected and prayerful, and we must see reality as it is – even if it is unpleasant.  This is the way to peace and happiness.

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The Everlasting Effect of Christmas

Sermon on The Feast of
Christmas 2014
On this day the Son of God, after taking to Himself a human nature, entered the world.  The Virginal Birth is the cornerstone of this feast.  The Blessed Mother was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ, and remained so perpetually.  We are Christians not because we admire Jesus Christ, but because we recognize Him as our God.  God entered the world and changed the destiny of the whole human race.  Despite all the world seems to offer, it ultimately only gives sadness and fear.  However, Christmas is the one day that brings a lasting joy to man, because it offers us true hope.  We pray that the joy of the manger remains forever in our hearts.

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The New Law Changed Everything

Sermon From The
12th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
The feast of Pope St. Pius X is this week and even he acknowledged that all his efforts had only delayed the enemies of the Church.  The Epistle summarizes the importance of recognizing the difference between the spirit of the law and its letter.  In the Gospel Our Lord teaches how the new law of love is extends to our neighbors too, even those we may not like.  Say the Act of Charity in the morning and practice it throughout the day by caring for someone else even if you do not feel like it because we do it for the love of God and it is the right thing to do.

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The Veiling Ceremony

Sermon From
6th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This week we have the feasts of St. Mary Magdalen, St. James the Greater and St. Anne.  This Mass repeats Holy Week for us and its sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  Today is also the veiling day for one of the Carmelite Sisters which is rare in our world.  The veil is the sign of consecration to Our Lord as the true Spouse of souls and the reserving of the look of the countenance to Him alone.  Do not deny Jesus anything because no amount of generosity on our part can outdo that of the Savior.  All the elements of this beautiful ceremony express the joy, peace, sacrifice and eternal reward that a contemplative vocation embodies.

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