Running To Our Lord

Feast of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus 2023
Investiture of Sister Rose Michael
When the priest gives the habit of Mount Carmel, it is Christ Himself giving the habit and all the graces attached to it.  God wishes that a person embrace religion willingly, without any external pressure.  In poverty we place all our trust in divine assistance.  In chastity we experience the true meaning of love, offering body and soul to our Divine Savior.  In holy obedience we follow God’s Will through our superiors.  God is calling us to live a life joined to the Passion.  We will be sanctified if we maintain great desires in our holy vocation.

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Concerning The Pope

Q&A Conference September 2023
The question of the validity of the current pontificate has come to the fore more than ever because of its great importance for Catholics.  The danger of schism and the principle that no Catholic is capable of officially judging the pope are the reasons why one must be very careful and ensure he is taking the safest path on this matter.  Although a person may possess the intellectual competency to have a personal belief about the validity of the current pontificate, one must have the authoritative competency to make a definitive statement on behalf of the Church.

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We Offer Infinite Glory

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2023
Today’s Gospel warns us against neglecting God.  If we put off His invitation to salvation through sin and vice, we will surely lose His invitation.  God instituted the feast of Corpus Christi right before this Sunday to remind us of the importance of the Blessed Sacrament.  This day is a second Corpus Christi in which we may offer ourselves in union with Christ.  Through the Holy Sacrifice we give God infinite glory. Without the spirit of poverty, chastity and obedience, we will not be saved.

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True And False Obedience

3rd Sunday after Easter 2023
Only those who are sorry receive that forgiveness of Christ.  Our Lord in this Gospel says that in a little while He will die and then in a little while His Apostles will see Him alive again in glory.  It is not in the Resurrection but in His glorious Second Coming when we shall experience joy unimaginable.  We are told that those who pray will be saved and through mystic prayer we may begin to experience Heaven on Earth.  We should read the lives of the Saints and imitate them according to supernatural prudence.

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Your Path to Heaven

Feast Of The Holy Family 2023
In these days, when the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Mother is so often attacked by the world, we must defend the doctrine that she was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ.  Because the pain suffered in childbirth is a consequence of original sin, the Mother of God, who was free from sin and its consequences, did not suffer any such pains.  Christ is the model of obedience, that supernatural virtue which inclines us to submit to lawful authority.  If the Son of God was willing to submit to men, who are we to resist the virtue of obedience?

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We Fear Our Mighty King

Feast Of Christ The King 2022
We often forget that Christ, as the Son of God, owns us completely.  We belong to Him because He created us.  All power on earth comes from above, because it all comes from God.  Although, we often remember the meekness of Christ, we should also be filled with holy fear when contemplating His might.  We read in the Scriptural account how an entire cohort of men, armed with weapons, drew back, and fell to the ground at the words and look of the Savior and how St. John describes a formidable image of the conquering Christ in his apocalyptic vision.  We desire the social kingdom of Christ in which Our Lord is obeyed by all nations and all governments throughout the entire world.

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We Must Obey To Be Saved

20th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
The official in the Gospel for this Mass traveled a long distance to find Christ, but was rebuked for his lack of faith.  Yet, Christ rewarded the little faith he had, curing his child, and converting his whole household into some of the very first Christians.  St. Paul tells us that God’s Will is that we pray continuously and redeem the time we have wasted.  We must not be foolish with this precious gift of time.  What would the people in hell give for a little more time?  If we do not practice obedience and give up our will, we can be sure we lack the other virtues.  We must act for God and our neighbor, not for our own desires.

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We Possess All We Need

7th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
We are not only able to determine the virtue or malice of our neighbor by the fruits he produces, but if we are honest with ourselves, we can see whether our own fruits are good or evil.  We can find the first fruits of our lives in our prayers, the second in our confessions, and the third we find in our willingness to follow the Will of God.  To follow God’s Will is obedience and obedience is necessary for salvation.  All we must do is desire to follow the Divine Will and pray for the grace to do so.  We possess all we need to reach heaven.

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Fundamentals For Fatherhood

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2022
With the vocation of fatherhood being so attacked in the world today, it is more important than ever for Catholic fathers to hold fast to the holy principals of their vocation.  True manhood, with its accompanying virtues of perseverance, responsibility, and love of neighbor, is the essential foundation for this vocation.  The father as the head of the family is responsible before all others for, not only the intellectual, but also the spiritual education of his children.  In following the example of the great saintly fathers of Catholic history, men will be able to meet the expectation of this most necessary calling.

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Die To Self

Good Friday 2022
There is one thing that we know and can be certain about and that is that God became a Man and died on this day.  From all eternity this was in the Divine Mind and the ultimate purpose for all creation.  The Sacred Liturgy, in the absence of the Holy Mass today, re-presents the events on Calvary for us to share.  We are imitating the early Christians by using the same liturgical rites as they did.  When Our Lord died on the cross He made a special effort to direct and to entrust us to His own Mother.  We honor and love her as the Co-Redemptrix and Mother of Sorrows because her Divine Son instructed us to do this.  We must appreciate what our sins have done to Son and Mother and detest them by an immolation of our selfishness with Christ on the cross.

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