Purity of Intention

Quinquagesima Sunday 2021
In preparation for Ash Wednesday and Lent there is a review of the laws concerning fast and abstinence.  Today is also the feast of St. Valentine and his impact in our own day.  The Epistle for this Mass is taken from St. Paul and teaches us the importance of doing all our works, especially the upcoming penances, with purity of intention which is produced by charity.  The Gospel tells of the cure of the blind man by Our Lord.  We are that blind man who need God’s help to see our sinfulness and do something about it.

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Purification, Presentation and Candles

Feast Of The Purification 2021
This feast was already old in the fourth century.  It celebrates Our Lady’s fulfilling the Law by going to the temple forty days after giving birth so she could be admitted once more ceremonially to worship.  Her humility was extraordinary because she was not bound by the Law but she freely submitted as her Divine Son did also.  In addition, on this same day, Christ was presented in the temple as the first born Son to receive His rightful place and to be ransomed for a time until His hour has come and He will return to complete the sacrifice.  The candle which is blessed and used in today’s procession reminds us of the Holy Infant being carried in the first procession centuries ago which revealed the Light of Revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.

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The Conversion of St. Paul

3rd Sunday After Epiphany 2021
The showing of Our Lord’s divinity through the time after the Epiphany continues this Sunday with His cures of the leper and the centurion’s servant. Tomorrow is the feast of the conversion of St. Paul and because Christianity hinges on this event it is described in detail for us to appreciate it.  Because of the miraculous nature of this, the sermon during today’s Q&A teaches us about miracles, their purpose and how to judge them.  We then learn more about Saul, the persecutor of the Church, and what he accomplished for God after the unexpected and dramatic moment of his meeting Our Lord on the road to Damascus.

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Warning Signs Of The End

First Friday Conference December 2020
Advent is the time of preparation for Christmas and the second coming of Christ.  The sacred liturgy has the ability because of God’s power to relive a past event like the Nativity, bring its graces to us in the present and prepare us for its fulfillment in the future with Our Lord’s return.  St. Matthew’s Gospel about the signs at the end of time is meant to warn us for the trials of those days.  St. Luke also gives these signs and encourages us to lift up our heads knowing that our redemption is near.  This conference then contains a listing and description of the signs of the times so we can be ready.

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Language of Love

17th Sunday after Pentecost 2020
The Epistle for today points us to the Catholic Church which we are blessed to have.  It has the one true Faith and a unity of belief, worship, sacraments and hierarchy.  Christ gave us this as a means of fulfilling the two great commandments of love which He repeats in the Gospel for this Sunday.  In this kingdom we learn to speak the language of love so that we will be fluent when we reach heaven.  We must prepare now for our death which will usher us into heaven.  Pride is the obstacle and we have time now to remove this from our spiritual life.


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Friend, Come Up Higher

16th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This week we have the Ember Days and the feasts of St. Matthew and the North American Martyrs.  St. Paul in the Epistle for today’s Mass writes about God the Father as the source of all fatherhood in the world.  Our Lord in the Gospel teaches the importance of humility in the parable of the wedding feast.  Pride is the vice that is the worst obstacle we face in our spiritual life.  The Collect for today is about grace and how it inspires us in good works and helps us complete them.  Always follow the motions of grace that God sends.


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Beg For Fidelity

11th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This Sunday continues the renewal of the Paschal mystery with the account from St. Paul’s epistle of the several appearances of the Risen Lord before His Ascension – one to over 500 people.  The Gospel about the cure of the deaf mute is so impressive that it has been incorporated into the ceremonies surrounding one of the Paschal sacraments, namely, Baptism.  Yet, this miraculous cure pales in comparison with the Consecration at today’s Mass.

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The Prayer Of The Proud Man

10th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
Today’s Gospel contrasts the prayer of the Pharisee and the Publican.  The proud Pharisee thanks God for making him better than everyone else, especially the Publican.  We should compare ourselves to the best so as not to be complacent and even foster our own humility at the same time.  Humility of will is that virtue by which we not only realize our need for humiliation but enjoy it.  We learn this in the lives of the saints like St. Peter.  This holiness of the saints is one of the ways, along with Christ’s miracles like the Resurrection, to find proofs that Catholicism is the True Church.

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The Mass Is Theocentric

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
Conference After Mass

After the Epistle and Gospel, Father spoke about the care he received the last few weeks and his attendance at Mass and how much it is centered on God.  Then he spoke about today’s feast of St. Alphonsus Liguori who is the patron of moral theologians and who propagated the system of probabilism through his newly founded congregation and its priest members.  St. Alphonsus’ father opposed his vocation to the priesthood until he heard his son’s first sermon and then he approached him in sorrow and repentance for causing him difficulty in pursuing it.  St. Alphonsus wrote many devotional works, was the instrument of miracles and the example for other saints like St. Gerard Majella.

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Are We Afraid Of Battle?

5th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
In the Gospel Christ condemns unjust anger and asks us to love our enemies.  Will we shirk this duty as a soldier who refuses to go into battle?  In the Epistle St. Peter writes that we should be merciful and in return we will receive mercy.

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