Attraction to the Divine

3rd Sunday in Lent 2024
As children imitate their parents, so must we imitate God.  When St. Paul in this Epistle says, “how unbecoming of saints,” he is not referring to canonized saints, but all Catholics.  We are all called to sanctity.  We must battle the temptations about which St. Paul speaks by the Rosary, mental prayer, spiritual reading, and devotion to our guardian angels.  Aristotle, judged from reason alone, without the help of Divine Revelation, that “man should be attracted to divine and immortal things as much as he is able, and however little of these things he experiences, he should love them above all inferior substances.”  We should all heed these words.

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Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

Feast of the Purification 2024
The candle is one of the great sacramentals of the Church.  It is like a sacrament in the sense that it is an outward sign, but unlike a sacrament, it does not give grace automatically.  This day links Our Lord and the Blessed Mother so closely.  Today we remember both the joyful mystery of the Rosary and the first of the Virgin Mary’s great sorrows.  Because the Mother of God was not affected by original sin, and because of the Virginal Birth, she was not subject to the law requiring purification.  However, she submitted to it in all humility.  God used the New Eve to carry the New Adam into the Garden, when the Blessed Mother carried Our Lord into the temple.

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His Manifestation To All

2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2024
The Magi had open minds and were seeking the truth.  They followed the star and received Christ into their hearts.  Unlike God’s revelation to the Magi or St. John the Baptist, the wedding feast was a manifestation of Christ’s divinity to everyone.  In the divine plan, God did not change His mind but made the miracle at Cana dependent on the Blessed Mother’s request.  The Virgin Mary was sensitive to the interests of the host of the feast, and her interest is carried over to each one of us.  The water turning into wine was a prefiguring of Transubstantiation.

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The Family, The Foundation of the World

Feast of the Holy Family 2024
St. Joseph is the head of our family.  He was formed in the image of God the Father because he was given a share of the same love that God possesses for His Son.  St. Joseph loves us as he loved Christ, because we are part of the Mystical Body.  The Blessed Virgin is the true Mother of God because she gave Him His human life.  Our Lord knew all things in His Divine Mind, but He chose to learn as we do in His human mind, so He could be the perfect model of humility.  He wanted to be like us, so we would want to be like Him.  Today we are taught about the virtue of obedience, without which we cannot be saved.

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Now God Has A Name

Christmas Octave 2024
The saints of the Christmas season are St. Stephen, the model of resistance against unbelief, St. John, the Apostle against division within the Church, and the Holy Innocents, who are the models standing against corrupt governments.  Today is the feast of the Circumcision, which offers proof of the true humanity of Christ, because on this day He shed the first drops of His Precious Blood.  In participating in this ceremony of the Old Law, Christ was associated with us sinners, and will be for all eternity.  Today God was given a name that all could utter.  When we call upon the name of Jesus, we ask God to save our soul.  Today is also the Solemnity of Mary which proclaims the Virgin Birth.

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Light Will Conquer Darkness

Christmas Day 2023
We have the privilege of giving glory and proper worship to the Trinity on this day.  We celebrate the dogma of the Redemptive Incarnation.  In His infinite love, God became man, lived with us and died for us.  Our Lord’s enemies try to attack and undermine this great feast, but without success.  We must love justice and hate iniquity.  The Light spoken about in the Gospel is the Son of God Himself.  Everyone is offered the light of God’s grace, and those who receive it are made sons of God.  The devil’s plan is to turn mankind from God, but we know the victory has already been won.  In the face of the world, we are unwavering in our obedience to the Trinity.

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A Silent And Holy Night

Christmas Midnight Mass 2023
It is a true joy to relive the happiness of that night in Bethlehem in which our Savior was born.  It was in silence and solitude Our Lord entered the world.  Just as Christ passed through the rock of His tomb at the moment of His Resurrection, He passed through the womb of the Blessed Mother, without violating her virginity.  This chapel is our Bethlehem, in which we relive the moments of the Nativity.  We are united with all of our forefathers throughout the history of the Church.  Our Lord came not only for the glory of His Father, but for us and our salvation.  Christmas is the beginning of Christ’s victory over the world.

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Peace and Rest

Vigil of Christmas 2023
Today the Church cries out, “We will have Him to rule over us!”  This Mass is like an early celebration of Christmas.  “Come Lord and Reign!” says the Alleluia verse.  According to St. Ignatius Martyr, the reason St. Joseph was betrothed to the Blessed Virgin Mary was to hide the miracle of her virginal conception from the devil, who was searching for the fulfillment of that prophecy.  Today we know that the Lord is coming, and tomorrow we will be with Him in the manger through the Holy Eucharist.

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Freedom From Anxiety

3rd Sunday of Advent 2023
Gaudete Sunday – This is a day in which we take joy in our Catholic Faith, a day without anxiety or trouble of heart.  We must make our petitions known to God, trusting that they will be answered in the best way possible.  God gives us the grace to ask for the helps we need.  Those who are of good will enjoy peace in this life.  The patrons of Advent are the prophet Isaias, St. John the Baptist, and the Blessed Virgin.  We must strive to remove whatever is in our life which impairs our union with Our Lord.

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Am I Not Your Mother?

Evening Sermon on the Feast of
The Immaculate Conception 2023
Pope Pius IX, invoking his infallibility, proclaimed the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1854.  Our Lady was saved in a unique way by her preservation from Original Sin at the moment of her Immaculate Conception.  The Epistle for this feast was applied to the Virgin Mary by the Church to emphasize that she was always in God’s mind.  The faithful have always believed this dogma, supported by Holy Scripture, since the beginning of Christianity.  Our Country is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.

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