The Prayerful New Eve

Feast The Annunciation 2020
This ancient feast celebrates the moment that God became Man in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The Council of Ephesus declared this dogma which clearly defines that Our Lady is the Mother of God.  Everything that had been destroyed by Adam’s sin was restored by the Blessed Mother’s consenting to the divine maternity.  The Redemptive Incarnation and all that flows from it would not exist without her generous response.  God was not outdone by the devil’s machinations in the garden but repaired perfectly every detail of the fall.  In particular, Our Lady, unlike Eve, was found by the angel, St. Gabriel, in prayer and thereby disposed to accept God’s call with humble obedience.

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In Heaven We Will Meet Again

Funeral Mass March 7, 2020
Our first duty in the face of death is to pray for the soul of the faithful departed so that she may be released from Purgatory as soon as possible.  We have confidence because all the consolations of the Faith through the sacraments were given to the deceased but we still must pray always for her.  God rewards those who suffer for Him, especially out of loyalty which He values highly.  Catholics look forward to the day when they can meet their beloved dead and see them again in heaven.

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What Is Keeping Me From God?

First Sunday of Lent 2020
This sermon begins with a review of the Lenten regulations and a recalling of the life and the struggle for his vocation of St. Thomas Aquinas, whose feast is this week.  Then we learn about the sacramental of ashes which is a powerful aid during this season which offers us more graces than at any other time during the year.  With this help we perform supernatural works which overcome everything that separates us from God.  After His forty days of fasting in the desert, Our Lord showed us how to defeat the devil and his temptations.  We are meant to follow Christ’s example.

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The Grace Of Ashes

Ash Wednesday 2020
The origins of this day date back to the beginning when God told Adam after his fall that he was dust and unto dust he would return.  To counter the sin of pride by eating the forbidden fruit we are called to practice humility by fast and abstinence.  All peoples have felt the need for penance and Catholics can accomplish it effectively and with merit.  Not to be forgotten is the need for love which must motivate our actions and make us imitate Christ who suffered and died out of love.  The Mass is the greatest work any of us can do and so it is critical during Lent.  The sacramental of the ashes will strengthen us today and throughout these forty days.

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Lost And Saved Through A Tree

Sexagesima Sunday 2020
The Divine Office for this week recounts the story of Noah and his Ark.  This is the type for Christ and His saving Cross which undo the fall of Adam caused by his eating the forbidden fruit of the tree in Paradise.  We learn also that God’s grace is offered to us in abundance and we should not reject it. Our Faith allows us to attend Mass as if we are already in heaven.  We must live for God and not self.  Now is the time to dedicate ourselves to God during these holy days.

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Why We Need A Redeemer

Septuagesima Sunday 2020
After the story of St. Apollonia this sermon explains the meaning of St. Paul’s Epistle for this Sunday which marks a new liturgical season of Septuagesima and the beginning of the road to Easter.  St. Paul warns us not to presume on our merits. The scripture readings for this week remind us of many important truths concerning creation, Adam and Eve, the fall and its consequences and the promise of a Redeemer. The Gospel shows us God’s generosity towards us even up to the last moment.

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Panegyric On The Immaculate Conception

Feast Of The Immaculate Conception 2019
This conference after the Mass honoring Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception begins with an explanation of the Epistle and how it applies to our Blessed Mother.  The declaration of this dogma was done under Pope Pius IX and brought joy to the world.  By a special divine privilege the Virgin Mary was preserved free from original sin in light of the merits of her Son on the cross.  This is what we celebrate today.

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Report Card Sunday

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2019
As we end the liturgical year we can make an examination of conscience and grade our spiritual life in light of God’s blessings to us these past twelve months.  Have we been faithful to our Baptismal promises as St. Paul reminds us in the Epistle by renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps?  Are we prepared for the judgment awaiting each of us as Our Lord warns in the Gospel?  Have we remembered the Holy Souls in Purgatory during this month dedicated to them?  The Church gives us hope in the Mass texts which promise God’s thoughts of peace and not of affliction.

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Love Is Life Or Death

This week is the feast of All Saints which honors God in His heroic examples of sanctifying power.  Today is the feast of Christ the King which was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 to combat secularism and to re-assert God’s rights in modern society which have been denied.  Christ is King in His divinity and in His humanity through the grace of union, headship, priesthood and conquest on the Cross.  He established His Church with rights to teach, rule and sanctify.  We pray daily in the Lord’s Prayer “Thy Kingdom Come”.

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Put On The New Man

19th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
Beginning with the words of the Introit we are given peace in the midst of whatever tribulations we experience.  St. Paul in the Epistle tells us that by Baptism we are no longer in sin and must live a new life of grace.  All previous lying, stealing and refusing to work must be abandoned.  Our new life should reach to the control of anger so we only use it when necessary and for good reason.  This state of grace is seen in the Gospel as represented by the wedding garment.  Without this we cannot be saved.  With grace we can show our gratitude to God and rejection of sin, even venial sin.


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