He Must Rule

Christ the King 2017

The feast of Christ The King sums up our faith in the Incarnate God and makes us pray “Thy Kingdom Come.”  As good subjects we should know the catechism, pray and give ourselves in return for the divine self sacrifice of Our Lord.  We have the examples of the saints who have done so and were the means of the miraculous in this world.  Such are needed today when Christianity faces its bleakest future.


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St. Joseph Is Essential To Redemption

Feast Of St. Joseph 2017

St. Joseph was a holy man who fulfilled the law with devotion and heart-felt piety.  He was chosen to be the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to be the foster-father of the Son of God.  In that capacity he was the image of God the Father.  As the redemption depended on Our Lady’s “Fiat” at the Annunciaton so it was protected by her marriage to St. Joseph and his protection of her and the Holy Infant.


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Behave, Believe And Love the Angels

20th Sunday after Pentecost 2016

The Introit of this Mass reminds us that we suffer because of the misfortunes of life and we can avoid this by behaving and practicing virtue.  The Gospel teaches the importance of believing in order to gain favors, even miracles, from God.  Finally, we have been given guardian angels and we should love these closest friends and have devotion to them.



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Peace: Our Reward For Virtue

4th Sunday after Pentecost

Father first reminds us of the wonderful Feasts on the calendar this week, particularly that of St. Anthony – called the Wonder Worker because of his tremendous impact on the Church after his relatively short life on earth.  Subsequently, Father turns to the readings for today’s Mass and concentrates on the theme “virtue is its own reward.”  He mentions not only virtue in a generic sense but supernatural virtue, both of which have their own rewards.  Supernatural virtue, however, has as its reward “conscience” which ever impels us to the good despite our attempts to deny its impact on our lives.  It may, in fact, be the driving force which leads us to repentance and eternal happiness in Heaven.  It is, indeed, a gift from God.



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Virtue of Virtues

3rd Sunday after Easter

After explaining why St. George became a popular saint and reading the Epistle and Gospel, Father briefly explains the “little while” of today’s Gospel and then gives a close reading of the Epistle in which St. Peter instructs us on the moral life.   The key is the practice of obedience and meekness which we first must exercise towards ourselves, especially when we get angry at our own failings.



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His Desire To Be United With You

Octave of Christmas 2016
We must remember that Christmas is just the beginning of the work of redemption. It assures us of glorious day of Our Lord’s second coming. We can see in nearly every aspect of the Christmas mystery future events typified. Today we have a second celebration of Christmas, because one day is not enough for this great feast. So many in our day attack the doctrine of the Virgin Birth. This should enrage the pious hearts of true Catholics. On the eighth day after the birth of Our Lord, He was circumcised. This ritual was of divine institution, and through it a baby boy become part of the Hebrew race. It was a type of the sacrament of Baptism which makes us members of the Mystical Body. Although Christ did not need to submit to this ritual, He did so in order to be better associated with the sinners He was about to redeem. On this day the Virgin Mary held Our Lord on her lap and shared for the first time in His sufferings as He shed His first drops of Precious Blood.

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St. Aloysius Gonzaga

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
St. Aloysius Gonzaga was seen in a vision to be numbered among the highest saints in Heaven.  Many eyewitnesses of his life stated that they had never seen such piety in any youth as they saw in this saint, whose purity of speech and conduct was beyond reproach.  After joining the Jesuits, he always desired to be considered the least of his brothers and sought the most menial tasks.  He is a model of piety, devotion, and purity for all Catholics.

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Love Him In Return

Feast of the Sacred Heart 2015
“To have Christ dwelling through faith in your heart” refers to the abiding presence of the Divine Person of Christ in our souls while in the state of grace.  When St. Paul speaks of knowing God’s love, he does not simply refer to an intellectual knowledge, but rather a direct, immediate experience of the love of God, just as the great saints experienced.  This feast of the Sacred Heart was requested directly by Our Lord, and no man is free to ignore this devotion.  The original sketch of the Sacred Heart shows a great wound inside of which is written the word “caritas” – “love”.  This devotion was reserved for a time when the world had grown cold in its love that it might gain favor through the revelation of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart.

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Our Voyage to Heaven

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2015
Today, St. John instructs us on how to live the Christian life, and how this life of grace and love demands good works.  The whole first half of the liturgical year is summed up in the feast of the Holy Trinity.  Now the Father and the Son have sent the Holy Spirit to draw us towards Heaven.  The three Theological Virtues and the four Moral Virtues are like the oars of our ship which we actively use to help us reach our celestial destination; but the seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost, like the sails of our ship, operate more passively when we are open to His inspirations.  Although we have all the benefits, we must be vigilant, because our lives are still fraught with dangers.

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God’s Secret

Trinity Sunday 2015
There are two days in the liturgical year on which the establishment of a feast day has been requested by Heaven directly, one of which being the feast of Corpus Christi.  We should know the details of the establishment of this feast, which was meant to combat the future attacks against the Holy Eucharist.

Our Lord commanded that all nations be converted and baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.  Every Mass begins with the invocation of the Holy Trinity in the Sign of the Cross.  There are numerous symbols in the Church which express the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.  The Kyrie and the Gloria of the Mass proclaim and praise the Triune God

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