Favored By God

Feast Of The Annunciation 2021
This feast celebrates the moment when salvation began with the acceptance by the Blessed Virgin Mary of her role as Mother of God and Co-Redemptrix of the human race.  God became Man today and the Incarnation is the chief teaching of the Catholic Church about Jesus Christ.  This also marks the anniversary of Our Lord’s ordination as a priest.  All this elevates the Immaculate Virgin to the threshold of divinity by her proximity to the hypostatic union which took place in her womb.  This can be considered her greatest feast.  It was a privilege for some of us to have visited the Holy House of Loretto because this is the place where it started.  We should not be rude in prayer by letting ourselves be distracted from speaking with God.


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Consolation of the Transfiguration

2nd Sunday In Lent 2021
Our Lord took the three apostles who would soon be tested during His agony in the garden and showed them a glimpse of His divinity during the theophany on Mt. Tabor so they would be strengthened by the remembrance of it at that crucial time.  We too are consoled by this sight as we struggle through Lent with our eyes always fixed on the goal which is our glorification in the end with our Risen Savior.

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Have Courage

Octave of Christmas 2021
As we face the unknown that awaits us during the coming year, we can take comfort in the divine promise that Our Lord will be with us always.  In addition, Our Lady of Guadalupe tells us through Juan Diego that she is our Mother and cares for us.  This octave day of Christmas renews all the joys of the Nativity.  It also commemorates the Circumcision and honors in a special way the divine maternity and the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Mother.  Finally, advice is given in the form of resolutions which will help us progress in our spiritual life in the days ahead.

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Christmas Brings Freedom

Christmas Midnight Mass 2020
Despite all the efforts to lessen the reality and the message of Christmas by those opposed to God, we again celebrate the feast of Our Lord’s Nativity.  The Light has come into this world of darkness and brings truth, life and freedom from sin and its evil effects.  The Son of God, while retaining His divine nature, assumed a human nature and was born in Bethlehem from His ever virgin Mother.  His coming is just the beginning and instills the world with hope for a better future which will lead eventually to heavenly glory.  We must love this Holy Infant in return and pray and help those less fortunate than us to receive the graces offered at Christmas.

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Warning Signs Of The End

First Friday Conference December 2020
Advent is the time of preparation for Christmas and the second coming of Christ.  The sacred liturgy has the ability because of God’s power to relive a past event like the Nativity, bring its graces to us in the present and prepare us for its fulfillment in the future with Our Lord’s return.  St. Matthew’s Gospel about the signs at the end of time is meant to warn us for the trials of those days.  St. Luke also gives these signs and encourages us to lift up our heads knowing that our redemption is near.  This conference then contains a listing and description of the signs of the times so we can be ready.

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We Will Reap What We Sow

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2020
Our Lady’s 30 days end this week so we must be grateful for the graces received through her intercession.  The Introit shows how God allows us to pray with confidence because of Christ the High Priest.  St. Paul warns us to labor for spiritual rewards so we will received incorruptible merits and never to forget from where we come.  In commenting on the Gospel St. Augustine reminds us that the miracle of raising those dead in mortal sin is greater than the raising of the widow’s son.

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Our Most Sublime Prayer

3rd Sunday After Pentecost 2020
The Gospel shows Our Lord coming to protect us and this is perfect for Father’s Day as well.  When asked how to pray Christ gave us the Our Father.  When we receive Holy Communion we are united with Our Lord.  We are meant to be saints and must pray and strive for that always.  Not to desire sanctity is a sin.  We should do everything for our Heavenly Father and someday reach eternal happiness.

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Keep Them From Evil

Sunday After The Ascension 2020
Today is also Memorial day and not a time to discuss just war theory but to honor and to pray for the soldiers who died for us.  This month of May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and we should be doing something everyday in Her honor.  Thanksgiving to God because of Her intercession for our return to the Mass and Sacraments is a recommended prayer now.  Today is a renewal of the Ascension and a continuation of our preparation with the Apostles for the coming of Pentecost.  This trial for them was the illuminative way in which we are meant to share.  The Mass texts are beautiful and the Postcommunion reminds us of Our Lord’s priestly prayer for unity.  We should pray and be faithful.

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Heaven Is Our Real Home

Ascension Thursday 2020
Today Our Lord gloriously entered heaven and made it a home for all humanity through His Sacred Human Nature seated at the right hand of God the Father.  To emphasize this, all the saved who had been detained in the Limbo of the Patriarchs from Adam to St. John the Baptist entered heaven in triumph with Christ.  With His departure the apostles began their novena in preparation for the coming of the Holy Ghost and entered into their own spiritual purification by detaching themselves from all that hindered their progress in the spiritual life.  We must join them during these days of prayer & penance before Pentecost.  Our attention should always be focused on our goal which is our heavenly home.  With society collapsing around us we have heaven as our one remaining hope.

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The Intimate Love Of God

Good Shepherd Sunday 2020
The beautiful expanded account of the Gospel of the Good Shepherd is comforting and consoling.  We are free from fear and death.  As Catholics we do not simply submit to our demise as the animals do but we embrace it as Our Savior did.  A plenary indulgence is attached to such a heroic death. Christ suffered terribly to save us and speaks lovingly to us as our Shepherd.  His love will not permit anything truly evil to touch us.  Any cross He allows us the privilege to carry will bring us to a happier future.

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