Queen of Angels And Men

Conference On First Friday, May 2021 – Feast Of St. Stanislaus
St. Stanislaus is the patron saint of Poland and an example of a bishop who gives his life to protect his flock.  The month of May is dedicated to Our Lady’s queenship and ends with Her feast day.  Pope Pius XII instituted the feast with an encyclical that sounds prophetic in its words: “especially in troubled times the world has turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen”. This is for several reasons beginning with Her divine maternity which started at the Annunciation.  By Her “fiat” God became man and thereby showed that all graces would come from Him but through Her. The Blessed Mother is Queen by being the highest of any creature in charity and all the other virtues.  She also has the title by earning it with Our Lord at Calvary as His cooperator in redemption.  We must proclaim Her sovereignty and draw close to Her.

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Guardians Of The Liturgy

Easter Sunday 2021
We gather at the stational Church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary because she was the first to see her Risen Son Who truly died and rose again.  At this Mass we join with those from last night’s vigil in renewing our baptismal promises and the renouncing of Satan and all his works and pomps.  This Mass is mystic and the Introit expresses the eternal unity of the Blessed Trinity and much more.  The priests and those preparing for the priesthood must heed the last prophetic reading from the vigil last night which carries a warning for those commissioned to protect Our Lord in the Mass and sacred liturgy.  Happy Easter.

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Let Me Praise You, O Holy Virgin

Palm Sunday 2021
In response to a recent statement that the Virgin Mary’s title of Co-Redemptrix is “foolishness” we have this special message. It is a brief and powerful defense of our Blessed Mother’s title of Co-Redemptrix with a simple explanation of its meaning and how important it is for the Church’s prayer and life.

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Favored By God

Feast Of The Annunciation 2021
This feast celebrates the moment when salvation began with the acceptance by the Blessed Virgin Mary of her role as Mother of God and Co-Redemptrix of the human race.  God became Man today and the Incarnation is the chief teaching of the Catholic Church about Jesus Christ.  This also marks the anniversary of Our Lord’s ordination as a priest.  All this elevates the Immaculate Virgin to the threshold of divinity by her proximity to the hypostatic union which took place in her womb.  This can be considered her greatest feast.  It was a privilege for some of us to have visited the Holy House of Loretto because this is the place where it started.  We should not be rude in prayer by letting ourselves be distracted from speaking with God.


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Father Of God

Feast Of St. Joseph 2021
The Incarnation and the Redemption depend also on the head of the Holy Family, St. Joseph, who was the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the father, although not the biological father, of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Without St. Joseph our salvation would not have been accomplished.  God the Father infused a spark of His own paternal love and care into the heart of St. Joseph so this man would love His Son on earth and raise Jesus to be the Perfect Man.  Although Christ looked like His Mother, Jesus acted like St. Joseph.  As he cared for Our Lady and Our Lord, St. Joseph has cared for us and all those dedicated to him.  The vestments today attest to that care by St. Joseph and miracle of the Holy Stairs in Santa Fe do also.  Go to Joseph because he watches over us.

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Purification, Presentation and Candles

Feast Of The Purification 2021
This feast was already old in the fourth century.  It celebrates Our Lady’s fulfilling the Law by going to the temple forty days after giving birth so she could be admitted once more ceremonially to worship.  Her humility was extraordinary because she was not bound by the Law but she freely submitted as her Divine Son did also.  In addition, on this same day, Christ was presented in the temple as the first born Son to receive His rightful place and to be ransomed for a time until His hour has come and He will return to complete the sacrifice.  The candle which is blessed and used in today’s procession reminds us of the Holy Infant being carried in the first procession centuries ago which revealed the Light of Revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.

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The Epiphany And The Holy Family

Feast Of The Holy Family 2021
The crèche is a composite of many events surrounding the Nativity and culminating with the adoration of the Magi which is celebrated on the feast of the Epiphany.  The first Sunday after this feast is that of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  The Gospel tells the story of the finding of Our Lord in the Temple at the age of 12.  The Holy Family is a model of liturgical prayer for our families because of its fidelity and devotion to all the celebrations of the Old Testament like the Passover.  Our religious community has enjoyed the patronage of the Holy Family for 44 years and we are grateful for that and for all the assistance we have received from the faithful.

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Call Upon The Name of Jesus

Feast Of The Holy Name of Jesus 2021
The Gradual for this Mass informs us that invoking the Holy Name of Jesus will bring us to Heaven.  The power, beauty and importance of the Name of God made Man has been taught through the centuries by holy people like St. Bernard and St. Bernadine.  The Apostles raised the dead to life by use of the Holy Name.  Jesus means Savior and by using the Holy Name we are invoking all the blessings of God and the Redemptive Incarnation on us, especially in moments of temptation and struggle.  It links us with Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist and sweetens our prayer life.  Ask your guardian angel to whisper the Holy Name to you often throughout the day.


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Have Courage

Octave of Christmas 2021
As we face the unknown that awaits us during the coming year, we can take comfort in the divine promise that Our Lord will be with us always.  In addition, Our Lady of Guadalupe tells us through Juan Diego that she is our Mother and cares for us.  This octave day of Christmas renews all the joys of the Nativity.  It also commemorates the Circumcision and honors in a special way the divine maternity and the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Mother.  Finally, advice is given in the form of resolutions which will help us progress in our spiritual life in the days ahead.

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Christmas Brings Freedom

Christmas Midnight Mass 2020
Despite all the efforts to lessen the reality and the message of Christmas by those opposed to God, we again celebrate the feast of Our Lord’s Nativity.  The Light has come into this world of darkness and brings truth, life and freedom from sin and its evil effects.  The Son of God, while retaining His divine nature, assumed a human nature and was born in Bethlehem from His ever virgin Mother.  His coming is just the beginning and instills the world with hope for a better future which will lead eventually to heavenly glory.  We must love this Holy Infant in return and pray and help those less fortunate than us to receive the graces offered at Christmas.

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